18 Old Hymns Every Christian Should Know By Heart
Looking for old hymns? ✓ Here are the 13 most popular old Christian hymns of all time.

Old hymns have carried many Christians through difficult valleys and taken them to spiritual mountaintop experiences.
Christian hymns have a way of connecting the church to its forebears in the faith—to the ancient tradition and saints on whose shoulders we stand.
Certain hymns have become the go-to resource for encouragement for millions of believers across the span of time. These hymn songs remind us of God’s faithfulness to Christians of the past so that we can rely on God’s grace in the present.
What are Church Hymns?
Church hymns are songs that are typically sung in worship within a Christian church context. They are a form of musical and lyrical expression that aims to praise, worship, adore, and honor God. Hymns are often characterized by their poetic verses and regular meter, which make them easy to sing in a group setting.
Traditionally, hymns are used in various parts of church services, including the opening worship, during communion, as a response to sermons, and as closing songs. They can also be used to meditate on the goodness of God, and recollect His blessings and promises. They cover a wide range of themes such as the glory of God, the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the experiences of Christian faith (like grace, redemption, and salvation), and the anticipation of heaven.
Hymns inspire reflection, meditation, and spiritual contemplation and offer a vehicle for worshipers to offer their voices as an offering to God.
Importance of Church Hymns
Church hymns are important because they provide a form of worship and praise, teach doctrine, unite the congregation, express the faith community's historical continuity, and mark special occasions in the Christian calendar. They also serve as an outlet for emotional expression and personal reflection, offering comfort and encouragement to believers during worship services.
Churches can achieve several powerful aims with hymns: including enhancing the spiritual atmosphere with the melodies and lyrics of hymns, communicating biblical truths and theological concepts through hymn lyrics, and promoting unity and fellowship among worshipers as they join in hymn singing.
The Power of Church Hymns
Top Reasons to Sing Hymns in the Church
Hymns Teach Us
Hymns teach us by translating Christian doctrine into song, making scripture memorable, and imparting moral teachings. They use melody to simplify and communicate complex theological ideas and ethical instructions.
Hymns Provide Our Worship a Sense of Beauty and Majesty
Hymns provide our worship a sense of beauty and majesty, enhancing the aesthetic aspect of worship and reflecting God's majesty. They are a testament to the artistic heritage of the church, contributing to a worshipful experience that is both beautiful and sublime.
Hymns Contribute to the Depth of Christian Experience
Hymns contribute to the depth of christian experience by resonating with our emotions and fostering spiritual growth. They act as a universal language that enriches the collective faith journey, allowing us to share deeply in our spiritual lives with others across different cultures.
Hymns Help Us Lift Our Hearts to God
Hymns help us lift our hearts to God in an encounter that elevates our spirit. Singing hymns is an act of devotion, a form of prayer, and a means for meditation that brings our joys, sorrows, and hopes before the divine, helping us to connect with God on a personal level.
Top Church Hymns You Should Know
Here are 18 of the most popular old hymns your church can use to inspire a new season of worship that stands on the momentum of God’s work in history in order to reach a new generation with an ancient message.
1. Amazing Grace // John Newton, England (1779)
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound /
That saved a wretch like me /
I once was lost, but now am found /
Was blind but now I see /
2. How Great Thou Art // Carl Gustav Boberg, Sweden (1885)
O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder /
Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made /
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder /
Thy power throughout the universe displayed /
3. It is Well // Horacio Spafford, written in the Atlantic Ocean (1873)
When peace like a river, attendeth my way, /
When sorrows like sea billows roll /
Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say /
It is well, it is well, with my soul /
4. By Thou My Vision // Dallán Forgaill, Ireland (6th Century)
Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart, /
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art /
Thou my best Thought, by day or by night /
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light /
5. All Creatures of Our God and King // St. Francis of Assisi, Italy (1225)
All creatures of our God and King /
Life up your voice and with us sing /
O praise Him, Alleluia /
Thou burning sun with golden beam /
Thou silver moon with softer gleam /
6. Doxology // Thomas Ken, England (1674)
Praise God from whom all blessings flow /
Praise Him all creatures here below /
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts /
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost /
7. Blessed Assurance // Fanny Crosby, New York City, USA (1873)
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine /
O what a foretaste of glory divine /
Heir of salvation, purchase of God /
Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood /
8. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross // Isaac Watts, England (1707)
When I survey the wondrous cross /
On which the Prince of glory died /
My richest gain I count but loss /
And pour contempt on all my pride /
9. Jesus Paid It All // Elvina Hall, Maryland, USA (1865)
I hear the savior say /
Thy strength indeed is small /
Child of weakness, watch and pray /
Find in me thine all in all /
10. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God // Martin Luther, Germany (1529)
A mighty fortress is our God, /
A bulwark never failing: /
Our helper He, amid the flood /
Of mortal ills prevailing. /
11. How Firm a Foundation // John Rippon, England (1787)
How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord /
Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word /
What more can He say than to you He hath said /
To you who for refuge to Jesus have fled /
12. Crown Him With Many Crowns // Matthew Bridges, England (1852)
Crown Him with many crowns, /
The lamb upon the throne: /
Hark! How the heav'nly anthem drowns /
All Music but its own! /
13. What a Friend We Have in Jesus // Joseph M. Scriven and Charles Converse, Ireland (1868)
What a friend we have in Jesus /
All our sins and griefs to bear /
And what a privilege to carry /
Everything to God in prayer /
14. "Holy, Holy, Holy" - Reginald Heber
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God almighty! /
Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee. /
Holy, holy, holy! Merciful and mighty! /
God in three persons, blessed trinity! /
15. "The Old Rugged Cross" - George Bennard
On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross /
The emblem of suff'ring and shame /
And I love that old cross where the dearest and best /
For a world of lost sinners was slain/
16. "Great Is Thy Faithfulness" - Thomas Chisholm
Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father /
There is no shadow of turning with Thee /
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not /
As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be/
17. "Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me" - Augustus Toplady
Rock of Ages, cleft for me /
Let me hide myself in Thee /
Let the water and the blood, From Thy wounded side which flowed, Be of sin the double cure /
Save from wrath and make me pure /
18. "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name" - Edward Perronet
All hail the power of Jesus' name! Let angels prostrate fall /
Bring forth the royal diadem, and crown Him Lord of all /
Bring forth the royal diadem, and crown Him Lord of all /
Old Baptist Hymns
Old Baptist hymns stand as timeless anthems of faith within the Christian tradition. These songs, often emerging from the fires of revival and reformation, carry the rich theology and passionate worship of the Baptist denomination. Hymns like "Amazing Grace" by John Newton and "How Firm a Foundation" are quintessential examples that have been sung in Baptist churches for generations.
These hymns not only provide a historical connection to the past saints but also offer contemporary believers a deep well of spiritual truth to draw from in their worship services. The simplicity of their melodies and the depth of their lyrics make them enduring choices for personal devotion and congregational singing.
Baptist Devotional Songs
Baptist devotional songs are characterized by their heartfelt expression of love and commitment to God. These songs serve as a vehicle for personal prayer and reflection, often used during quiet times of meditation or corporate times of worship. They encourage believers to a closer walk with Jesus, reflecting the Baptist emphasis on personal conversion and piety. Songs such as "In the Garden" and "The Old Rugged Cross" reflect the intimate relationship that believers seek with Christ.
These devotional songs often recount the experiences of faith—conversion, struggle, and ultimate triumph through the grace of God. They remain a vital part of Baptist devotion, aiding believers in their spiritual journey and daily walk with God.
Key Takeaways
Old Christian hymns are perfect for any church to add to their worship set.
These church songs are chock-full of biblical richness, and they can go a long way in helping you to teach your church about the Bible'and stir their heart's devotion to Christ.
Pro tip for worship leaders: Use a church management software to help you plan better for services and communicate with your worship team!
What is the Purpose of Singing Hymns in Church?
The purpose of singing hymns in church is to evoke emotions and stir the soul with the melodies and harmonies of the hymns. It provides a means of expressing personal faith and devotion through hymn singing. Furthermore, hymn singing helps connect worshippers with the rich heritage and traditions of the faith.
Can Church Hymns Be Sung in Different Musical Styles?
Yes, church hymns can be sung in different musical styles. This flexibility in musical expression helps to cultivate a sense of musical worship as congregations engage in hymn singing. Adapting hymns to various styles can also perpetuate the legacy of hymnody and preserve the hymns for future generations, ensuring that the tradition remains alive and relevant.
Are Hymns Still Relevant in Modern Church Worship?
Hymns remain relevant in modern church worship as they continue to connect worshippers with the rich heritage and traditions of their faith. By cultivating a sense of musical worship, hymn singing allows congregations to express their devotion in a manner that resonates with the times while still preserving the traditional essence of hymnody.
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Old hymns have carried many Christians through difficult valleys and taken them to spiritual mountaintop experiences.
Christian hymns have a way of connecting the church to its forebears in the faith—to the ancient tradition and saints on whose shoulders we stand.
Certain hymns have become the go-to resource for encouragement for millions of believers across the span of time. These hymn songs remind us of God’s faithfulness to Christians of the past so that we can rely on God’s grace in the present.
What are Church Hymns?
Church hymns are songs that are typically sung in worship within a Christian church context. They are a form of musical and lyrical expression that aims to praise, worship, adore, and honor God. Hymns are often characterized by their poetic verses and regular meter, which make them easy to sing in a group setting.
Traditionally, hymns are used in various parts of church services, including the opening worship, during communion, as a response to sermons, and as closing songs. They can also be used to meditate on the goodness of God, and recollect His blessings and promises. They cover a wide range of themes such as the glory of God, the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the experiences of Christian faith (like grace, redemption, and salvation), and the anticipation of heaven.
Hymns inspire reflection, meditation, and spiritual contemplation and offer a vehicle for worshipers to offer their voices as an offering to God.
Importance of Church Hymns
Church hymns are important because they provide a form of worship and praise, teach doctrine, unite the congregation, express the faith community's historical continuity, and mark special occasions in the Christian calendar. They also serve as an outlet for emotional expression and personal reflection, offering comfort and encouragement to believers during worship services.
Churches can achieve several powerful aims with hymns: including enhancing the spiritual atmosphere with the melodies and lyrics of hymns, communicating biblical truths and theological concepts through hymn lyrics, and promoting unity and fellowship among worshipers as they join in hymn singing.
The Power of Church Hymns
Top Reasons to Sing Hymns in the Church
Hymns Teach Us
Hymns teach us by translating Christian doctrine into song, making scripture memorable, and imparting moral teachings. They use melody to simplify and communicate complex theological ideas and ethical instructions.
Hymns Provide Our Worship a Sense of Beauty and Majesty
Hymns provide our worship a sense of beauty and majesty, enhancing the aesthetic aspect of worship and reflecting God's majesty. They are a testament to the artistic heritage of the church, contributing to a worshipful experience that is both beautiful and sublime.
Hymns Contribute to the Depth of Christian Experience
Hymns contribute to the depth of christian experience by resonating with our emotions and fostering spiritual growth. They act as a universal language that enriches the collective faith journey, allowing us to share deeply in our spiritual lives with others across different cultures.
Hymns Help Us Lift Our Hearts to God
Hymns help us lift our hearts to God in an encounter that elevates our spirit. Singing hymns is an act of devotion, a form of prayer, and a means for meditation that brings our joys, sorrows, and hopes before the divine, helping us to connect with God on a personal level.
Top Church Hymns You Should Know
Here are 18 of the most popular old hymns your church can use to inspire a new season of worship that stands on the momentum of God’s work in history in order to reach a new generation with an ancient message.
1. Amazing Grace // John Newton, England (1779)
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound /
That saved a wretch like me /
I once was lost, but now am found /
Was blind but now I see /
2. How Great Thou Art // Carl Gustav Boberg, Sweden (1885)
O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder /
Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made /
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder /
Thy power throughout the universe displayed /
3. It is Well // Horacio Spafford, written in the Atlantic Ocean (1873)
When peace like a river, attendeth my way, /
When sorrows like sea billows roll /
Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say /
It is well, it is well, with my soul /
4. By Thou My Vision // Dallán Forgaill, Ireland (6th Century)
Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart, /
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art /
Thou my best Thought, by day or by night /
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light /
5. All Creatures of Our God and King // St. Francis of Assisi, Italy (1225)
All creatures of our God and King /
Life up your voice and with us sing /
O praise Him, Alleluia /
Thou burning sun with golden beam /
Thou silver moon with softer gleam /
6. Doxology // Thomas Ken, England (1674)
Praise God from whom all blessings flow /
Praise Him all creatures here below /
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts /
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost /
7. Blessed Assurance // Fanny Crosby, New York City, USA (1873)
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine /
O what a foretaste of glory divine /
Heir of salvation, purchase of God /
Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood /
8. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross // Isaac Watts, England (1707)
When I survey the wondrous cross /
On which the Prince of glory died /
My richest gain I count but loss /
And pour contempt on all my pride /
9. Jesus Paid It All // Elvina Hall, Maryland, USA (1865)
I hear the savior say /
Thy strength indeed is small /
Child of weakness, watch and pray /
Find in me thine all in all /
10. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God // Martin Luther, Germany (1529)
A mighty fortress is our God, /
A bulwark never failing: /
Our helper He, amid the flood /
Of mortal ills prevailing. /
11. How Firm a Foundation // John Rippon, England (1787)
How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord /
Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word /
What more can He say than to you He hath said /
To you who for refuge to Jesus have fled /
12. Crown Him With Many Crowns // Matthew Bridges, England (1852)
Crown Him with many crowns, /
The lamb upon the throne: /
Hark! How the heav'nly anthem drowns /
All Music but its own! /
13. What a Friend We Have in Jesus // Joseph M. Scriven and Charles Converse, Ireland (1868)
What a friend we have in Jesus /
All our sins and griefs to bear /
And what a privilege to carry /
Everything to God in prayer /
14. "Holy, Holy, Holy" - Reginald Heber
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God almighty! /
Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee. /
Holy, holy, holy! Merciful and mighty! /
God in three persons, blessed trinity! /
15. "The Old Rugged Cross" - George Bennard
On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross /
The emblem of suff'ring and shame /
And I love that old cross where the dearest and best /
For a world of lost sinners was slain/
16. "Great Is Thy Faithfulness" - Thomas Chisholm
Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father /
There is no shadow of turning with Thee /
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not /
As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be/
17. "Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me" - Augustus Toplady
Rock of Ages, cleft for me /
Let me hide myself in Thee /
Let the water and the blood, From Thy wounded side which flowed, Be of sin the double cure /
Save from wrath and make me pure /
18. "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name" - Edward Perronet
All hail the power of Jesus' name! Let angels prostrate fall /
Bring forth the royal diadem, and crown Him Lord of all /
Bring forth the royal diadem, and crown Him Lord of all /
Old Baptist Hymns
Old Baptist hymns stand as timeless anthems of faith within the Christian tradition. These songs, often emerging from the fires of revival and reformation, carry the rich theology and passionate worship of the Baptist denomination. Hymns like "Amazing Grace" by John Newton and "How Firm a Foundation" are quintessential examples that have been sung in Baptist churches for generations.
These hymns not only provide a historical connection to the past saints but also offer contemporary believers a deep well of spiritual truth to draw from in their worship services. The simplicity of their melodies and the depth of their lyrics make them enduring choices for personal devotion and congregational singing.
Baptist Devotional Songs
Baptist devotional songs are characterized by their heartfelt expression of love and commitment to God. These songs serve as a vehicle for personal prayer and reflection, often used during quiet times of meditation or corporate times of worship. They encourage believers to a closer walk with Jesus, reflecting the Baptist emphasis on personal conversion and piety. Songs such as "In the Garden" and "The Old Rugged Cross" reflect the intimate relationship that believers seek with Christ.
These devotional songs often recount the experiences of faith—conversion, struggle, and ultimate triumph through the grace of God. They remain a vital part of Baptist devotion, aiding believers in their spiritual journey and daily walk with God.
Key Takeaways
Old Christian hymns are perfect for any church to add to their worship set.
These church songs are chock-full of biblical richness, and they can go a long way in helping you to teach your church about the Bible'and stir their heart's devotion to Christ.
Pro tip for worship leaders: Use a church management software to help you plan better for services and communicate with your worship team!
What is the Purpose of Singing Hymns in Church?
The purpose of singing hymns in church is to evoke emotions and stir the soul with the melodies and harmonies of the hymns. It provides a means of expressing personal faith and devotion through hymn singing. Furthermore, hymn singing helps connect worshippers with the rich heritage and traditions of the faith.
Can Church Hymns Be Sung in Different Musical Styles?
Yes, church hymns can be sung in different musical styles. This flexibility in musical expression helps to cultivate a sense of musical worship as congregations engage in hymn singing. Adapting hymns to various styles can also perpetuate the legacy of hymnody and preserve the hymns for future generations, ensuring that the tradition remains alive and relevant.
Are Hymns Still Relevant in Modern Church Worship?
Hymns remain relevant in modern church worship as they continue to connect worshippers with the rich heritage and traditions of their faith. By cultivating a sense of musical worship, hymn singing allows congregations to express their devotion in a manner that resonates with the times while still preserving the traditional essence of hymnody.
podcast transcript
Old hymns have carried many Christians through difficult valleys and taken them to spiritual mountaintop experiences.
Christian hymns have a way of connecting the church to its forebears in the faith—to the ancient tradition and saints on whose shoulders we stand.
Certain hymns have become the go-to resource for encouragement for millions of believers across the span of time. These hymn songs remind us of God’s faithfulness to Christians of the past so that we can rely on God’s grace in the present.
What are Church Hymns?
Church hymns are songs that are typically sung in worship within a Christian church context. They are a form of musical and lyrical expression that aims to praise, worship, adore, and honor God. Hymns are often characterized by their poetic verses and regular meter, which make them easy to sing in a group setting.
Traditionally, hymns are used in various parts of church services, including the opening worship, during communion, as a response to sermons, and as closing songs. They can also be used to meditate on the goodness of God, and recollect His blessings and promises. They cover a wide range of themes such as the glory of God, the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the experiences of Christian faith (like grace, redemption, and salvation), and the anticipation of heaven.
Hymns inspire reflection, meditation, and spiritual contemplation and offer a vehicle for worshipers to offer their voices as an offering to God.
Importance of Church Hymns
Church hymns are important because they provide a form of worship and praise, teach doctrine, unite the congregation, express the faith community's historical continuity, and mark special occasions in the Christian calendar. They also serve as an outlet for emotional expression and personal reflection, offering comfort and encouragement to believers during worship services.
Churches can achieve several powerful aims with hymns: including enhancing the spiritual atmosphere with the melodies and lyrics of hymns, communicating biblical truths and theological concepts through hymn lyrics, and promoting unity and fellowship among worshipers as they join in hymn singing.
The Power of Church Hymns
Top Reasons to Sing Hymns in the Church
Hymns Teach Us
Hymns teach us by translating Christian doctrine into song, making scripture memorable, and imparting moral teachings. They use melody to simplify and communicate complex theological ideas and ethical instructions.
Hymns Provide Our Worship a Sense of Beauty and Majesty
Hymns provide our worship a sense of beauty and majesty, enhancing the aesthetic aspect of worship and reflecting God's majesty. They are a testament to the artistic heritage of the church, contributing to a worshipful experience that is both beautiful and sublime.
Hymns Contribute to the Depth of Christian Experience
Hymns contribute to the depth of christian experience by resonating with our emotions and fostering spiritual growth. They act as a universal language that enriches the collective faith journey, allowing us to share deeply in our spiritual lives with others across different cultures.
Hymns Help Us Lift Our Hearts to God
Hymns help us lift our hearts to God in an encounter that elevates our spirit. Singing hymns is an act of devotion, a form of prayer, and a means for meditation that brings our joys, sorrows, and hopes before the divine, helping us to connect with God on a personal level.
Top Church Hymns You Should Know
Here are 18 of the most popular old hymns your church can use to inspire a new season of worship that stands on the momentum of God’s work in history in order to reach a new generation with an ancient message.
1. Amazing Grace // John Newton, England (1779)
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound /
That saved a wretch like me /
I once was lost, but now am found /
Was blind but now I see /
2. How Great Thou Art // Carl Gustav Boberg, Sweden (1885)
O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder /
Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made /
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder /
Thy power throughout the universe displayed /
3. It is Well // Horacio Spafford, written in the Atlantic Ocean (1873)
When peace like a river, attendeth my way, /
When sorrows like sea billows roll /
Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say /
It is well, it is well, with my soul /
4. By Thou My Vision // Dallán Forgaill, Ireland (6th Century)
Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart, /
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art /
Thou my best Thought, by day or by night /
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light /
5. All Creatures of Our God and King // St. Francis of Assisi, Italy (1225)
All creatures of our God and King /
Life up your voice and with us sing /
O praise Him, Alleluia /
Thou burning sun with golden beam /
Thou silver moon with softer gleam /
6. Doxology // Thomas Ken, England (1674)
Praise God from whom all blessings flow /
Praise Him all creatures here below /
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts /
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost /
7. Blessed Assurance // Fanny Crosby, New York City, USA (1873)
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine /
O what a foretaste of glory divine /
Heir of salvation, purchase of God /
Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood /
8. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross // Isaac Watts, England (1707)
When I survey the wondrous cross /
On which the Prince of glory died /
My richest gain I count but loss /
And pour contempt on all my pride /
9. Jesus Paid It All // Elvina Hall, Maryland, USA (1865)
I hear the savior say /
Thy strength indeed is small /
Child of weakness, watch and pray /
Find in me thine all in all /
10. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God // Martin Luther, Germany (1529)
A mighty fortress is our God, /
A bulwark never failing: /
Our helper He, amid the flood /
Of mortal ills prevailing. /
11. How Firm a Foundation // John Rippon, England (1787)
How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord /
Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word /
What more can He say than to you He hath said /
To you who for refuge to Jesus have fled /
12. Crown Him With Many Crowns // Matthew Bridges, England (1852)
Crown Him with many crowns, /
The lamb upon the throne: /
Hark! How the heav'nly anthem drowns /
All Music but its own! /
13. What a Friend We Have in Jesus // Joseph M. Scriven and Charles Converse, Ireland (1868)
What a friend we have in Jesus /
All our sins and griefs to bear /
And what a privilege to carry /
Everything to God in prayer /
14. "Holy, Holy, Holy" - Reginald Heber
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God almighty! /
Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee. /
Holy, holy, holy! Merciful and mighty! /
God in three persons, blessed trinity! /
15. "The Old Rugged Cross" - George Bennard
On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross /
The emblem of suff'ring and shame /
And I love that old cross where the dearest and best /
For a world of lost sinners was slain/
16. "Great Is Thy Faithfulness" - Thomas Chisholm
Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father /
There is no shadow of turning with Thee /
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not /
As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be/
17. "Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me" - Augustus Toplady
Rock of Ages, cleft for me /
Let me hide myself in Thee /
Let the water and the blood, From Thy wounded side which flowed, Be of sin the double cure /
Save from wrath and make me pure /
18. "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name" - Edward Perronet
All hail the power of Jesus' name! Let angels prostrate fall /
Bring forth the royal diadem, and crown Him Lord of all /
Bring forth the royal diadem, and crown Him Lord of all /
Old Baptist Hymns
Old Baptist hymns stand as timeless anthems of faith within the Christian tradition. These songs, often emerging from the fires of revival and reformation, carry the rich theology and passionate worship of the Baptist denomination. Hymns like "Amazing Grace" by John Newton and "How Firm a Foundation" are quintessential examples that have been sung in Baptist churches for generations.
These hymns not only provide a historical connection to the past saints but also offer contemporary believers a deep well of spiritual truth to draw from in their worship services. The simplicity of their melodies and the depth of their lyrics make them enduring choices for personal devotion and congregational singing.
Baptist Devotional Songs
Baptist devotional songs are characterized by their heartfelt expression of love and commitment to God. These songs serve as a vehicle for personal prayer and reflection, often used during quiet times of meditation or corporate times of worship. They encourage believers to a closer walk with Jesus, reflecting the Baptist emphasis on personal conversion and piety. Songs such as "In the Garden" and "The Old Rugged Cross" reflect the intimate relationship that believers seek with Christ.
These devotional songs often recount the experiences of faith—conversion, struggle, and ultimate triumph through the grace of God. They remain a vital part of Baptist devotion, aiding believers in their spiritual journey and daily walk with God.
Key Takeaways
Old Christian hymns are perfect for any church to add to their worship set.
These church songs are chock-full of biblical richness, and they can go a long way in helping you to teach your church about the Bible'and stir their heart's devotion to Christ.
Pro tip for worship leaders: Use a church management software to help you plan better for services and communicate with your worship team!
What is the Purpose of Singing Hymns in Church?
The purpose of singing hymns in church is to evoke emotions and stir the soul with the melodies and harmonies of the hymns. It provides a means of expressing personal faith and devotion through hymn singing. Furthermore, hymn singing helps connect worshippers with the rich heritage and traditions of the faith.
Can Church Hymns Be Sung in Different Musical Styles?
Yes, church hymns can be sung in different musical styles. This flexibility in musical expression helps to cultivate a sense of musical worship as congregations engage in hymn singing. Adapting hymns to various styles can also perpetuate the legacy of hymnody and preserve the hymns for future generations, ensuring that the tradition remains alive and relevant.
Are Hymns Still Relevant in Modern Church Worship?
Hymns remain relevant in modern church worship as they continue to connect worshippers with the rich heritage and traditions of their faith. By cultivating a sense of musical worship, hymn singing allows congregations to express their devotion in a manner that resonates with the times while still preserving the traditional essence of hymnody.
VIDEO transcript
Old hymns have carried many Christians through difficult valleys and taken them to spiritual mountaintop experiences.
Christian hymns have a way of connecting the church to its forebears in the faith—to the ancient tradition and saints on whose shoulders we stand.
Certain hymns have become the go-to resource for encouragement for millions of believers across the span of time. These hymn songs remind us of God’s faithfulness to Christians of the past so that we can rely on God’s grace in the present.
What are Church Hymns?
Church hymns are songs that are typically sung in worship within a Christian church context. They are a form of musical and lyrical expression that aims to praise, worship, adore, and honor God. Hymns are often characterized by their poetic verses and regular meter, which make them easy to sing in a group setting.
Traditionally, hymns are used in various parts of church services, including the opening worship, during communion, as a response to sermons, and as closing songs. They can also be used to meditate on the goodness of God, and recollect His blessings and promises. They cover a wide range of themes such as the glory of God, the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the experiences of Christian faith (like grace, redemption, and salvation), and the anticipation of heaven.
Hymns inspire reflection, meditation, and spiritual contemplation and offer a vehicle for worshipers to offer their voices as an offering to God.
Importance of Church Hymns
Church hymns are important because they provide a form of worship and praise, teach doctrine, unite the congregation, express the faith community's historical continuity, and mark special occasions in the Christian calendar. They also serve as an outlet for emotional expression and personal reflection, offering comfort and encouragement to believers during worship services.
Churches can achieve several powerful aims with hymns: including enhancing the spiritual atmosphere with the melodies and lyrics of hymns, communicating biblical truths and theological concepts through hymn lyrics, and promoting unity and fellowship among worshipers as they join in hymn singing.
The Power of Church Hymns
Top Reasons to Sing Hymns in the Church
Hymns Teach Us
Hymns teach us by translating Christian doctrine into song, making scripture memorable, and imparting moral teachings. They use melody to simplify and communicate complex theological ideas and ethical instructions.
Hymns Provide Our Worship a Sense of Beauty and Majesty
Hymns provide our worship a sense of beauty and majesty, enhancing the aesthetic aspect of worship and reflecting God's majesty. They are a testament to the artistic heritage of the church, contributing to a worshipful experience that is both beautiful and sublime.
Hymns Contribute to the Depth of Christian Experience
Hymns contribute to the depth of christian experience by resonating with our emotions and fostering spiritual growth. They act as a universal language that enriches the collective faith journey, allowing us to share deeply in our spiritual lives with others across different cultures.
Hymns Help Us Lift Our Hearts to God
Hymns help us lift our hearts to God in an encounter that elevates our spirit. Singing hymns is an act of devotion, a form of prayer, and a means for meditation that brings our joys, sorrows, and hopes before the divine, helping us to connect with God on a personal level.
Top Church Hymns You Should Know
Here are 18 of the most popular old hymns your church can use to inspire a new season of worship that stands on the momentum of God’s work in history in order to reach a new generation with an ancient message.
1. Amazing Grace // John Newton, England (1779)
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound /
That saved a wretch like me /
I once was lost, but now am found /
Was blind but now I see /
2. How Great Thou Art // Carl Gustav Boberg, Sweden (1885)
O Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder /
Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made /
I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder /
Thy power throughout the universe displayed /
3. It is Well // Horacio Spafford, written in the Atlantic Ocean (1873)
When peace like a river, attendeth my way, /
When sorrows like sea billows roll /
Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say /
It is well, it is well, with my soul /
4. By Thou My Vision // Dallán Forgaill, Ireland (6th Century)
Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart, /
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art /
Thou my best Thought, by day or by night /
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light /
5. All Creatures of Our God and King // St. Francis of Assisi, Italy (1225)
All creatures of our God and King /
Life up your voice and with us sing /
O praise Him, Alleluia /
Thou burning sun with golden beam /
Thou silver moon with softer gleam /
6. Doxology // Thomas Ken, England (1674)
Praise God from whom all blessings flow /
Praise Him all creatures here below /
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts /
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost /
7. Blessed Assurance // Fanny Crosby, New York City, USA (1873)
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine /
O what a foretaste of glory divine /
Heir of salvation, purchase of God /
Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood /
8. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross // Isaac Watts, England (1707)
When I survey the wondrous cross /
On which the Prince of glory died /
My richest gain I count but loss /
And pour contempt on all my pride /
9. Jesus Paid It All // Elvina Hall, Maryland, USA (1865)
I hear the savior say /
Thy strength indeed is small /
Child of weakness, watch and pray /
Find in me thine all in all /
10. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God // Martin Luther, Germany (1529)
A mighty fortress is our God, /
A bulwark never failing: /
Our helper He, amid the flood /
Of mortal ills prevailing. /
11. How Firm a Foundation // John Rippon, England (1787)
How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord /
Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word /
What more can He say than to you He hath said /
To you who for refuge to Jesus have fled /
12. Crown Him With Many Crowns // Matthew Bridges, England (1852)
Crown Him with many crowns, /
The lamb upon the throne: /
Hark! How the heav'nly anthem drowns /
All Music but its own! /
13. What a Friend We Have in Jesus // Joseph M. Scriven and Charles Converse, Ireland (1868)
What a friend we have in Jesus /
All our sins and griefs to bear /
And what a privilege to carry /
Everything to God in prayer /
14. "Holy, Holy, Holy" - Reginald Heber
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God almighty! /
Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee. /
Holy, holy, holy! Merciful and mighty! /
God in three persons, blessed trinity! /
15. "The Old Rugged Cross" - George Bennard
On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross /
The emblem of suff'ring and shame /
And I love that old cross where the dearest and best /
For a world of lost sinners was slain/
16. "Great Is Thy Faithfulness" - Thomas Chisholm
Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father /
There is no shadow of turning with Thee /
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not /
As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be/
17. "Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me" - Augustus Toplady
Rock of Ages, cleft for me /
Let me hide myself in Thee /
Let the water and the blood, From Thy wounded side which flowed, Be of sin the double cure /
Save from wrath and make me pure /
18. "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name" - Edward Perronet
All hail the power of Jesus' name! Let angels prostrate fall /
Bring forth the royal diadem, and crown Him Lord of all /
Bring forth the royal diadem, and crown Him Lord of all /
Old Baptist Hymns
Old Baptist hymns stand as timeless anthems of faith within the Christian tradition. These songs, often emerging from the fires of revival and reformation, carry the rich theology and passionate worship of the Baptist denomination. Hymns like "Amazing Grace" by John Newton and "How Firm a Foundation" are quintessential examples that have been sung in Baptist churches for generations.
These hymns not only provide a historical connection to the past saints but also offer contemporary believers a deep well of spiritual truth to draw from in their worship services. The simplicity of their melodies and the depth of their lyrics make them enduring choices for personal devotion and congregational singing.
Baptist Devotional Songs
Baptist devotional songs are characterized by their heartfelt expression of love and commitment to God. These songs serve as a vehicle for personal prayer and reflection, often used during quiet times of meditation or corporate times of worship. They encourage believers to a closer walk with Jesus, reflecting the Baptist emphasis on personal conversion and piety. Songs such as "In the Garden" and "The Old Rugged Cross" reflect the intimate relationship that believers seek with Christ.
These devotional songs often recount the experiences of faith—conversion, struggle, and ultimate triumph through the grace of God. They remain a vital part of Baptist devotion, aiding believers in their spiritual journey and daily walk with God.
Key Takeaways
Old Christian hymns are perfect for any church to add to their worship set.
These church songs are chock-full of biblical richness, and they can go a long way in helping you to teach your church about the Bible'and stir their heart's devotion to Christ.
Pro tip for worship leaders: Use a church management software to help you plan better for services and communicate with your worship team!
What is the Purpose of Singing Hymns in Church?
The purpose of singing hymns in church is to evoke emotions and stir the soul with the melodies and harmonies of the hymns. It provides a means of expressing personal faith and devotion through hymn singing. Furthermore, hymn singing helps connect worshippers with the rich heritage and traditions of the faith.
Can Church Hymns Be Sung in Different Musical Styles?
Yes, church hymns can be sung in different musical styles. This flexibility in musical expression helps to cultivate a sense of musical worship as congregations engage in hymn singing. Adapting hymns to various styles can also perpetuate the legacy of hymnody and preserve the hymns for future generations, ensuring that the tradition remains alive and relevant.
Are Hymns Still Relevant in Modern Church Worship?
Hymns remain relevant in modern church worship as they continue to connect worshippers with the rich heritage and traditions of their faith. By cultivating a sense of musical worship, hymn singing allows congregations to express their devotion in a manner that resonates with the times while still preserving the traditional essence of hymnody.