Our Top 10 Blog Posts of the Year

Our Top 10 Blog Posts of the Year

In 2023, we published over 150 posts on topics ranging from volunteer teams to Valentine’s Day. In honor of closing out the year well, we rounded up our 10 best posts on Tithely this year.

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Modern Church leader
Publish date
December 19, 2023

Here at Tithely, we love talking all things church-related. Whether that’s how to run a thriving youth ministry or how to give a powerful tithes and offering message, we love a deep dive into practical tips and advice that can help your church succeed.

We publish most of our content on our blog–in fact, in 2023, we published over 150 posts on topics ranging from volunteer teams to Valentine’s Day.

In honor of closing out the year well, we rounded up our 10 best posts on Tithely this year.


Top 10 Blog Posts of 2023

#1: Characteristics of a Modern Church Leader

The church has entered a new era. We are in the post-post-Covid world (you read that correctly) where leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus requires a type of leadership that is different from years gone by. Sure, the character of God never changes — nor do the doctrines we hold dear — but the characteristics of the modern church leader (MCL) require adaptation in order to continue to propel the Church forward.

Here are a few characteristics that I believe are essential as we move into the new era.

Keep reading.

#2: Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

Every year, as October 31st approaches, a debate resurfaces among Christian communities: Should Christians celebrate Halloween? The answer is not as straightforward as it might seem.

While many view Halloween as a fun and harmless tradition, others see it as a celebration that fundamentally conflicts with Christian beliefs.

In this post, we'll explore the controversy surrounding Halloween, the alternative of "Harvest Festivals," the surprising Reformation roots of Halloween, and how churches can approach this holiday.

Keep reading.

#3: Church Planting 101: Best Tips for Planting a Church

Planting a church is unlike anything else you'll do as a church leader. It's not like starting a ministry, a small group, or even expanding your own church to include more services. It requires distinct skills and preparation to be successful.

Here are some of the best tips to help you navigate this unique journey.

Keep reading.

#4: How to Design an Incredible Event

Every event should be awesome–be it a conference, religious experience or even a birthday party. But being awesome takes work.

I want to give you 10 best practices on designing events. I work at a church, so a lot of these best practices will be framed around the event of a church service. That being said, these best practices apply to any event.

Keep reading.

#5: 12 Best Practices in Church Finances

I will never forget the day when a pastor I was coaching shared with me the exciting news they had increased their mission’s pledge giving by 400%.

I consulted with the church and recommended they make a significant change to their approach to raising funds for missions. They considered my idea and then went about implementing our strategy with diligence and hard work.

They reaped the rewards of a 400% increase.

Keep reading.

#6: 3 Ways Pastors Can Utilize AI and ChatGPT for More Efficient Ministry

I've heard people on both sides of the fence about AI and ChatGPT. It's a great tool or it's the beginning of the end of writers. Personally, I believe AI and ChatGPT are tools that pastors can utilize for more efficient ministry. They don't replace the pastor or what pastors do, rather I like to view these tools as other tools like Microsoft Word or Grammarly–tools that help the pastor with a task.

Keep reading.

#7: How Church Can Bring Families Together

In today's world, families are often disconnected and have difficulty connecting. Churches are essential in bridging the gap between generations so families can come together and experience a more profound sense of unity. Through intentional programming and activities, churches can create opportunities for all family members to own their faith while providing parents the tools they need to disciple their children. By doing this, churches can ensure that the community passes from generation to generation and becomes a healthy place where families feel connected.

Keep reading.

#8: 3 Things You Should Never Say to Singles in Your Church

It's a tale as old as time that well meaning people at your church, your friends, your parents or even your pastor have probably said this at some point: “You’ll find the right one when you stop trying.”

Every person who has ever been single has probably heard this advice more times than they care to remember. And sure, it might be true for some people, but to most it feels unhelpful and frustrating. Saying “stop trying to meet someone and you’ll meet someone” feels counterintuitive in a world that has moved into the fast-paced world of online dating. This doesn’t exclude Christians!

Keep reading.

#9: Are Your Church Members Renouncing Christianity?  

I'm renouncing Christianity!

Are you hearing this statement more than you’d like to from your church members, or former church members?

As a pastor, this might seem like a pretty bold and admittedly scary statement. But it should be absolutely true for all of us, under one condition.

Keep reading.

#10: A Guide to Promoting Your Church on Facebook

Should you use Facebook as a church? Absolutely. There are over 2 billion active monthly Facebook users.

That means that most, if not all, of your church members have a Facebook account–giving you an opportunity to connect with them on a platform they care about. Moreover, you can use Facebook to reach people outside of your church.

In this guide, you’ll discover the best practices to promote your church on Facebook through organic and paid efforts.

Keep reading.

A Special Thank You to Our Readers

We want to take a moment to thank you loyal and valued readers–that means YOU!

We love covering a range of topics on this blog that serve you, your church, and your walk with Jesus. Stay tuned for more exciting, fresh content in 2024!


Tithely provides the tools you need to engage with your church online, stay connected, increase generosity, and simplify the lives of your staff.

With tools like text and email messaging, custom church apps and websites, church management software, digital giving, and so much more… it’s no wonder why over 37,000 churches in 50 countries trust Tithely to help run their church. 

Here at Tithely, we love talking all things church-related. Whether that’s how to run a thriving youth ministry or how to give a powerful tithes and offering message, we love a deep dive into practical tips and advice that can help your church succeed.

We publish most of our content on our blog–in fact, in 2023, we published over 150 posts on topics ranging from volunteer teams to Valentine’s Day.

In honor of closing out the year well, we rounded up our 10 best posts on Tithely this year.


Top 10 Blog Posts of 2023

#1: Characteristics of a Modern Church Leader

The church has entered a new era. We are in the post-post-Covid world (you read that correctly) where leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus requires a type of leadership that is different from years gone by. Sure, the character of God never changes — nor do the doctrines we hold dear — but the characteristics of the modern church leader (MCL) require adaptation in order to continue to propel the Church forward.

Here are a few characteristics that I believe are essential as we move into the new era.

Keep reading.

#2: Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

Every year, as October 31st approaches, a debate resurfaces among Christian communities: Should Christians celebrate Halloween? The answer is not as straightforward as it might seem.

While many view Halloween as a fun and harmless tradition, others see it as a celebration that fundamentally conflicts with Christian beliefs.

In this post, we'll explore the controversy surrounding Halloween, the alternative of "Harvest Festivals," the surprising Reformation roots of Halloween, and how churches can approach this holiday.

Keep reading.

#3: Church Planting 101: Best Tips for Planting a Church

Planting a church is unlike anything else you'll do as a church leader. It's not like starting a ministry, a small group, or even expanding your own church to include more services. It requires distinct skills and preparation to be successful.

Here are some of the best tips to help you navigate this unique journey.

Keep reading.

#4: How to Design an Incredible Event

Every event should be awesome–be it a conference, religious experience or even a birthday party. But being awesome takes work.

I want to give you 10 best practices on designing events. I work at a church, so a lot of these best practices will be framed around the event of a church service. That being said, these best practices apply to any event.

Keep reading.

#5: 12 Best Practices in Church Finances

I will never forget the day when a pastor I was coaching shared with me the exciting news they had increased their mission’s pledge giving by 400%.

I consulted with the church and recommended they make a significant change to their approach to raising funds for missions. They considered my idea and then went about implementing our strategy with diligence and hard work.

They reaped the rewards of a 400% increase.

Keep reading.

#6: 3 Ways Pastors Can Utilize AI and ChatGPT for More Efficient Ministry

I've heard people on both sides of the fence about AI and ChatGPT. It's a great tool or it's the beginning of the end of writers. Personally, I believe AI and ChatGPT are tools that pastors can utilize for more efficient ministry. They don't replace the pastor or what pastors do, rather I like to view these tools as other tools like Microsoft Word or Grammarly–tools that help the pastor with a task.

Keep reading.

#7: How Church Can Bring Families Together

In today's world, families are often disconnected and have difficulty connecting. Churches are essential in bridging the gap between generations so families can come together and experience a more profound sense of unity. Through intentional programming and activities, churches can create opportunities for all family members to own their faith while providing parents the tools they need to disciple their children. By doing this, churches can ensure that the community passes from generation to generation and becomes a healthy place where families feel connected.

Keep reading.

#8: 3 Things You Should Never Say to Singles in Your Church

It's a tale as old as time that well meaning people at your church, your friends, your parents or even your pastor have probably said this at some point: “You’ll find the right one when you stop trying.”

Every person who has ever been single has probably heard this advice more times than they care to remember. And sure, it might be true for some people, but to most it feels unhelpful and frustrating. Saying “stop trying to meet someone and you’ll meet someone” feels counterintuitive in a world that has moved into the fast-paced world of online dating. This doesn’t exclude Christians!

Keep reading.

#9: Are Your Church Members Renouncing Christianity?  

I'm renouncing Christianity!

Are you hearing this statement more than you’d like to from your church members, or former church members?

As a pastor, this might seem like a pretty bold and admittedly scary statement. But it should be absolutely true for all of us, under one condition.

Keep reading.

#10: A Guide to Promoting Your Church on Facebook

Should you use Facebook as a church? Absolutely. There are over 2 billion active monthly Facebook users.

That means that most, if not all, of your church members have a Facebook account–giving you an opportunity to connect with them on a platform they care about. Moreover, you can use Facebook to reach people outside of your church.

In this guide, you’ll discover the best practices to promote your church on Facebook through organic and paid efforts.

Keep reading.

A Special Thank You to Our Readers

We want to take a moment to thank you loyal and valued readers–that means YOU!

We love covering a range of topics on this blog that serve you, your church, and your walk with Jesus. Stay tuned for more exciting, fresh content in 2024!

podcast transcript

(Scroll for more)

Tithely provides the tools you need to engage with your church online, stay connected, increase generosity, and simplify the lives of your staff.

With tools like text and email messaging, custom church apps and websites, church management software, digital giving, and so much more… it’s no wonder why over 37,000 churches in 50 countries trust Tithely to help run their church. 

Here at Tithely, we love talking all things church-related. Whether that’s how to run a thriving youth ministry or how to give a powerful tithes and offering message, we love a deep dive into practical tips and advice that can help your church succeed.

We publish most of our content on our blog–in fact, in 2023, we published over 150 posts on topics ranging from volunteer teams to Valentine’s Day.

In honor of closing out the year well, we rounded up our 10 best posts on Tithely this year.


Top 10 Blog Posts of 2023

#1: Characteristics of a Modern Church Leader

The church has entered a new era. We are in the post-post-Covid world (you read that correctly) where leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus requires a type of leadership that is different from years gone by. Sure, the character of God never changes — nor do the doctrines we hold dear — but the characteristics of the modern church leader (MCL) require adaptation in order to continue to propel the Church forward.

Here are a few characteristics that I believe are essential as we move into the new era.

Keep reading.

#2: Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

Every year, as October 31st approaches, a debate resurfaces among Christian communities: Should Christians celebrate Halloween? The answer is not as straightforward as it might seem.

While many view Halloween as a fun and harmless tradition, others see it as a celebration that fundamentally conflicts with Christian beliefs.

In this post, we'll explore the controversy surrounding Halloween, the alternative of "Harvest Festivals," the surprising Reformation roots of Halloween, and how churches can approach this holiday.

Keep reading.

#3: Church Planting 101: Best Tips for Planting a Church

Planting a church is unlike anything else you'll do as a church leader. It's not like starting a ministry, a small group, or even expanding your own church to include more services. It requires distinct skills and preparation to be successful.

Here are some of the best tips to help you navigate this unique journey.

Keep reading.

#4: How to Design an Incredible Event

Every event should be awesome–be it a conference, religious experience or even a birthday party. But being awesome takes work.

I want to give you 10 best practices on designing events. I work at a church, so a lot of these best practices will be framed around the event of a church service. That being said, these best practices apply to any event.

Keep reading.

#5: 12 Best Practices in Church Finances

I will never forget the day when a pastor I was coaching shared with me the exciting news they had increased their mission’s pledge giving by 400%.

I consulted with the church and recommended they make a significant change to their approach to raising funds for missions. They considered my idea and then went about implementing our strategy with diligence and hard work.

They reaped the rewards of a 400% increase.

Keep reading.

#6: 3 Ways Pastors Can Utilize AI and ChatGPT for More Efficient Ministry

I've heard people on both sides of the fence about AI and ChatGPT. It's a great tool or it's the beginning of the end of writers. Personally, I believe AI and ChatGPT are tools that pastors can utilize for more efficient ministry. They don't replace the pastor or what pastors do, rather I like to view these tools as other tools like Microsoft Word or Grammarly–tools that help the pastor with a task.

Keep reading.

#7: How Church Can Bring Families Together

In today's world, families are often disconnected and have difficulty connecting. Churches are essential in bridging the gap between generations so families can come together and experience a more profound sense of unity. Through intentional programming and activities, churches can create opportunities for all family members to own their faith while providing parents the tools they need to disciple their children. By doing this, churches can ensure that the community passes from generation to generation and becomes a healthy place where families feel connected.

Keep reading.

#8: 3 Things You Should Never Say to Singles in Your Church

It's a tale as old as time that well meaning people at your church, your friends, your parents or even your pastor have probably said this at some point: “You’ll find the right one when you stop trying.”

Every person who has ever been single has probably heard this advice more times than they care to remember. And sure, it might be true for some people, but to most it feels unhelpful and frustrating. Saying “stop trying to meet someone and you’ll meet someone” feels counterintuitive in a world that has moved into the fast-paced world of online dating. This doesn’t exclude Christians!

Keep reading.

#9: Are Your Church Members Renouncing Christianity?  

I'm renouncing Christianity!

Are you hearing this statement more than you’d like to from your church members, or former church members?

As a pastor, this might seem like a pretty bold and admittedly scary statement. But it should be absolutely true for all of us, under one condition.

Keep reading.

#10: A Guide to Promoting Your Church on Facebook

Should you use Facebook as a church? Absolutely. There are over 2 billion active monthly Facebook users.

That means that most, if not all, of your church members have a Facebook account–giving you an opportunity to connect with them on a platform they care about. Moreover, you can use Facebook to reach people outside of your church.

In this guide, you’ll discover the best practices to promote your church on Facebook through organic and paid efforts.

Keep reading.

A Special Thank You to Our Readers

We want to take a moment to thank you loyal and valued readers–that means YOU!

We love covering a range of topics on this blog that serve you, your church, and your walk with Jesus. Stay tuned for more exciting, fresh content in 2024!

VIDEO transcript

(Scroll for more)

Here at Tithely, we love talking all things church-related. Whether that’s how to run a thriving youth ministry or how to give a powerful tithes and offering message, we love a deep dive into practical tips and advice that can help your church succeed.

We publish most of our content on our blog–in fact, in 2023, we published over 150 posts on topics ranging from volunteer teams to Valentine’s Day.

In honor of closing out the year well, we rounded up our 10 best posts on Tithely this year.


Top 10 Blog Posts of 2023

#1: Characteristics of a Modern Church Leader

The church has entered a new era. We are in the post-post-Covid world (you read that correctly) where leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus requires a type of leadership that is different from years gone by. Sure, the character of God never changes — nor do the doctrines we hold dear — but the characteristics of the modern church leader (MCL) require adaptation in order to continue to propel the Church forward.

Here are a few characteristics that I believe are essential as we move into the new era.

Keep reading.

#2: Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

Every year, as October 31st approaches, a debate resurfaces among Christian communities: Should Christians celebrate Halloween? The answer is not as straightforward as it might seem.

While many view Halloween as a fun and harmless tradition, others see it as a celebration that fundamentally conflicts with Christian beliefs.

In this post, we'll explore the controversy surrounding Halloween, the alternative of "Harvest Festivals," the surprising Reformation roots of Halloween, and how churches can approach this holiday.

Keep reading.

#3: Church Planting 101: Best Tips for Planting a Church

Planting a church is unlike anything else you'll do as a church leader. It's not like starting a ministry, a small group, or even expanding your own church to include more services. It requires distinct skills and preparation to be successful.

Here are some of the best tips to help you navigate this unique journey.

Keep reading.

#4: How to Design an Incredible Event

Every event should be awesome–be it a conference, religious experience or even a birthday party. But being awesome takes work.

I want to give you 10 best practices on designing events. I work at a church, so a lot of these best practices will be framed around the event of a church service. That being said, these best practices apply to any event.

Keep reading.

#5: 12 Best Practices in Church Finances

I will never forget the day when a pastor I was coaching shared with me the exciting news they had increased their mission’s pledge giving by 400%.

I consulted with the church and recommended they make a significant change to their approach to raising funds for missions. They considered my idea and then went about implementing our strategy with diligence and hard work.

They reaped the rewards of a 400% increase.

Keep reading.

#6: 3 Ways Pastors Can Utilize AI and ChatGPT for More Efficient Ministry

I've heard people on both sides of the fence about AI and ChatGPT. It's a great tool or it's the beginning of the end of writers. Personally, I believe AI and ChatGPT are tools that pastors can utilize for more efficient ministry. They don't replace the pastor or what pastors do, rather I like to view these tools as other tools like Microsoft Word or Grammarly–tools that help the pastor with a task.

Keep reading.

#7: How Church Can Bring Families Together

In today's world, families are often disconnected and have difficulty connecting. Churches are essential in bridging the gap between generations so families can come together and experience a more profound sense of unity. Through intentional programming and activities, churches can create opportunities for all family members to own their faith while providing parents the tools they need to disciple their children. By doing this, churches can ensure that the community passes from generation to generation and becomes a healthy place where families feel connected.

Keep reading.

#8: 3 Things You Should Never Say to Singles in Your Church

It's a tale as old as time that well meaning people at your church, your friends, your parents or even your pastor have probably said this at some point: “You’ll find the right one when you stop trying.”

Every person who has ever been single has probably heard this advice more times than they care to remember. And sure, it might be true for some people, but to most it feels unhelpful and frustrating. Saying “stop trying to meet someone and you’ll meet someone” feels counterintuitive in a world that has moved into the fast-paced world of online dating. This doesn’t exclude Christians!

Keep reading.

#9: Are Your Church Members Renouncing Christianity?  

I'm renouncing Christianity!

Are you hearing this statement more than you’d like to from your church members, or former church members?

As a pastor, this might seem like a pretty bold and admittedly scary statement. But it should be absolutely true for all of us, under one condition.

Keep reading.

#10: A Guide to Promoting Your Church on Facebook

Should you use Facebook as a church? Absolutely. There are over 2 billion active monthly Facebook users.

That means that most, if not all, of your church members have a Facebook account–giving you an opportunity to connect with them on a platform they care about. Moreover, you can use Facebook to reach people outside of your church.

In this guide, you’ll discover the best practices to promote your church on Facebook through organic and paid efforts.

Keep reading.

A Special Thank You to Our Readers

We want to take a moment to thank you loyal and valued readers–that means YOU!

We love covering a range of topics on this blog that serve you, your church, and your walk with Jesus. Stay tuned for more exciting, fresh content in 2024!


Tithely provides the tools you need to engage with your church online, stay connected, increase generosity, and simplify the lives of your staff.

With tools like text and email messaging, custom church apps and websites, church management software, digital giving, and so much more… it’s no wonder why over 37,000 churches in 50 countries trust Tithely to help run their church. 

Publish date
December 19, 2023

Our Top 10 Blog Posts of the Year

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