What I’ve Learned Creating a Kingdom Business and How It Can Impact Your Ministry
As ambassadors of God's kingdom, we're called to proclaim Jesus's name in every aspect of our lives, from our families to our daily routines.

As ambassadors of the kingdom and sons and daughters of God, we are called to proclaim Jesus's name throughout every aspect of our lives: in our families, workplaces, neighborhoods, and in our comings and goings each day. By doing so, we bring heaven to earth, establishing God's kingdom NOW… on earth as it is in heaven.
I have been an entrepreneur and in business for most of my life. In fact, I labeled myself a businessman long before I made Jesus Lord of my life. For years, I ran my company the world’s way. Though I didn’t always realize it, I was anxious, dependent on my own strength, and made hasty decisions that were not necessarily honoring to my team or beneficial to the clients we served.
Since making Jesus my Lord and King in 2016, I have been on a journey of faith, unlearning the world’s ways as I begin to understand God’s ways. In the process, I went from deciding to give God 51% of my business to submitting it to Him fully. I know now that everything I have belongs to God, making me a steward of what He has entrusted me.
What is an ekklesia?
As a result of my journey with God, my primary company, Flō Energy Solutions, has become an ekklesia.
An ekklesia is the assembly of two or more people gathering as God's legislative assembly in Jesus’s name to make decisions and declarations based on the Word and will of God, for it to be on earth as in heaven. – Bryan Elliott, As in Heaven: Life in God’s Kingdom NOW
Or as my good friend and mentor, Ed Silvoso, founder of Transform Our World, explains, “Ekklesia [is] a building-less mobile people movement designed to operate 24/7 in the marketplace for the purpose of having an impact on everybody and everything.”
The local church is an ekklesia, but an ekklesia is not bound by the four walls of a church building. Rather, believers are empowered to establish God's kingdom by creating an ekklesia in their homes, businesses, work, neighborhoods, and spheres of influence.
Flō has grown into an ekklesia where we recognize everything is God’s. We bring every decision to the Lord, pray together, prioritize people over projects, and do our best to honor the gifts God has given us and minister in the sphere He has placed us.
Why do gifts matter?
In 1 Peter 4:10, we are exhorted to use our gifts to serve one another. As we function and serve with our gifts, talents, and acquired skills, we engage in ministry.
At Flō, the marketplace is our mission field (after our marriages and families). God has been on the move through our company, and we have learned much through the process. One of the biggest learnings we have experienced is how to love others the way God loves them. This includes our staff as well as clients. When we put God first in every decision we make, everyone wins!
People are God’s top priority, and the gifts we have been given are intended to honor and serve others as we advance His kingdom together. We value people as human beings made in the image of God and loved by God rather than just assets or tools.
The Father’s family business needs to be faithfully stewarded by maturing sons and daughters within the culture of honour. As we grow in sonship, we can lead others differently, knowing each person is uniquely created with special giftings to bring to the world.
As disciplers, we honour people by seeing and understanding their unique designs and gifts. We want to discover God’s design (giftings and calling), which is the place where they do well, are most creative, and most satisfied. –Bryan Elliott, As in Heaven: Life in God’s Kingdom NOW
What does this mean practically? Loving people well and stewarding their gifts means helping people discover where they thrive. Purpose and calling are cultivated as people are empowered to use their gifts and skills to make a meaningful difference for the kingdom.
Are you stewarding your team well?
There are many ways to steward your team well. At my company, we utilize various assessments, including DISC®, 360 Evaluations, Myers Briggs Type Indicator®, Working Genius, the 5 Love Languages®, the 5 Apology LanguagesTM, leaderPOPTM, the Team Dimensions Profile, and finally, the Redemptive Giftings Assessment based on Romans 12 and Designed for Fulfillment by Charles R. Wales.
What would it look like to steward your team well in your sphere of influence? In my upcoming book, As in Heaven: Life in God’s Kingdom NOW, I list various questions to consider for those in the marketplace trying to build a kingdom ecosystem. As a leader, I challenge you to consider some of the same questions for your ministry.
How to Build a Kingdom Ecosystem
- Are you seeing people as Jesus sees them, or are you seeing them through the eyes of harsh, flawed human judgment?
- What if you truly believed everyone is of infinite value? How would this change the way your team operates?
- What if you helped people discover their purpose (kingdom assignment) through discovering and helping them grow in their gifts and talents?
- What if issues and problems with your team were first met with prayer and intercession?
- What if the consequences of ineffectiveness were targeted investment in training and growth?
- What if reassignment into someone’s area of giftedness was an option?
- What if sonship or character formation were the highest qualifications of leadership?
- What if you embraced God as your source and provider and were no longer bound by fear, scarcity, or competition?
When people feel seen and loved and can function in their giftedness, you'd be amazed at what they (and your whole team) can accomplish.
What’s my responsibility?
After 25 years in business at Flō, we feel like we are just getting started on an exciting adventure as we embrace this new and superior reality of the kingdom. Like Jesus, we are about our Father’s business! We get to be Jesus in the marketplace to build His kingdom together, knowing Jesus is the master builder.
Whether you run a business, church, nonprofit, or other ministry, you are called to love people well and glorify God wherever you are planted. This means cultivating your team’s strengths and empowering them to grow as leaders. It’s your responsibility to create an environment and opportunities that encourage growth; it’s their responsibility to step up to the challenge… and be blessed in the process!
To learn more about kingdom business, download The Principles of Kingdom Wealth and Business, an excerpt from my upcoming book, As in Heaven: Life in God’s Kingdom NOW.
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As ambassadors of the kingdom and sons and daughters of God, we are called to proclaim Jesus's name throughout every aspect of our lives: in our families, workplaces, neighborhoods, and in our comings and goings each day. By doing so, we bring heaven to earth, establishing God's kingdom NOW… on earth as it is in heaven.
I have been an entrepreneur and in business for most of my life. In fact, I labeled myself a businessman long before I made Jesus Lord of my life. For years, I ran my company the world’s way. Though I didn’t always realize it, I was anxious, dependent on my own strength, and made hasty decisions that were not necessarily honoring to my team or beneficial to the clients we served.
Since making Jesus my Lord and King in 2016, I have been on a journey of faith, unlearning the world’s ways as I begin to understand God’s ways. In the process, I went from deciding to give God 51% of my business to submitting it to Him fully. I know now that everything I have belongs to God, making me a steward of what He has entrusted me.
What is an ekklesia?
As a result of my journey with God, my primary company, Flō Energy Solutions, has become an ekklesia.
An ekklesia is the assembly of two or more people gathering as God's legislative assembly in Jesus’s name to make decisions and declarations based on the Word and will of God, for it to be on earth as in heaven. – Bryan Elliott, As in Heaven: Life in God’s Kingdom NOW
Or as my good friend and mentor, Ed Silvoso, founder of Transform Our World, explains, “Ekklesia [is] a building-less mobile people movement designed to operate 24/7 in the marketplace for the purpose of having an impact on everybody and everything.”
The local church is an ekklesia, but an ekklesia is not bound by the four walls of a church building. Rather, believers are empowered to establish God's kingdom by creating an ekklesia in their homes, businesses, work, neighborhoods, and spheres of influence.
Flō has grown into an ekklesia where we recognize everything is God’s. We bring every decision to the Lord, pray together, prioritize people over projects, and do our best to honor the gifts God has given us and minister in the sphere He has placed us.
Why do gifts matter?
In 1 Peter 4:10, we are exhorted to use our gifts to serve one another. As we function and serve with our gifts, talents, and acquired skills, we engage in ministry.
At Flō, the marketplace is our mission field (after our marriages and families). God has been on the move through our company, and we have learned much through the process. One of the biggest learnings we have experienced is how to love others the way God loves them. This includes our staff as well as clients. When we put God first in every decision we make, everyone wins!
People are God’s top priority, and the gifts we have been given are intended to honor and serve others as we advance His kingdom together. We value people as human beings made in the image of God and loved by God rather than just assets or tools.
The Father’s family business needs to be faithfully stewarded by maturing sons and daughters within the culture of honour. As we grow in sonship, we can lead others differently, knowing each person is uniquely created with special giftings to bring to the world.
As disciplers, we honour people by seeing and understanding their unique designs and gifts. We want to discover God’s design (giftings and calling), which is the place where they do well, are most creative, and most satisfied. –Bryan Elliott, As in Heaven: Life in God’s Kingdom NOW
What does this mean practically? Loving people well and stewarding their gifts means helping people discover where they thrive. Purpose and calling are cultivated as people are empowered to use their gifts and skills to make a meaningful difference for the kingdom.
Are you stewarding your team well?
There are many ways to steward your team well. At my company, we utilize various assessments, including DISC®, 360 Evaluations, Myers Briggs Type Indicator®, Working Genius, the 5 Love Languages®, the 5 Apology LanguagesTM, leaderPOPTM, the Team Dimensions Profile, and finally, the Redemptive Giftings Assessment based on Romans 12 and Designed for Fulfillment by Charles R. Wales.
What would it look like to steward your team well in your sphere of influence? In my upcoming book, As in Heaven: Life in God’s Kingdom NOW, I list various questions to consider for those in the marketplace trying to build a kingdom ecosystem. As a leader, I challenge you to consider some of the same questions for your ministry.
How to Build a Kingdom Ecosystem
- Are you seeing people as Jesus sees them, or are you seeing them through the eyes of harsh, flawed human judgment?
- What if you truly believed everyone is of infinite value? How would this change the way your team operates?
- What if you helped people discover their purpose (kingdom assignment) through discovering and helping them grow in their gifts and talents?
- What if issues and problems with your team were first met with prayer and intercession?
- What if the consequences of ineffectiveness were targeted investment in training and growth?
- What if reassignment into someone’s area of giftedness was an option?
- What if sonship or character formation were the highest qualifications of leadership?
- What if you embraced God as your source and provider and were no longer bound by fear, scarcity, or competition?
When people feel seen and loved and can function in their giftedness, you'd be amazed at what they (and your whole team) can accomplish.
What’s my responsibility?
After 25 years in business at Flō, we feel like we are just getting started on an exciting adventure as we embrace this new and superior reality of the kingdom. Like Jesus, we are about our Father’s business! We get to be Jesus in the marketplace to build His kingdom together, knowing Jesus is the master builder.
Whether you run a business, church, nonprofit, or other ministry, you are called to love people well and glorify God wherever you are planted. This means cultivating your team’s strengths and empowering them to grow as leaders. It’s your responsibility to create an environment and opportunities that encourage growth; it’s their responsibility to step up to the challenge… and be blessed in the process!
To learn more about kingdom business, download The Principles of Kingdom Wealth and Business, an excerpt from my upcoming book, As in Heaven: Life in God’s Kingdom NOW.
podcast transcript
As ambassadors of the kingdom and sons and daughters of God, we are called to proclaim Jesus's name throughout every aspect of our lives: in our families, workplaces, neighborhoods, and in our comings and goings each day. By doing so, we bring heaven to earth, establishing God's kingdom NOW… on earth as it is in heaven.
I have been an entrepreneur and in business for most of my life. In fact, I labeled myself a businessman long before I made Jesus Lord of my life. For years, I ran my company the world’s way. Though I didn’t always realize it, I was anxious, dependent on my own strength, and made hasty decisions that were not necessarily honoring to my team or beneficial to the clients we served.
Since making Jesus my Lord and King in 2016, I have been on a journey of faith, unlearning the world’s ways as I begin to understand God’s ways. In the process, I went from deciding to give God 51% of my business to submitting it to Him fully. I know now that everything I have belongs to God, making me a steward of what He has entrusted me.
What is an ekklesia?
As a result of my journey with God, my primary company, Flō Energy Solutions, has become an ekklesia.
An ekklesia is the assembly of two or more people gathering as God's legislative assembly in Jesus’s name to make decisions and declarations based on the Word and will of God, for it to be on earth as in heaven. – Bryan Elliott, As in Heaven: Life in God’s Kingdom NOW
Or as my good friend and mentor, Ed Silvoso, founder of Transform Our World, explains, “Ekklesia [is] a building-less mobile people movement designed to operate 24/7 in the marketplace for the purpose of having an impact on everybody and everything.”
The local church is an ekklesia, but an ekklesia is not bound by the four walls of a church building. Rather, believers are empowered to establish God's kingdom by creating an ekklesia in their homes, businesses, work, neighborhoods, and spheres of influence.
Flō has grown into an ekklesia where we recognize everything is God’s. We bring every decision to the Lord, pray together, prioritize people over projects, and do our best to honor the gifts God has given us and minister in the sphere He has placed us.
Why do gifts matter?
In 1 Peter 4:10, we are exhorted to use our gifts to serve one another. As we function and serve with our gifts, talents, and acquired skills, we engage in ministry.
At Flō, the marketplace is our mission field (after our marriages and families). God has been on the move through our company, and we have learned much through the process. One of the biggest learnings we have experienced is how to love others the way God loves them. This includes our staff as well as clients. When we put God first in every decision we make, everyone wins!
People are God’s top priority, and the gifts we have been given are intended to honor and serve others as we advance His kingdom together. We value people as human beings made in the image of God and loved by God rather than just assets or tools.
The Father’s family business needs to be faithfully stewarded by maturing sons and daughters within the culture of honour. As we grow in sonship, we can lead others differently, knowing each person is uniquely created with special giftings to bring to the world.
As disciplers, we honour people by seeing and understanding their unique designs and gifts. We want to discover God’s design (giftings and calling), which is the place where they do well, are most creative, and most satisfied. –Bryan Elliott, As in Heaven: Life in God’s Kingdom NOW
What does this mean practically? Loving people well and stewarding their gifts means helping people discover where they thrive. Purpose and calling are cultivated as people are empowered to use their gifts and skills to make a meaningful difference for the kingdom.
Are you stewarding your team well?
There are many ways to steward your team well. At my company, we utilize various assessments, including DISC®, 360 Evaluations, Myers Briggs Type Indicator®, Working Genius, the 5 Love Languages®, the 5 Apology LanguagesTM, leaderPOPTM, the Team Dimensions Profile, and finally, the Redemptive Giftings Assessment based on Romans 12 and Designed for Fulfillment by Charles R. Wales.
What would it look like to steward your team well in your sphere of influence? In my upcoming book, As in Heaven: Life in God’s Kingdom NOW, I list various questions to consider for those in the marketplace trying to build a kingdom ecosystem. As a leader, I challenge you to consider some of the same questions for your ministry.
How to Build a Kingdom Ecosystem
- Are you seeing people as Jesus sees them, or are you seeing them through the eyes of harsh, flawed human judgment?
- What if you truly believed everyone is of infinite value? How would this change the way your team operates?
- What if you helped people discover their purpose (kingdom assignment) through discovering and helping them grow in their gifts and talents?
- What if issues and problems with your team were first met with prayer and intercession?
- What if the consequences of ineffectiveness were targeted investment in training and growth?
- What if reassignment into someone’s area of giftedness was an option?
- What if sonship or character formation were the highest qualifications of leadership?
- What if you embraced God as your source and provider and were no longer bound by fear, scarcity, or competition?
When people feel seen and loved and can function in their giftedness, you'd be amazed at what they (and your whole team) can accomplish.
What’s my responsibility?
After 25 years in business at Flō, we feel like we are just getting started on an exciting adventure as we embrace this new and superior reality of the kingdom. Like Jesus, we are about our Father’s business! We get to be Jesus in the marketplace to build His kingdom together, knowing Jesus is the master builder.
Whether you run a business, church, nonprofit, or other ministry, you are called to love people well and glorify God wherever you are planted. This means cultivating your team’s strengths and empowering them to grow as leaders. It’s your responsibility to create an environment and opportunities that encourage growth; it’s their responsibility to step up to the challenge… and be blessed in the process!
To learn more about kingdom business, download The Principles of Kingdom Wealth and Business, an excerpt from my upcoming book, As in Heaven: Life in God’s Kingdom NOW.
VIDEO transcript
As ambassadors of the kingdom and sons and daughters of God, we are called to proclaim Jesus's name throughout every aspect of our lives: in our families, workplaces, neighborhoods, and in our comings and goings each day. By doing so, we bring heaven to earth, establishing God's kingdom NOW… on earth as it is in heaven.
I have been an entrepreneur and in business for most of my life. In fact, I labeled myself a businessman long before I made Jesus Lord of my life. For years, I ran my company the world’s way. Though I didn’t always realize it, I was anxious, dependent on my own strength, and made hasty decisions that were not necessarily honoring to my team or beneficial to the clients we served.
Since making Jesus my Lord and King in 2016, I have been on a journey of faith, unlearning the world’s ways as I begin to understand God’s ways. In the process, I went from deciding to give God 51% of my business to submitting it to Him fully. I know now that everything I have belongs to God, making me a steward of what He has entrusted me.
What is an ekklesia?
As a result of my journey with God, my primary company, Flō Energy Solutions, has become an ekklesia.
An ekklesia is the assembly of two or more people gathering as God's legislative assembly in Jesus’s name to make decisions and declarations based on the Word and will of God, for it to be on earth as in heaven. – Bryan Elliott, As in Heaven: Life in God’s Kingdom NOW
Or as my good friend and mentor, Ed Silvoso, founder of Transform Our World, explains, “Ekklesia [is] a building-less mobile people movement designed to operate 24/7 in the marketplace for the purpose of having an impact on everybody and everything.”
The local church is an ekklesia, but an ekklesia is not bound by the four walls of a church building. Rather, believers are empowered to establish God's kingdom by creating an ekklesia in their homes, businesses, work, neighborhoods, and spheres of influence.
Flō has grown into an ekklesia where we recognize everything is God’s. We bring every decision to the Lord, pray together, prioritize people over projects, and do our best to honor the gifts God has given us and minister in the sphere He has placed us.
Why do gifts matter?
In 1 Peter 4:10, we are exhorted to use our gifts to serve one another. As we function and serve with our gifts, talents, and acquired skills, we engage in ministry.
At Flō, the marketplace is our mission field (after our marriages and families). God has been on the move through our company, and we have learned much through the process. One of the biggest learnings we have experienced is how to love others the way God loves them. This includes our staff as well as clients. When we put God first in every decision we make, everyone wins!
People are God’s top priority, and the gifts we have been given are intended to honor and serve others as we advance His kingdom together. We value people as human beings made in the image of God and loved by God rather than just assets or tools.
The Father’s family business needs to be faithfully stewarded by maturing sons and daughters within the culture of honour. As we grow in sonship, we can lead others differently, knowing each person is uniquely created with special giftings to bring to the world.
As disciplers, we honour people by seeing and understanding their unique designs and gifts. We want to discover God’s design (giftings and calling), which is the place where they do well, are most creative, and most satisfied. –Bryan Elliott, As in Heaven: Life in God’s Kingdom NOW
What does this mean practically? Loving people well and stewarding their gifts means helping people discover where they thrive. Purpose and calling are cultivated as people are empowered to use their gifts and skills to make a meaningful difference for the kingdom.
Are you stewarding your team well?
There are many ways to steward your team well. At my company, we utilize various assessments, including DISC®, 360 Evaluations, Myers Briggs Type Indicator®, Working Genius, the 5 Love Languages®, the 5 Apology LanguagesTM, leaderPOPTM, the Team Dimensions Profile, and finally, the Redemptive Giftings Assessment based on Romans 12 and Designed for Fulfillment by Charles R. Wales.
What would it look like to steward your team well in your sphere of influence? In my upcoming book, As in Heaven: Life in God’s Kingdom NOW, I list various questions to consider for those in the marketplace trying to build a kingdom ecosystem. As a leader, I challenge you to consider some of the same questions for your ministry.
How to Build a Kingdom Ecosystem
- Are you seeing people as Jesus sees them, or are you seeing them through the eyes of harsh, flawed human judgment?
- What if you truly believed everyone is of infinite value? How would this change the way your team operates?
- What if you helped people discover their purpose (kingdom assignment) through discovering and helping them grow in their gifts and talents?
- What if issues and problems with your team were first met with prayer and intercession?
- What if the consequences of ineffectiveness were targeted investment in training and growth?
- What if reassignment into someone’s area of giftedness was an option?
- What if sonship or character formation were the highest qualifications of leadership?
- What if you embraced God as your source and provider and were no longer bound by fear, scarcity, or competition?
When people feel seen and loved and can function in their giftedness, you'd be amazed at what they (and your whole team) can accomplish.
What’s my responsibility?
After 25 years in business at Flō, we feel like we are just getting started on an exciting adventure as we embrace this new and superior reality of the kingdom. Like Jesus, we are about our Father’s business! We get to be Jesus in the marketplace to build His kingdom together, knowing Jesus is the master builder.
Whether you run a business, church, nonprofit, or other ministry, you are called to love people well and glorify God wherever you are planted. This means cultivating your team’s strengths and empowering them to grow as leaders. It’s your responsibility to create an environment and opportunities that encourage growth; it’s their responsibility to step up to the challenge… and be blessed in the process!
To learn more about kingdom business, download The Principles of Kingdom Wealth and Business, an excerpt from my upcoming book, As in Heaven: Life in God’s Kingdom NOW.