How to Start and Grow a Church Youth Ministry [from Scratch]
Practical advice and steps on how to start and grow a successful church youth ministry from scratch, including planning, building a team, and creating a safe and engaging environment for young people.

So you want to start a youth ministry in your church?
That's fantastic. There are few endeavors more valuable than starting a youth ministry. After all, the youth are the future of the church. Anything that can be done to help them grow in their relationship with God is valuable indeed.
But starting a youth ministry from scratch can be daunting. Where do you even begin? What should your priorities be? How do you make sure the youth are engaged and interested in participating?
In this guide, we'll provide practical tips and advice on how to start and grow a church youth ministry from scratch.
Whether you're a seasoned youth pastor or a volunteer with no prior experience, these steps will help you lay a strong foundation for an impactful and successful ministry.
Laying the Foundation
Before you get into the nitty-gritty details of building a youth group, it's important to lay the foundation. This means taking the time to define the purpose of youth ministry in your church, as well as establish core values and goals.
Understanding The Purpose Of Youth Ministry
You shouldn't start a youth ministry simply because everybody else is doing it. You need to have a solid purpose that drives it. It requires a lot of time and resources that could be given to other ministries in the church. You need to be clear on why those resources should go to youth ministry.
So what is the purpose of youth ministry? First, it's to promote the spiritual development and discipleship of young people. Youth have a million competing voices telling them what to do. Youth ministry allows you to encourage young people to heed the voice of God above all else and to pursue Him.
Second, it helps create a sense of belonging among the young people in your church. Many teenagers struggle to fit in at their schools. They may not have a strong friend group. Even if they do have a friend group, that group may not be spiritually mature. Youth ministry allows you to create a space for teenagers to feel welcome, accepted, and part of a community that shares their faith.
Youth ministry can also be used as an outreach tool for your church. Often, young people will invite their friends who are not Christians to come to youth group events. This provides a great opportunity for those friends to hear the Gospel and potentially become a part of your church community.
Establishing Core Values
Once you have clarity regarding the purpose of youth ministry in your church, you need to establish core values for the youth ministry. These values will help guide the development of the group and provide a framework for making decisions.
At a high level, your core values may include things like:
- A strong focus on developing a personal relationship with God
- Encouraging authentic relationships within the group
- Promoting servant leadership and opportunities for youth to serve in the church and community
- Creating a safe space for young people to share their struggles and ask tough questions
- Fostering creativity, innovation, and growth in faith
By clearly communicating these core values to your team and the youth in your ministry, you can create a cohesive vision that guides all activities and decisions. These values should also align with the overall mission of your church, ensuring that youth ministry is integrated into the larger goals of the church.
Gaining Leadership Support
If you want to secure the resources needed to start and grow a youth ministry, you're going to need the support of church leadership.
Start by presenting them with a vision and mission statement for the youth ministry. Help them envision how a youth ministry could bless the church and strengthen the young people spiritually. Discuss some of the benefits mentioned above, such as providing a safe space for youth and reaching out to the community.
Ultimately, you want to enable the church leadership to see how a youth ministry fits into the larger mission and purpose of the church. You want to paint a picture for the leadership of a thriving youth ministry that helps the church fulfill its overall mission.
Once you've cast a vision for the youth ministry, ask for the necessary resources for the initial launch of the group. This may include a budget for events and resources, as well as the use of church facilities.
Be sure to communicate regularly with the leadership and keep them updated on the progress of the youth ministry. Show them how their support is making a positive impact on the lives of young people in your church and community.
Building A Strong Youth Team
Once you've laid the foundation for your youth ministry, you need to start assembling a team that will actually make the youth group a reality.
Identifying Potential Leaders
First, you need to work to identify individuals who can play key leadership roles in the group. These are the people who make youth ministry happen week after week. They are the ones who will lead small groups, organize events, and invest in the lives of young people.
What should you look for in potential leaders? Ideally, these people should have a heart to see young people know God and follow Him. They should have a passion for investing their time in the next generation and helping the next generation grow spiritually.
But don't just look for spiritual qualifications - also consider practical skills and abilities that could be valuable in a youth ministry context. Maybe someone is great at organizing events or has experience mentoring young people. These skills can be invaluable in a youth team.
Providing Training and Support
Once you've identified potential leaders, it's important to provide them with training and support to help them excel in their roles. This can include workshops on leadership skills, small group dynamics, and how to disciple young people. Also, provide your team with any resources that may be helpful like books, podcasts, video series, etc.
Additionally, make sure your team feels supported by regularly checking in with them and providing resources they may need. Encourage open communication between team members and provide opportunities for them to share ideas and brainstorm together.
Don't just assume things are going well with the group, even if they seem to be. It can be very helpful to have a regular youth ministry leadership team meeting in which you discuss the current state of the youth group, come up with new ideas for future events, encourage one another, and pray for the group.
Developing A Program Plan
Once you've assembled a core youth ministry leadership team, it's time to start developing a program plan for the ministry. In other words, it's time to get down to brass tacks and start planning out things like when you'll meet and what will happen during those meetings.
Planning Activities and Events
Start by planning out your core meeting. This is the primary youth meeting that happens on a regular basis, like every week, bi-weekly, etc. During these meetings, you'll likely have a time of worship, teaching, small groups, and fellowship. It's important to keep the core meeting consistent so youth will know what to expect each time they attend.
In addition to the core meeting, plan out special events and activities throughout the year. These can include service projects, outreach events, and more. Make sure to involve your team in the planning process so they feel ownership over the events and can bring their unique ideas and gifts to the table.
If you have the resources to make it happen, you should also consider doing one or two big events during the year, such as a retreat or mission trip. Even though these events are very resource-heavy, they can have a significant impact on the youth in your church.
Creating A Teaching Plan
In addition to planning when you're going to meet, you should also map out a teaching plan for your youth ministry. Instead of touching on random subjects every week, create a teaching plan that is strategic and addresses the core needs and desires of the youth.
It can be helpful to survey the youth in your church to see what topics are relevant to them and what they want to learn more about. You can also involve your team in brainstorming teaching ideas and themes.
Once you have a general plan in place, break it down into smaller series or lessons that can be taught during your core meetings. This will help keep the teachings focused and allow for a deeper exploration of each topic.
Launching the Youth Ministry
You've done the planning. You've prayed about the youth ministry, asking God to bless it. Now it's time to finally launch the youth ministry!
Planning A Kick-Off Event
Start things off with a bang by organizing a youth ministry kick-off event. This event is designed to spark interest in the youth ministry and get them excited about being a part of it.
The kick-off event can be significantly different than your normal youth meetings. It can include things like fun youth group games, music, and a message that highlights the purpose and goals of the youth ministry.
The goal of the kick-off event is to envision people for what the youth ministry will be and why they should want to be part of it. Paint a picture of the different things that will happen in the coming months so that people are interested in participating.
Establishing A Regular Meeting Schedule
After the kick-off event, start meeting on a regular schedule. Consistency is key to building a successful youth ministry. This could mean meeting once a week or every other week depending on the availability of leaders and volunteers.
It's important to communicate the schedule clearly with the youth and their parents so that everyone knows when to expect gatherings. Consider sending out monthly calendars or posting schedules online for easy access.
Growing The Youth Ministry
Don't be content with the status quo when it comes to youth ministry. Always be seeking to grow your youth ministry and make it more effective.
Creating A Safe Space
A youth group should be a safe space. It should be a place where the youth can voice their struggles and doubts and challenges without getting immediately corrected. It should be an environment where they can be open and honest without the fear of judgment or shame.
As leaders, it's important to create this safe space by actively listening and showing empathy towards the youth. Establishing trust and building relationships with them will also contribute to creating a safe environment for everyone involved.
It's also important for leaders to model the same transparency you expect from the youth. As a leader, don't be afraid to confess your own struggles and challenges. Talk honestly about your faith and the highs and lows that come along with it. The more transparent you are with the youth, the more likely it is that they'll follow your lead.
Encouraging Personal Devotion
As we mentioned earlier, one of the primary purposes of youth ministry is to help young people grow in their relationship with God. In light of this, it's essential to encourage them toward regular personal devotion to God. Regularly make a point of emphasizing the importance of daily prayer and Bible reading.
In addition, provide resources and tools to help them in their personal devotion such as devotionals, Bible study plans, or accountability groups. Encourage them to share what they're learning during their personal time with God and have discussions about how it's impacting their lives. This will strengthen their faith and also create a culture of spiritual growth within the youth group.
Building Relationships
As much as possible, encourage the young people to build meaningful relationships with one another. Encourage them to share with one another the things that God is doing in their lives. Urge them to open up with each other and talk about the challenges and struggles they're facing.
In addition, organize social activities and events that will give them opportunities to bond and connect with one another. These relationships are valuable for their personal growth as well as for creating a strong community within the youth group.
Engaging With Parents
Too often, youth groups operate in isolation from the parents of the teens in the groups. The reality is that parents should be encouraged to be involved in the youth ministry. Not only can they provide valuable insights and support, but they also have a significant influence on their teenagers' lives.
As a youth leader, make an effort to reach out to parents and involve them in the activities and events of the youth group. This could be through regular parent meetings, inviting them to serve as volunteers, or even creating opportunities for parents and teens to serve together.
By involving parents, you are not only strengthening the overall community but also encouraging the spiritual growth of both teens and parents.
Evaluating and Adapting Your Youth Ministry
Regularly assess the effectiveness of your youth ministry events and activities. Are there things that could be done better? Are the current activities and events resonating with the youth? Are there areas where you can involve parents or church members to enhance the experience for the youth?
Don't hesitate to get feedback from the youth and parents. They can provide valuable insights into what is working and what isn't. You can get this feedback either directly from youth and parents or in the form of a survey which can be filled out anonymously. Use this information to adapt and improve your youth ministry, ensuring that it remains relevant and impactful for the teens involved.
Final Thoughts
Starting and growing a youth ministry is indeed a worthwhile endeavor. Jesus Himself talked about how valuable children are in the kingdom of God. By investing in the lives of teenagers, you're not only shaping the future generation but also fulfilling a crucial aspect of your calling as a Christian. Remember to keep Christ at the center of all your efforts and trust Him to guide and lead you every step of the way.
So go ahead, pray about it, gather a team, and start planning for an exciting and impactful youth ministry that will make a difference in the lives of teens.
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So you want to start a youth ministry in your church?
That's fantastic. There are few endeavors more valuable than starting a youth ministry. After all, the youth are the future of the church. Anything that can be done to help them grow in their relationship with God is valuable indeed.
But starting a youth ministry from scratch can be daunting. Where do you even begin? What should your priorities be? How do you make sure the youth are engaged and interested in participating?
In this guide, we'll provide practical tips and advice on how to start and grow a church youth ministry from scratch.
Whether you're a seasoned youth pastor or a volunteer with no prior experience, these steps will help you lay a strong foundation for an impactful and successful ministry.
Laying the Foundation
Before you get into the nitty-gritty details of building a youth group, it's important to lay the foundation. This means taking the time to define the purpose of youth ministry in your church, as well as establish core values and goals.
Understanding The Purpose Of Youth Ministry
You shouldn't start a youth ministry simply because everybody else is doing it. You need to have a solid purpose that drives it. It requires a lot of time and resources that could be given to other ministries in the church. You need to be clear on why those resources should go to youth ministry.
So what is the purpose of youth ministry? First, it's to promote the spiritual development and discipleship of young people. Youth have a million competing voices telling them what to do. Youth ministry allows you to encourage young people to heed the voice of God above all else and to pursue Him.
Second, it helps create a sense of belonging among the young people in your church. Many teenagers struggle to fit in at their schools. They may not have a strong friend group. Even if they do have a friend group, that group may not be spiritually mature. Youth ministry allows you to create a space for teenagers to feel welcome, accepted, and part of a community that shares their faith.
Youth ministry can also be used as an outreach tool for your church. Often, young people will invite their friends who are not Christians to come to youth group events. This provides a great opportunity for those friends to hear the Gospel and potentially become a part of your church community.
Establishing Core Values
Once you have clarity regarding the purpose of youth ministry in your church, you need to establish core values for the youth ministry. These values will help guide the development of the group and provide a framework for making decisions.
At a high level, your core values may include things like:
- A strong focus on developing a personal relationship with God
- Encouraging authentic relationships within the group
- Promoting servant leadership and opportunities for youth to serve in the church and community
- Creating a safe space for young people to share their struggles and ask tough questions
- Fostering creativity, innovation, and growth in faith
By clearly communicating these core values to your team and the youth in your ministry, you can create a cohesive vision that guides all activities and decisions. These values should also align with the overall mission of your church, ensuring that youth ministry is integrated into the larger goals of the church.
Gaining Leadership Support
If you want to secure the resources needed to start and grow a youth ministry, you're going to need the support of church leadership.
Start by presenting them with a vision and mission statement for the youth ministry. Help them envision how a youth ministry could bless the church and strengthen the young people spiritually. Discuss some of the benefits mentioned above, such as providing a safe space for youth and reaching out to the community.
Ultimately, you want to enable the church leadership to see how a youth ministry fits into the larger mission and purpose of the church. You want to paint a picture for the leadership of a thriving youth ministry that helps the church fulfill its overall mission.
Once you've cast a vision for the youth ministry, ask for the necessary resources for the initial launch of the group. This may include a budget for events and resources, as well as the use of church facilities.
Be sure to communicate regularly with the leadership and keep them updated on the progress of the youth ministry. Show them how their support is making a positive impact on the lives of young people in your church and community.
Building A Strong Youth Team
Once you've laid the foundation for your youth ministry, you need to start assembling a team that will actually make the youth group a reality.
Identifying Potential Leaders
First, you need to work to identify individuals who can play key leadership roles in the group. These are the people who make youth ministry happen week after week. They are the ones who will lead small groups, organize events, and invest in the lives of young people.
What should you look for in potential leaders? Ideally, these people should have a heart to see young people know God and follow Him. They should have a passion for investing their time in the next generation and helping the next generation grow spiritually.
But don't just look for spiritual qualifications - also consider practical skills and abilities that could be valuable in a youth ministry context. Maybe someone is great at organizing events or has experience mentoring young people. These skills can be invaluable in a youth team.
Providing Training and Support
Once you've identified potential leaders, it's important to provide them with training and support to help them excel in their roles. This can include workshops on leadership skills, small group dynamics, and how to disciple young people. Also, provide your team with any resources that may be helpful like books, podcasts, video series, etc.
Additionally, make sure your team feels supported by regularly checking in with them and providing resources they may need. Encourage open communication between team members and provide opportunities for them to share ideas and brainstorm together.
Don't just assume things are going well with the group, even if they seem to be. It can be very helpful to have a regular youth ministry leadership team meeting in which you discuss the current state of the youth group, come up with new ideas for future events, encourage one another, and pray for the group.
Developing A Program Plan
Once you've assembled a core youth ministry leadership team, it's time to start developing a program plan for the ministry. In other words, it's time to get down to brass tacks and start planning out things like when you'll meet and what will happen during those meetings.
Planning Activities and Events
Start by planning out your core meeting. This is the primary youth meeting that happens on a regular basis, like every week, bi-weekly, etc. During these meetings, you'll likely have a time of worship, teaching, small groups, and fellowship. It's important to keep the core meeting consistent so youth will know what to expect each time they attend.
In addition to the core meeting, plan out special events and activities throughout the year. These can include service projects, outreach events, and more. Make sure to involve your team in the planning process so they feel ownership over the events and can bring their unique ideas and gifts to the table.
If you have the resources to make it happen, you should also consider doing one or two big events during the year, such as a retreat or mission trip. Even though these events are very resource-heavy, they can have a significant impact on the youth in your church.
Creating A Teaching Plan
In addition to planning when you're going to meet, you should also map out a teaching plan for your youth ministry. Instead of touching on random subjects every week, create a teaching plan that is strategic and addresses the core needs and desires of the youth.
It can be helpful to survey the youth in your church to see what topics are relevant to them and what they want to learn more about. You can also involve your team in brainstorming teaching ideas and themes.
Once you have a general plan in place, break it down into smaller series or lessons that can be taught during your core meetings. This will help keep the teachings focused and allow for a deeper exploration of each topic.
Launching the Youth Ministry
You've done the planning. You've prayed about the youth ministry, asking God to bless it. Now it's time to finally launch the youth ministry!
Planning A Kick-Off Event
Start things off with a bang by organizing a youth ministry kick-off event. This event is designed to spark interest in the youth ministry and get them excited about being a part of it.
The kick-off event can be significantly different than your normal youth meetings. It can include things like fun youth group games, music, and a message that highlights the purpose and goals of the youth ministry.
The goal of the kick-off event is to envision people for what the youth ministry will be and why they should want to be part of it. Paint a picture of the different things that will happen in the coming months so that people are interested in participating.
Establishing A Regular Meeting Schedule
After the kick-off event, start meeting on a regular schedule. Consistency is key to building a successful youth ministry. This could mean meeting once a week or every other week depending on the availability of leaders and volunteers.
It's important to communicate the schedule clearly with the youth and their parents so that everyone knows when to expect gatherings. Consider sending out monthly calendars or posting schedules online for easy access.
Growing The Youth Ministry
Don't be content with the status quo when it comes to youth ministry. Always be seeking to grow your youth ministry and make it more effective.
Creating A Safe Space
A youth group should be a safe space. It should be a place where the youth can voice their struggles and doubts and challenges without getting immediately corrected. It should be an environment where they can be open and honest without the fear of judgment or shame.
As leaders, it's important to create this safe space by actively listening and showing empathy towards the youth. Establishing trust and building relationships with them will also contribute to creating a safe environment for everyone involved.
It's also important for leaders to model the same transparency you expect from the youth. As a leader, don't be afraid to confess your own struggles and challenges. Talk honestly about your faith and the highs and lows that come along with it. The more transparent you are with the youth, the more likely it is that they'll follow your lead.
Encouraging Personal Devotion
As we mentioned earlier, one of the primary purposes of youth ministry is to help young people grow in their relationship with God. In light of this, it's essential to encourage them toward regular personal devotion to God. Regularly make a point of emphasizing the importance of daily prayer and Bible reading.
In addition, provide resources and tools to help them in their personal devotion such as devotionals, Bible study plans, or accountability groups. Encourage them to share what they're learning during their personal time with God and have discussions about how it's impacting their lives. This will strengthen their faith and also create a culture of spiritual growth within the youth group.
Building Relationships
As much as possible, encourage the young people to build meaningful relationships with one another. Encourage them to share with one another the things that God is doing in their lives. Urge them to open up with each other and talk about the challenges and struggles they're facing.
In addition, organize social activities and events that will give them opportunities to bond and connect with one another. These relationships are valuable for their personal growth as well as for creating a strong community within the youth group.
Engaging With Parents
Too often, youth groups operate in isolation from the parents of the teens in the groups. The reality is that parents should be encouraged to be involved in the youth ministry. Not only can they provide valuable insights and support, but they also have a significant influence on their teenagers' lives.
As a youth leader, make an effort to reach out to parents and involve them in the activities and events of the youth group. This could be through regular parent meetings, inviting them to serve as volunteers, or even creating opportunities for parents and teens to serve together.
By involving parents, you are not only strengthening the overall community but also encouraging the spiritual growth of both teens and parents.
Evaluating and Adapting Your Youth Ministry
Regularly assess the effectiveness of your youth ministry events and activities. Are there things that could be done better? Are the current activities and events resonating with the youth? Are there areas where you can involve parents or church members to enhance the experience for the youth?
Don't hesitate to get feedback from the youth and parents. They can provide valuable insights into what is working and what isn't. You can get this feedback either directly from youth and parents or in the form of a survey which can be filled out anonymously. Use this information to adapt and improve your youth ministry, ensuring that it remains relevant and impactful for the teens involved.
Final Thoughts
Starting and growing a youth ministry is indeed a worthwhile endeavor. Jesus Himself talked about how valuable children are in the kingdom of God. By investing in the lives of teenagers, you're not only shaping the future generation but also fulfilling a crucial aspect of your calling as a Christian. Remember to keep Christ at the center of all your efforts and trust Him to guide and lead you every step of the way.
So go ahead, pray about it, gather a team, and start planning for an exciting and impactful youth ministry that will make a difference in the lives of teens.
podcast transcript
So you want to start a youth ministry in your church?
That's fantastic. There are few endeavors more valuable than starting a youth ministry. After all, the youth are the future of the church. Anything that can be done to help them grow in their relationship with God is valuable indeed.
But starting a youth ministry from scratch can be daunting. Where do you even begin? What should your priorities be? How do you make sure the youth are engaged and interested in participating?
In this guide, we'll provide practical tips and advice on how to start and grow a church youth ministry from scratch.
Whether you're a seasoned youth pastor or a volunteer with no prior experience, these steps will help you lay a strong foundation for an impactful and successful ministry.
Laying the Foundation
Before you get into the nitty-gritty details of building a youth group, it's important to lay the foundation. This means taking the time to define the purpose of youth ministry in your church, as well as establish core values and goals.
Understanding The Purpose Of Youth Ministry
You shouldn't start a youth ministry simply because everybody else is doing it. You need to have a solid purpose that drives it. It requires a lot of time and resources that could be given to other ministries in the church. You need to be clear on why those resources should go to youth ministry.
So what is the purpose of youth ministry? First, it's to promote the spiritual development and discipleship of young people. Youth have a million competing voices telling them what to do. Youth ministry allows you to encourage young people to heed the voice of God above all else and to pursue Him.
Second, it helps create a sense of belonging among the young people in your church. Many teenagers struggle to fit in at their schools. They may not have a strong friend group. Even if they do have a friend group, that group may not be spiritually mature. Youth ministry allows you to create a space for teenagers to feel welcome, accepted, and part of a community that shares their faith.
Youth ministry can also be used as an outreach tool for your church. Often, young people will invite their friends who are not Christians to come to youth group events. This provides a great opportunity for those friends to hear the Gospel and potentially become a part of your church community.
Establishing Core Values
Once you have clarity regarding the purpose of youth ministry in your church, you need to establish core values for the youth ministry. These values will help guide the development of the group and provide a framework for making decisions.
At a high level, your core values may include things like:
- A strong focus on developing a personal relationship with God
- Encouraging authentic relationships within the group
- Promoting servant leadership and opportunities for youth to serve in the church and community
- Creating a safe space for young people to share their struggles and ask tough questions
- Fostering creativity, innovation, and growth in faith
By clearly communicating these core values to your team and the youth in your ministry, you can create a cohesive vision that guides all activities and decisions. These values should also align with the overall mission of your church, ensuring that youth ministry is integrated into the larger goals of the church.
Gaining Leadership Support
If you want to secure the resources needed to start and grow a youth ministry, you're going to need the support of church leadership.
Start by presenting them with a vision and mission statement for the youth ministry. Help them envision how a youth ministry could bless the church and strengthen the young people spiritually. Discuss some of the benefits mentioned above, such as providing a safe space for youth and reaching out to the community.
Ultimately, you want to enable the church leadership to see how a youth ministry fits into the larger mission and purpose of the church. You want to paint a picture for the leadership of a thriving youth ministry that helps the church fulfill its overall mission.
Once you've cast a vision for the youth ministry, ask for the necessary resources for the initial launch of the group. This may include a budget for events and resources, as well as the use of church facilities.
Be sure to communicate regularly with the leadership and keep them updated on the progress of the youth ministry. Show them how their support is making a positive impact on the lives of young people in your church and community.
Building A Strong Youth Team
Once you've laid the foundation for your youth ministry, you need to start assembling a team that will actually make the youth group a reality.
Identifying Potential Leaders
First, you need to work to identify individuals who can play key leadership roles in the group. These are the people who make youth ministry happen week after week. They are the ones who will lead small groups, organize events, and invest in the lives of young people.
What should you look for in potential leaders? Ideally, these people should have a heart to see young people know God and follow Him. They should have a passion for investing their time in the next generation and helping the next generation grow spiritually.
But don't just look for spiritual qualifications - also consider practical skills and abilities that could be valuable in a youth ministry context. Maybe someone is great at organizing events or has experience mentoring young people. These skills can be invaluable in a youth team.
Providing Training and Support
Once you've identified potential leaders, it's important to provide them with training and support to help them excel in their roles. This can include workshops on leadership skills, small group dynamics, and how to disciple young people. Also, provide your team with any resources that may be helpful like books, podcasts, video series, etc.
Additionally, make sure your team feels supported by regularly checking in with them and providing resources they may need. Encourage open communication between team members and provide opportunities for them to share ideas and brainstorm together.
Don't just assume things are going well with the group, even if they seem to be. It can be very helpful to have a regular youth ministry leadership team meeting in which you discuss the current state of the youth group, come up with new ideas for future events, encourage one another, and pray for the group.
Developing A Program Plan
Once you've assembled a core youth ministry leadership team, it's time to start developing a program plan for the ministry. In other words, it's time to get down to brass tacks and start planning out things like when you'll meet and what will happen during those meetings.
Planning Activities and Events
Start by planning out your core meeting. This is the primary youth meeting that happens on a regular basis, like every week, bi-weekly, etc. During these meetings, you'll likely have a time of worship, teaching, small groups, and fellowship. It's important to keep the core meeting consistent so youth will know what to expect each time they attend.
In addition to the core meeting, plan out special events and activities throughout the year. These can include service projects, outreach events, and more. Make sure to involve your team in the planning process so they feel ownership over the events and can bring their unique ideas and gifts to the table.
If you have the resources to make it happen, you should also consider doing one or two big events during the year, such as a retreat or mission trip. Even though these events are very resource-heavy, they can have a significant impact on the youth in your church.
Creating A Teaching Plan
In addition to planning when you're going to meet, you should also map out a teaching plan for your youth ministry. Instead of touching on random subjects every week, create a teaching plan that is strategic and addresses the core needs and desires of the youth.
It can be helpful to survey the youth in your church to see what topics are relevant to them and what they want to learn more about. You can also involve your team in brainstorming teaching ideas and themes.
Once you have a general plan in place, break it down into smaller series or lessons that can be taught during your core meetings. This will help keep the teachings focused and allow for a deeper exploration of each topic.
Launching the Youth Ministry
You've done the planning. You've prayed about the youth ministry, asking God to bless it. Now it's time to finally launch the youth ministry!
Planning A Kick-Off Event
Start things off with a bang by organizing a youth ministry kick-off event. This event is designed to spark interest in the youth ministry and get them excited about being a part of it.
The kick-off event can be significantly different than your normal youth meetings. It can include things like fun youth group games, music, and a message that highlights the purpose and goals of the youth ministry.
The goal of the kick-off event is to envision people for what the youth ministry will be and why they should want to be part of it. Paint a picture of the different things that will happen in the coming months so that people are interested in participating.
Establishing A Regular Meeting Schedule
After the kick-off event, start meeting on a regular schedule. Consistency is key to building a successful youth ministry. This could mean meeting once a week or every other week depending on the availability of leaders and volunteers.
It's important to communicate the schedule clearly with the youth and their parents so that everyone knows when to expect gatherings. Consider sending out monthly calendars or posting schedules online for easy access.
Growing The Youth Ministry
Don't be content with the status quo when it comes to youth ministry. Always be seeking to grow your youth ministry and make it more effective.
Creating A Safe Space
A youth group should be a safe space. It should be a place where the youth can voice their struggles and doubts and challenges without getting immediately corrected. It should be an environment where they can be open and honest without the fear of judgment or shame.
As leaders, it's important to create this safe space by actively listening and showing empathy towards the youth. Establishing trust and building relationships with them will also contribute to creating a safe environment for everyone involved.
It's also important for leaders to model the same transparency you expect from the youth. As a leader, don't be afraid to confess your own struggles and challenges. Talk honestly about your faith and the highs and lows that come along with it. The more transparent you are with the youth, the more likely it is that they'll follow your lead.
Encouraging Personal Devotion
As we mentioned earlier, one of the primary purposes of youth ministry is to help young people grow in their relationship with God. In light of this, it's essential to encourage them toward regular personal devotion to God. Regularly make a point of emphasizing the importance of daily prayer and Bible reading.
In addition, provide resources and tools to help them in their personal devotion such as devotionals, Bible study plans, or accountability groups. Encourage them to share what they're learning during their personal time with God and have discussions about how it's impacting their lives. This will strengthen their faith and also create a culture of spiritual growth within the youth group.
Building Relationships
As much as possible, encourage the young people to build meaningful relationships with one another. Encourage them to share with one another the things that God is doing in their lives. Urge them to open up with each other and talk about the challenges and struggles they're facing.
In addition, organize social activities and events that will give them opportunities to bond and connect with one another. These relationships are valuable for their personal growth as well as for creating a strong community within the youth group.
Engaging With Parents
Too often, youth groups operate in isolation from the parents of the teens in the groups. The reality is that parents should be encouraged to be involved in the youth ministry. Not only can they provide valuable insights and support, but they also have a significant influence on their teenagers' lives.
As a youth leader, make an effort to reach out to parents and involve them in the activities and events of the youth group. This could be through regular parent meetings, inviting them to serve as volunteers, or even creating opportunities for parents and teens to serve together.
By involving parents, you are not only strengthening the overall community but also encouraging the spiritual growth of both teens and parents.
Evaluating and Adapting Your Youth Ministry
Regularly assess the effectiveness of your youth ministry events and activities. Are there things that could be done better? Are the current activities and events resonating with the youth? Are there areas where you can involve parents or church members to enhance the experience for the youth?
Don't hesitate to get feedback from the youth and parents. They can provide valuable insights into what is working and what isn't. You can get this feedback either directly from youth and parents or in the form of a survey which can be filled out anonymously. Use this information to adapt and improve your youth ministry, ensuring that it remains relevant and impactful for the teens involved.
Final Thoughts
Starting and growing a youth ministry is indeed a worthwhile endeavor. Jesus Himself talked about how valuable children are in the kingdom of God. By investing in the lives of teenagers, you're not only shaping the future generation but also fulfilling a crucial aspect of your calling as a Christian. Remember to keep Christ at the center of all your efforts and trust Him to guide and lead you every step of the way.
So go ahead, pray about it, gather a team, and start planning for an exciting and impactful youth ministry that will make a difference in the lives of teens.
VIDEO transcript
So you want to start a youth ministry in your church?
That's fantastic. There are few endeavors more valuable than starting a youth ministry. After all, the youth are the future of the church. Anything that can be done to help them grow in their relationship with God is valuable indeed.
But starting a youth ministry from scratch can be daunting. Where do you even begin? What should your priorities be? How do you make sure the youth are engaged and interested in participating?
In this guide, we'll provide practical tips and advice on how to start and grow a church youth ministry from scratch.
Whether you're a seasoned youth pastor or a volunteer with no prior experience, these steps will help you lay a strong foundation for an impactful and successful ministry.
Laying the Foundation
Before you get into the nitty-gritty details of building a youth group, it's important to lay the foundation. This means taking the time to define the purpose of youth ministry in your church, as well as establish core values and goals.
Understanding The Purpose Of Youth Ministry
You shouldn't start a youth ministry simply because everybody else is doing it. You need to have a solid purpose that drives it. It requires a lot of time and resources that could be given to other ministries in the church. You need to be clear on why those resources should go to youth ministry.
So what is the purpose of youth ministry? First, it's to promote the spiritual development and discipleship of young people. Youth have a million competing voices telling them what to do. Youth ministry allows you to encourage young people to heed the voice of God above all else and to pursue Him.
Second, it helps create a sense of belonging among the young people in your church. Many teenagers struggle to fit in at their schools. They may not have a strong friend group. Even if they do have a friend group, that group may not be spiritually mature. Youth ministry allows you to create a space for teenagers to feel welcome, accepted, and part of a community that shares their faith.
Youth ministry can also be used as an outreach tool for your church. Often, young people will invite their friends who are not Christians to come to youth group events. This provides a great opportunity for those friends to hear the Gospel and potentially become a part of your church community.
Establishing Core Values
Once you have clarity regarding the purpose of youth ministry in your church, you need to establish core values for the youth ministry. These values will help guide the development of the group and provide a framework for making decisions.
At a high level, your core values may include things like:
- A strong focus on developing a personal relationship with God
- Encouraging authentic relationships within the group
- Promoting servant leadership and opportunities for youth to serve in the church and community
- Creating a safe space for young people to share their struggles and ask tough questions
- Fostering creativity, innovation, and growth in faith
By clearly communicating these core values to your team and the youth in your ministry, you can create a cohesive vision that guides all activities and decisions. These values should also align with the overall mission of your church, ensuring that youth ministry is integrated into the larger goals of the church.
Gaining Leadership Support
If you want to secure the resources needed to start and grow a youth ministry, you're going to need the support of church leadership.
Start by presenting them with a vision and mission statement for the youth ministry. Help them envision how a youth ministry could bless the church and strengthen the young people spiritually. Discuss some of the benefits mentioned above, such as providing a safe space for youth and reaching out to the community.
Ultimately, you want to enable the church leadership to see how a youth ministry fits into the larger mission and purpose of the church. You want to paint a picture for the leadership of a thriving youth ministry that helps the church fulfill its overall mission.
Once you've cast a vision for the youth ministry, ask for the necessary resources for the initial launch of the group. This may include a budget for events and resources, as well as the use of church facilities.
Be sure to communicate regularly with the leadership and keep them updated on the progress of the youth ministry. Show them how their support is making a positive impact on the lives of young people in your church and community.
Building A Strong Youth Team
Once you've laid the foundation for your youth ministry, you need to start assembling a team that will actually make the youth group a reality.
Identifying Potential Leaders
First, you need to work to identify individuals who can play key leadership roles in the group. These are the people who make youth ministry happen week after week. They are the ones who will lead small groups, organize events, and invest in the lives of young people.
What should you look for in potential leaders? Ideally, these people should have a heart to see young people know God and follow Him. They should have a passion for investing their time in the next generation and helping the next generation grow spiritually.
But don't just look for spiritual qualifications - also consider practical skills and abilities that could be valuable in a youth ministry context. Maybe someone is great at organizing events or has experience mentoring young people. These skills can be invaluable in a youth team.
Providing Training and Support
Once you've identified potential leaders, it's important to provide them with training and support to help them excel in their roles. This can include workshops on leadership skills, small group dynamics, and how to disciple young people. Also, provide your team with any resources that may be helpful like books, podcasts, video series, etc.
Additionally, make sure your team feels supported by regularly checking in with them and providing resources they may need. Encourage open communication between team members and provide opportunities for them to share ideas and brainstorm together.
Don't just assume things are going well with the group, even if they seem to be. It can be very helpful to have a regular youth ministry leadership team meeting in which you discuss the current state of the youth group, come up with new ideas for future events, encourage one another, and pray for the group.
Developing A Program Plan
Once you've assembled a core youth ministry leadership team, it's time to start developing a program plan for the ministry. In other words, it's time to get down to brass tacks and start planning out things like when you'll meet and what will happen during those meetings.
Planning Activities and Events
Start by planning out your core meeting. This is the primary youth meeting that happens on a regular basis, like every week, bi-weekly, etc. During these meetings, you'll likely have a time of worship, teaching, small groups, and fellowship. It's important to keep the core meeting consistent so youth will know what to expect each time they attend.
In addition to the core meeting, plan out special events and activities throughout the year. These can include service projects, outreach events, and more. Make sure to involve your team in the planning process so they feel ownership over the events and can bring their unique ideas and gifts to the table.
If you have the resources to make it happen, you should also consider doing one or two big events during the year, such as a retreat or mission trip. Even though these events are very resource-heavy, they can have a significant impact on the youth in your church.
Creating A Teaching Plan
In addition to planning when you're going to meet, you should also map out a teaching plan for your youth ministry. Instead of touching on random subjects every week, create a teaching plan that is strategic and addresses the core needs and desires of the youth.
It can be helpful to survey the youth in your church to see what topics are relevant to them and what they want to learn more about. You can also involve your team in brainstorming teaching ideas and themes.
Once you have a general plan in place, break it down into smaller series or lessons that can be taught during your core meetings. This will help keep the teachings focused and allow for a deeper exploration of each topic.
Launching the Youth Ministry
You've done the planning. You've prayed about the youth ministry, asking God to bless it. Now it's time to finally launch the youth ministry!
Planning A Kick-Off Event
Start things off with a bang by organizing a youth ministry kick-off event. This event is designed to spark interest in the youth ministry and get them excited about being a part of it.
The kick-off event can be significantly different than your normal youth meetings. It can include things like fun youth group games, music, and a message that highlights the purpose and goals of the youth ministry.
The goal of the kick-off event is to envision people for what the youth ministry will be and why they should want to be part of it. Paint a picture of the different things that will happen in the coming months so that people are interested in participating.
Establishing A Regular Meeting Schedule
After the kick-off event, start meeting on a regular schedule. Consistency is key to building a successful youth ministry. This could mean meeting once a week or every other week depending on the availability of leaders and volunteers.
It's important to communicate the schedule clearly with the youth and their parents so that everyone knows when to expect gatherings. Consider sending out monthly calendars or posting schedules online for easy access.
Growing The Youth Ministry
Don't be content with the status quo when it comes to youth ministry. Always be seeking to grow your youth ministry and make it more effective.
Creating A Safe Space
A youth group should be a safe space. It should be a place where the youth can voice their struggles and doubts and challenges without getting immediately corrected. It should be an environment where they can be open and honest without the fear of judgment or shame.
As leaders, it's important to create this safe space by actively listening and showing empathy towards the youth. Establishing trust and building relationships with them will also contribute to creating a safe environment for everyone involved.
It's also important for leaders to model the same transparency you expect from the youth. As a leader, don't be afraid to confess your own struggles and challenges. Talk honestly about your faith and the highs and lows that come along with it. The more transparent you are with the youth, the more likely it is that they'll follow your lead.
Encouraging Personal Devotion
As we mentioned earlier, one of the primary purposes of youth ministry is to help young people grow in their relationship with God. In light of this, it's essential to encourage them toward regular personal devotion to God. Regularly make a point of emphasizing the importance of daily prayer and Bible reading.
In addition, provide resources and tools to help them in their personal devotion such as devotionals, Bible study plans, or accountability groups. Encourage them to share what they're learning during their personal time with God and have discussions about how it's impacting their lives. This will strengthen their faith and also create a culture of spiritual growth within the youth group.
Building Relationships
As much as possible, encourage the young people to build meaningful relationships with one another. Encourage them to share with one another the things that God is doing in their lives. Urge them to open up with each other and talk about the challenges and struggles they're facing.
In addition, organize social activities and events that will give them opportunities to bond and connect with one another. These relationships are valuable for their personal growth as well as for creating a strong community within the youth group.
Engaging With Parents
Too often, youth groups operate in isolation from the parents of the teens in the groups. The reality is that parents should be encouraged to be involved in the youth ministry. Not only can they provide valuable insights and support, but they also have a significant influence on their teenagers' lives.
As a youth leader, make an effort to reach out to parents and involve them in the activities and events of the youth group. This could be through regular parent meetings, inviting them to serve as volunteers, or even creating opportunities for parents and teens to serve together.
By involving parents, you are not only strengthening the overall community but also encouraging the spiritual growth of both teens and parents.
Evaluating and Adapting Your Youth Ministry
Regularly assess the effectiveness of your youth ministry events and activities. Are there things that could be done better? Are the current activities and events resonating with the youth? Are there areas where you can involve parents or church members to enhance the experience for the youth?
Don't hesitate to get feedback from the youth and parents. They can provide valuable insights into what is working and what isn't. You can get this feedback either directly from youth and parents or in the form of a survey which can be filled out anonymously. Use this information to adapt and improve your youth ministry, ensuring that it remains relevant and impactful for the teens involved.
Final Thoughts
Starting and growing a youth ministry is indeed a worthwhile endeavor. Jesus Himself talked about how valuable children are in the kingdom of God. By investing in the lives of teenagers, you're not only shaping the future generation but also fulfilling a crucial aspect of your calling as a Christian. Remember to keep Christ at the center of all your efforts and trust Him to guide and lead you every step of the way.
So go ahead, pray about it, gather a team, and start planning for an exciting and impactful youth ministry that will make a difference in the lives of teens.