Church Tech
Benefits of Using an Online Pledge Platform for Your Church's Capital Campaign

Benefits of Using an Online Pledge Platform for Your Church's Capital Campaign

Taking your church's capital campaign online can transform the way you connect with donors, manage funds, and track your progress toward your financial goals.

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Modern Church leader
Church Tech
Publish date
July 25, 2024

Navigating the waters of a church capital campaign can be a daunting task. From managing pledges to engaging with the congregation, church leaders and administrators are tasked with a multitude of responsibilities that require significant time and attention to detail.

Taking your church's capital campaign online can transform the way you connect with donors, manage funds, and track your progress toward your financial goals. Below, we explore the benefits of using an online pledge platform for your church's capital campaign.

Increased Convenience for Donors

These days, convenience is king. An online pledge platform caters to this desire by allowing donors to contribute anytime, anywhere, with just a few clicks. No more writing checks or making cash donations. An online pledge platform lets people use their mobile phones to give.

This ease of use is especially appealing to younger generations who lean towards digital transactions over traditional cash or checks. The reality is that most people under the age of 45 rely heavily on digital transaction platforms, like PayPal, Venmo, and Apple Pay. By using an online pledge platform, you are tapping into a wider pool of potential donors and making it easier for them to give.

This accessibility not only simplifies the donation process but also significantly boosts participation rates, opening the doors to more support.

Simplified Pledge Management

Gone are the days of manually tracking paper pledges and following up on commitments. With an online platform, the entire process becomes streamlined.

Donors can submit their pledges, set up recurring donations, and alter their information as needed without help from church staff. This efficiency frees up valuable administrative time, which can be redirected towards other critical aspects of the campaign.

Additionally, most online pledge platforms automatically track and report all transactions in real time, providing a clear and immediate overview of fundraising progress. Church leaders can easily identify trends, adjust strategies on the fly, and acknowledge milestones to keep the momentum going.

Furthermore, the automated reminders for outstanding pledges reduce the awkwardness of personally chasing down contributions, ensuring a smoother and more consistent flow of funds.

Enhanced Transparency and Reporting

Real-time tracking and reporting are fundamental features of online pledge platforms. They offer a transparent view of campaign progress, enabling donors to witness the direct impact of their contributions.

What's more, church leaders gain access to comprehensive data, facilitating informed decisions and strategic planning. This transparency fosters trust and encourages a culture of openness between the church and its supporters.

By allowing donors to monitor their contributions and see how close the church is to achieving its fundraising goals, an online pledge platform ensures a level of accountability and involvement that's hard to replicate with traditional methods.

It also simplifies the audit process for church finances, as all transactions are digitally recorded and easily accessible. This level of detail and accessibility not only bolsters donor confidence but also enhances the church's ability to steward its resources effectively.

Expanded Donor Reach

The digital nature of an online platform breaks down geographical barriers, allowing churches to extend their reach far beyond the local congregation. This increased access broadens the fundraising landscape, attracting potential donors who might resonate with your church's mission but cannot participate physically.

The potential for support grows exponentially, aiding your church in reaching—or even surpassing—its campaign objectives.

Additionally, social media integration allows for easy sharing of fundraising campaigns, multiplying visibility and engagement. And, most platforms can accommodate multiple languages and currencies, making it easier for international supporters to contribute.

Free online giving tools for your church

Tithely provides the best online tools to help you increase generosity, manage your church, and engage your church members.

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Digital giving apps and tools

Potential for Increased Giving

There is quite a bit of evidence that shifting to online giving can lead to more substantial donations over time. The ability to set up recurring gifts and easily increase pledge amounts contributes to this trend. Additionally, the simple act of moving to an online pledge platform can signify progress and innovation to donors, both of which can inspire more generous giving.

What's more, pledge platforms often have features that remind donors of upcoming pledges and encourage them to consider additional giving opportunities. This, in turn, creates a culture of generosity. The convenience and simplicity of giving online can reduce also barriers for first-time donors, potentially increasing the overall donor base.

More Targeted Messaging

Personalization is a powerful tool for engaging supporters. When it comes to capital campaigns, donors want to feel like they're making a meaningful contribution to your cause. They want to feel connected to the campaign and like their giving makes a real difference.

Online pledge platforms give churches the ability to segment donors based on their contribution history and interests. This enables churches to craft personalized messages that highlight certain campaign aspects most likely to resonate, increasing the effectiveness of communication efforts and fostering deeper connections.

Using Interactive Features

Today’s donors expect dynamic engagement. With features like videos and regular updates, online platforms can transform a traditional capital campaign into an immersive, interactive experience. Interactive features such as real-time funding progress bars and social sharing options can significantly enhance the feeling of achievement among donors, motivating them further.

These elements not only captivate attention but also build a sense of community among donors, keeping them engaged and invested in the campaign’s success.

By integrating interactive Q&A functionality, pledge platforms can facilitate immediate communication and feedback, making donors feel heard and valued. This level of interactivity not only fosters a vibrant community atmosphere but also drives campaign momentum by keeping enthusiasm high and encouraging continuous engagement.

Enhanced Security For Transactions

Security concerns can be a significant barrier to online giving. The unfortunate reality is that most people have had at least one bad experience with online transactions. Donors want to be sure that their information is protected and secure.

Reputable online pledge platforms address these concerns head-on by employing secure payment gateways designed to protect both the donor's information and the church’s financial integrity. This commitment to security reassures donors, making them more comfortable with online transactions.

Transparency in the Use of Funds

Finally, an online pledge platform can serve as a valuable tool in demonstrating accountability. By regularly sharing how donations are being utilized within the campaign or church projects, you build trust and credibility. This transparency not only gratifies donors but also motivates continued support, grounding your campaign in a foundation of mutual respect and integrity.

Online pledge platforms often incorporate features that allow for the easy tracking and reporting of how funds are allocated. They can enable organizations to create detailed reports and visual representations of financials, making it simpler for donors to understand where their contributions are going.

Additionally, these platforms can facilitate direct communication between the church and its donors, offering updates on project progress and demonstrating the tangible impact of their donations.

Final Thoughts

Adopting an online giving platform for your church’s capital campaign offers a wide array of benefits that can significantly enhance efficacy, broaden reach, and deepen donor engagement. For church leaders and pastors looking to modernize their fundraising efforts and maximize their campaign’s potential, exploring the possibilities of digital giving could very well be the key to unlocking success.


Tithely provides the tools you need to engage with your church online, stay connected, increase generosity, and simplify the lives of your staff.

With tools like text and email messaging, custom church apps and websites, church management software, digital giving, and so much more… it’s no wonder why over 37,000 churches in 50 countries trust Tithely to help run their church. 

Navigating the waters of a church capital campaign can be a daunting task. From managing pledges to engaging with the congregation, church leaders and administrators are tasked with a multitude of responsibilities that require significant time and attention to detail.

Taking your church's capital campaign online can transform the way you connect with donors, manage funds, and track your progress toward your financial goals. Below, we explore the benefits of using an online pledge platform for your church's capital campaign.

Increased Convenience for Donors

These days, convenience is king. An online pledge platform caters to this desire by allowing donors to contribute anytime, anywhere, with just a few clicks. No more writing checks or making cash donations. An online pledge platform lets people use their mobile phones to give.

This ease of use is especially appealing to younger generations who lean towards digital transactions over traditional cash or checks. The reality is that most people under the age of 45 rely heavily on digital transaction platforms, like PayPal, Venmo, and Apple Pay. By using an online pledge platform, you are tapping into a wider pool of potential donors and making it easier for them to give.

This accessibility not only simplifies the donation process but also significantly boosts participation rates, opening the doors to more support.

Simplified Pledge Management

Gone are the days of manually tracking paper pledges and following up on commitments. With an online platform, the entire process becomes streamlined.

Donors can submit their pledges, set up recurring donations, and alter their information as needed without help from church staff. This efficiency frees up valuable administrative time, which can be redirected towards other critical aspects of the campaign.

Additionally, most online pledge platforms automatically track and report all transactions in real time, providing a clear and immediate overview of fundraising progress. Church leaders can easily identify trends, adjust strategies on the fly, and acknowledge milestones to keep the momentum going.

Furthermore, the automated reminders for outstanding pledges reduce the awkwardness of personally chasing down contributions, ensuring a smoother and more consistent flow of funds.

Enhanced Transparency and Reporting

Real-time tracking and reporting are fundamental features of online pledge platforms. They offer a transparent view of campaign progress, enabling donors to witness the direct impact of their contributions.

What's more, church leaders gain access to comprehensive data, facilitating informed decisions and strategic planning. This transparency fosters trust and encourages a culture of openness between the church and its supporters.

By allowing donors to monitor their contributions and see how close the church is to achieving its fundraising goals, an online pledge platform ensures a level of accountability and involvement that's hard to replicate with traditional methods.

It also simplifies the audit process for church finances, as all transactions are digitally recorded and easily accessible. This level of detail and accessibility not only bolsters donor confidence but also enhances the church's ability to steward its resources effectively.

Expanded Donor Reach

The digital nature of an online platform breaks down geographical barriers, allowing churches to extend their reach far beyond the local congregation. This increased access broadens the fundraising landscape, attracting potential donors who might resonate with your church's mission but cannot participate physically.

The potential for support grows exponentially, aiding your church in reaching—or even surpassing—its campaign objectives.

Additionally, social media integration allows for easy sharing of fundraising campaigns, multiplying visibility and engagement. And, most platforms can accommodate multiple languages and currencies, making it easier for international supporters to contribute.

Free online giving tools for your church

Tithely provides the best online tools to help you increase generosity, manage your church, and engage your church members.

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Digital giving apps and tools

Potential for Increased Giving

There is quite a bit of evidence that shifting to online giving can lead to more substantial donations over time. The ability to set up recurring gifts and easily increase pledge amounts contributes to this trend. Additionally, the simple act of moving to an online pledge platform can signify progress and innovation to donors, both of which can inspire more generous giving.

What's more, pledge platforms often have features that remind donors of upcoming pledges and encourage them to consider additional giving opportunities. This, in turn, creates a culture of generosity. The convenience and simplicity of giving online can reduce also barriers for first-time donors, potentially increasing the overall donor base.

More Targeted Messaging

Personalization is a powerful tool for engaging supporters. When it comes to capital campaigns, donors want to feel like they're making a meaningful contribution to your cause. They want to feel connected to the campaign and like their giving makes a real difference.

Online pledge platforms give churches the ability to segment donors based on their contribution history and interests. This enables churches to craft personalized messages that highlight certain campaign aspects most likely to resonate, increasing the effectiveness of communication efforts and fostering deeper connections.

Using Interactive Features

Today’s donors expect dynamic engagement. With features like videos and regular updates, online platforms can transform a traditional capital campaign into an immersive, interactive experience. Interactive features such as real-time funding progress bars and social sharing options can significantly enhance the feeling of achievement among donors, motivating them further.

These elements not only captivate attention but also build a sense of community among donors, keeping them engaged and invested in the campaign’s success.

By integrating interactive Q&A functionality, pledge platforms can facilitate immediate communication and feedback, making donors feel heard and valued. This level of interactivity not only fosters a vibrant community atmosphere but also drives campaign momentum by keeping enthusiasm high and encouraging continuous engagement.

Enhanced Security For Transactions

Security concerns can be a significant barrier to online giving. The unfortunate reality is that most people have had at least one bad experience with online transactions. Donors want to be sure that their information is protected and secure.

Reputable online pledge platforms address these concerns head-on by employing secure payment gateways designed to protect both the donor's information and the church’s financial integrity. This commitment to security reassures donors, making them more comfortable with online transactions.

Transparency in the Use of Funds

Finally, an online pledge platform can serve as a valuable tool in demonstrating accountability. By regularly sharing how donations are being utilized within the campaign or church projects, you build trust and credibility. This transparency not only gratifies donors but also motivates continued support, grounding your campaign in a foundation of mutual respect and integrity.

Online pledge platforms often incorporate features that allow for the easy tracking and reporting of how funds are allocated. They can enable organizations to create detailed reports and visual representations of financials, making it simpler for donors to understand where their contributions are going.

Additionally, these platforms can facilitate direct communication between the church and its donors, offering updates on project progress and demonstrating the tangible impact of their donations.

Final Thoughts

Adopting an online giving platform for your church’s capital campaign offers a wide array of benefits that can significantly enhance efficacy, broaden reach, and deepen donor engagement. For church leaders and pastors looking to modernize their fundraising efforts and maximize their campaign’s potential, exploring the possibilities of digital giving could very well be the key to unlocking success.

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Tithely provides the tools you need to engage with your church online, stay connected, increase generosity, and simplify the lives of your staff.

With tools like text and email messaging, custom church apps and websites, church management software, digital giving, and so much more… it’s no wonder why over 37,000 churches in 50 countries trust Tithely to help run their church. 

Navigating the waters of a church capital campaign can be a daunting task. From managing pledges to engaging with the congregation, church leaders and administrators are tasked with a multitude of responsibilities that require significant time and attention to detail.

Taking your church's capital campaign online can transform the way you connect with donors, manage funds, and track your progress toward your financial goals. Below, we explore the benefits of using an online pledge platform for your church's capital campaign.

Increased Convenience for Donors

These days, convenience is king. An online pledge platform caters to this desire by allowing donors to contribute anytime, anywhere, with just a few clicks. No more writing checks or making cash donations. An online pledge platform lets people use their mobile phones to give.

This ease of use is especially appealing to younger generations who lean towards digital transactions over traditional cash or checks. The reality is that most people under the age of 45 rely heavily on digital transaction platforms, like PayPal, Venmo, and Apple Pay. By using an online pledge platform, you are tapping into a wider pool of potential donors and making it easier for them to give.

This accessibility not only simplifies the donation process but also significantly boosts participation rates, opening the doors to more support.

Simplified Pledge Management

Gone are the days of manually tracking paper pledges and following up on commitments. With an online platform, the entire process becomes streamlined.

Donors can submit their pledges, set up recurring donations, and alter their information as needed without help from church staff. This efficiency frees up valuable administrative time, which can be redirected towards other critical aspects of the campaign.

Additionally, most online pledge platforms automatically track and report all transactions in real time, providing a clear and immediate overview of fundraising progress. Church leaders can easily identify trends, adjust strategies on the fly, and acknowledge milestones to keep the momentum going.

Furthermore, the automated reminders for outstanding pledges reduce the awkwardness of personally chasing down contributions, ensuring a smoother and more consistent flow of funds.

Enhanced Transparency and Reporting

Real-time tracking and reporting are fundamental features of online pledge platforms. They offer a transparent view of campaign progress, enabling donors to witness the direct impact of their contributions.

What's more, church leaders gain access to comprehensive data, facilitating informed decisions and strategic planning. This transparency fosters trust and encourages a culture of openness between the church and its supporters.

By allowing donors to monitor their contributions and see how close the church is to achieving its fundraising goals, an online pledge platform ensures a level of accountability and involvement that's hard to replicate with traditional methods.

It also simplifies the audit process for church finances, as all transactions are digitally recorded and easily accessible. This level of detail and accessibility not only bolsters donor confidence but also enhances the church's ability to steward its resources effectively.

Expanded Donor Reach

The digital nature of an online platform breaks down geographical barriers, allowing churches to extend their reach far beyond the local congregation. This increased access broadens the fundraising landscape, attracting potential donors who might resonate with your church's mission but cannot participate physically.

The potential for support grows exponentially, aiding your church in reaching—or even surpassing—its campaign objectives.

Additionally, social media integration allows for easy sharing of fundraising campaigns, multiplying visibility and engagement. And, most platforms can accommodate multiple languages and currencies, making it easier for international supporters to contribute.

Free online giving tools for your church

Tithely provides the best online tools to help you increase generosity, manage your church, and engage your church members.

Sign Up Free
Digital giving apps and tools

Potential for Increased Giving

There is quite a bit of evidence that shifting to online giving can lead to more substantial donations over time. The ability to set up recurring gifts and easily increase pledge amounts contributes to this trend. Additionally, the simple act of moving to an online pledge platform can signify progress and innovation to donors, both of which can inspire more generous giving.

What's more, pledge platforms often have features that remind donors of upcoming pledges and encourage them to consider additional giving opportunities. This, in turn, creates a culture of generosity. The convenience and simplicity of giving online can reduce also barriers for first-time donors, potentially increasing the overall donor base.

More Targeted Messaging

Personalization is a powerful tool for engaging supporters. When it comes to capital campaigns, donors want to feel like they're making a meaningful contribution to your cause. They want to feel connected to the campaign and like their giving makes a real difference.

Online pledge platforms give churches the ability to segment donors based on their contribution history and interests. This enables churches to craft personalized messages that highlight certain campaign aspects most likely to resonate, increasing the effectiveness of communication efforts and fostering deeper connections.

Using Interactive Features

Today’s donors expect dynamic engagement. With features like videos and regular updates, online platforms can transform a traditional capital campaign into an immersive, interactive experience. Interactive features such as real-time funding progress bars and social sharing options can significantly enhance the feeling of achievement among donors, motivating them further.

These elements not only captivate attention but also build a sense of community among donors, keeping them engaged and invested in the campaign’s success.

By integrating interactive Q&A functionality, pledge platforms can facilitate immediate communication and feedback, making donors feel heard and valued. This level of interactivity not only fosters a vibrant community atmosphere but also drives campaign momentum by keeping enthusiasm high and encouraging continuous engagement.

Enhanced Security For Transactions

Security concerns can be a significant barrier to online giving. The unfortunate reality is that most people have had at least one bad experience with online transactions. Donors want to be sure that their information is protected and secure.

Reputable online pledge platforms address these concerns head-on by employing secure payment gateways designed to protect both the donor's information and the church’s financial integrity. This commitment to security reassures donors, making them more comfortable with online transactions.

Transparency in the Use of Funds

Finally, an online pledge platform can serve as a valuable tool in demonstrating accountability. By regularly sharing how donations are being utilized within the campaign or church projects, you build trust and credibility. This transparency not only gratifies donors but also motivates continued support, grounding your campaign in a foundation of mutual respect and integrity.

Online pledge platforms often incorporate features that allow for the easy tracking and reporting of how funds are allocated. They can enable organizations to create detailed reports and visual representations of financials, making it simpler for donors to understand where their contributions are going.

Additionally, these platforms can facilitate direct communication between the church and its donors, offering updates on project progress and demonstrating the tangible impact of their donations.

Final Thoughts

Adopting an online giving platform for your church’s capital campaign offers a wide array of benefits that can significantly enhance efficacy, broaden reach, and deepen donor engagement. For church leaders and pastors looking to modernize their fundraising efforts and maximize their campaign’s potential, exploring the possibilities of digital giving could very well be the key to unlocking success.

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Navigating the waters of a church capital campaign can be a daunting task. From managing pledges to engaging with the congregation, church leaders and administrators are tasked with a multitude of responsibilities that require significant time and attention to detail.

Taking your church's capital campaign online can transform the way you connect with donors, manage funds, and track your progress toward your financial goals. Below, we explore the benefits of using an online pledge platform for your church's capital campaign.

Increased Convenience for Donors

These days, convenience is king. An online pledge platform caters to this desire by allowing donors to contribute anytime, anywhere, with just a few clicks. No more writing checks or making cash donations. An online pledge platform lets people use their mobile phones to give.

This ease of use is especially appealing to younger generations who lean towards digital transactions over traditional cash or checks. The reality is that most people under the age of 45 rely heavily on digital transaction platforms, like PayPal, Venmo, and Apple Pay. By using an online pledge platform, you are tapping into a wider pool of potential donors and making it easier for them to give.

This accessibility not only simplifies the donation process but also significantly boosts participation rates, opening the doors to more support.

Simplified Pledge Management

Gone are the days of manually tracking paper pledges and following up on commitments. With an online platform, the entire process becomes streamlined.

Donors can submit their pledges, set up recurring donations, and alter their information as needed without help from church staff. This efficiency frees up valuable administrative time, which can be redirected towards other critical aspects of the campaign.

Additionally, most online pledge platforms automatically track and report all transactions in real time, providing a clear and immediate overview of fundraising progress. Church leaders can easily identify trends, adjust strategies on the fly, and acknowledge milestones to keep the momentum going.

Furthermore, the automated reminders for outstanding pledges reduce the awkwardness of personally chasing down contributions, ensuring a smoother and more consistent flow of funds.

Enhanced Transparency and Reporting

Real-time tracking and reporting are fundamental features of online pledge platforms. They offer a transparent view of campaign progress, enabling donors to witness the direct impact of their contributions.

What's more, church leaders gain access to comprehensive data, facilitating informed decisions and strategic planning. This transparency fosters trust and encourages a culture of openness between the church and its supporters.

By allowing donors to monitor their contributions and see how close the church is to achieving its fundraising goals, an online pledge platform ensures a level of accountability and involvement that's hard to replicate with traditional methods.

It also simplifies the audit process for church finances, as all transactions are digitally recorded and easily accessible. This level of detail and accessibility not only bolsters donor confidence but also enhances the church's ability to steward its resources effectively.

Expanded Donor Reach

The digital nature of an online platform breaks down geographical barriers, allowing churches to extend their reach far beyond the local congregation. This increased access broadens the fundraising landscape, attracting potential donors who might resonate with your church's mission but cannot participate physically.

The potential for support grows exponentially, aiding your church in reaching—or even surpassing—its campaign objectives.

Additionally, social media integration allows for easy sharing of fundraising campaigns, multiplying visibility and engagement. And, most platforms can accommodate multiple languages and currencies, making it easier for international supporters to contribute.

Free online giving tools for your church

Tithely provides the best online tools to help you increase generosity, manage your church, and engage your church members.

Sign Up Free
Digital giving apps and tools

Potential for Increased Giving

There is quite a bit of evidence that shifting to online giving can lead to more substantial donations over time. The ability to set up recurring gifts and easily increase pledge amounts contributes to this trend. Additionally, the simple act of moving to an online pledge platform can signify progress and innovation to donors, both of which can inspire more generous giving.

What's more, pledge platforms often have features that remind donors of upcoming pledges and encourage them to consider additional giving opportunities. This, in turn, creates a culture of generosity. The convenience and simplicity of giving online can reduce also barriers for first-time donors, potentially increasing the overall donor base.

More Targeted Messaging

Personalization is a powerful tool for engaging supporters. When it comes to capital campaigns, donors want to feel like they're making a meaningful contribution to your cause. They want to feel connected to the campaign and like their giving makes a real difference.

Online pledge platforms give churches the ability to segment donors based on their contribution history and interests. This enables churches to craft personalized messages that highlight certain campaign aspects most likely to resonate, increasing the effectiveness of communication efforts and fostering deeper connections.

Using Interactive Features

Today’s donors expect dynamic engagement. With features like videos and regular updates, online platforms can transform a traditional capital campaign into an immersive, interactive experience. Interactive features such as real-time funding progress bars and social sharing options can significantly enhance the feeling of achievement among donors, motivating them further.

These elements not only captivate attention but also build a sense of community among donors, keeping them engaged and invested in the campaign’s success.

By integrating interactive Q&A functionality, pledge platforms can facilitate immediate communication and feedback, making donors feel heard and valued. This level of interactivity not only fosters a vibrant community atmosphere but also drives campaign momentum by keeping enthusiasm high and encouraging continuous engagement.

Enhanced Security For Transactions

Security concerns can be a significant barrier to online giving. The unfortunate reality is that most people have had at least one bad experience with online transactions. Donors want to be sure that their information is protected and secure.

Reputable online pledge platforms address these concerns head-on by employing secure payment gateways designed to protect both the donor's information and the church’s financial integrity. This commitment to security reassures donors, making them more comfortable with online transactions.

Transparency in the Use of Funds

Finally, an online pledge platform can serve as a valuable tool in demonstrating accountability. By regularly sharing how donations are being utilized within the campaign or church projects, you build trust and credibility. This transparency not only gratifies donors but also motivates continued support, grounding your campaign in a foundation of mutual respect and integrity.

Online pledge platforms often incorporate features that allow for the easy tracking and reporting of how funds are allocated. They can enable organizations to create detailed reports and visual representations of financials, making it simpler for donors to understand where their contributions are going.

Additionally, these platforms can facilitate direct communication between the church and its donors, offering updates on project progress and demonstrating the tangible impact of their donations.

Final Thoughts

Adopting an online giving platform for your church’s capital campaign offers a wide array of benefits that can significantly enhance efficacy, broaden reach, and deepen donor engagement. For church leaders and pastors looking to modernize their fundraising efforts and maximize their campaign’s potential, exploring the possibilities of digital giving could very well be the key to unlocking success.


Tithely provides the tools you need to engage with your church online, stay connected, increase generosity, and simplify the lives of your staff.

With tools like text and email messaging, custom church apps and websites, church management software, digital giving, and so much more… it’s no wonder why over 37,000 churches in 50 countries trust Tithely to help run their church. 

Church Tech
Publish date
July 25, 2024

Benefits of Using an Online Pledge Platform for Your Church's Capital Campaign

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