Why Every Church Needs a Digital Discipleship Plan
We live in a digital era. Digital devices and online networks change how we communicate and who we communicate with. So why should the church be left behind?The benefits of having an effective digital discipleship plan are endless. As churches adopt technology into their ministries, they can now reach more people than ever before with the gospel.In this blog post, we discuss why it's more important than ever for churches to have a digital discipleship plan in place.

We live in a digital era. Digital devices and online networks change how we communicate and who we communicate with. So why should the church be left behind?
The internet has impacted the way we live and work in so many ways that church leaders can't ignore it. With the internet and social media, we have an excellent opportunity to make disciples. We can do this by incorporating digital discipleship into our churches and ministries.
The benefits of having an effective digital discipleship plan are endless. As churches adopt technology into their ministries, they can now reach more people than ever before with the gospel.
This newfound ability comes with greater responsibility for leaders who want to see their members grow in Christ and become strong Christians who help spread the word about God's love. Without a digital discipleship plan, a church is missing out on countless opportunities to connect with its community and bring them closer to Jesus.
What is Digital Discipleship?
Digital discipleship allows churches to reach people from all walks of life, backgrounds, and stages in their faith journey - which means you get to engage with them wherever they are!
As a result of the technologies available today, such as live stream technology, discipleship may now take place in the internet arena in the same way it can take place inside the church's walls.
In this blog post, I'll discuss why it's more important than ever for churches to have a digital discipleship plan in place.
1. It’s a Biblical thing
A digital world has been around for some time now. It's up to us to figure out how to make disciples as we go digital. Biblical discipleship is more digital than you might expect. The reason for this is that most people now "go" online.
When we make disciples, we use all the possibilities available to us, including digital resources. We must look for new and innovative methods to reach people through the many digital platforms they already utilize. However, this does not imply that we neglect other dimensions of discipleship in favor of technological approaches.
2. It offers an opportunity to reach more people
It is possible to learn how to become more like Jesus using today's digital resources (such as church websites, bespoke mobile applications, and live streaming). These resources are accessible from anywhere in the world at any time. This means you can disciple individuals both locally and globally.
To keep your community engaged and increase your reach, you need to use the right tools. You might want to consider the digital tools I've provided below.
• Website
Do you have a church website? The answer is probably yes. This is one of the simplest methods because you can leverage your website's blogging features.
Having a website for your church is essential. Your church's website is the best place for visitors to find out more about the church's beliefs, location, as well as other resources.
Posting sermons from Sundays is also highly beneficial to anyone who wishes to do personal studies of prior sermons. Using these sermons to educate people from all around the globe gives people the chance to learn more about Christ.
• Church Management Software
It is your goal as a pastor to see the church grow. There are many good ways to do that, but one of the most effective methods is a digital discipleship plan. But, you can't easily create a digital discipleship plan without using online church management software.
Church management software gives you access to data to assist others to grow spiritually. Your church members may be segmented depending on their interests and engagement levels in your ministry, allowing you to communicate more effectively.
As a pastor, you’re able to tailor your next actions to each church member to help them grow.
If you're interested in learning more about this option, check out Tithe.ly.
Emails may not go viral or provide the same level of public exposure that social media platforms do, but it definitely remains an incredibly powerful tool for discipleship.
If you speak with any marketing professional, they will agree that email is still a very efficient communication method.
Most people have email accounts and check them frequently, so it's a convenient way to get in touch with someone you are discipling. If your congregation has several hundred members, there are many opportunities to use email as a method for discipleship by sharing scripture, encouraging thoughts, prayers, and more!
This is also an excellent chance for members and non-members alike to keep connected to the church community.
• Social Media
Social media is a powerful tool for churches to use in reaching out to their community. When used correctly, social media can be an effective way to spread the gospel and disciple followers of Christ. They can also use these platforms to raise money for missions trips or other church-related projects.
Social media has become a significant part of our lives, and it is no surprise that churches have begun to use social media as a way to reach people for Christ. Churches can use Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and more to share their testimonies and post sermons.
If you still don't have a Facebook group for your church or ministry, I strongly suggest you create one so that you can share information and discipleship resources with others. This is a wonderful method to establish a community on a platform where most of your users are already active.
Having mentioned Facebook, the company recently rebranded itself as a Metaverse corporation rather than a social networking company, which represents a significant shift.
The metaverse is a virtual reality space that allows people to create and customize their avatars, build social networks, use artificial intelligence, play interactive games, and explore 3D spaces with others. It's an immersive world that can engage people like never before, and it’s expanding rapidly.
The potential of the metaverse is limitless, with the ability to alter your environment or play games where you are absorbed in a different world. Various industries have expressed their interest in such technology, but not many churches have jumped on board yet.
In an interview with the New York Times, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg said, "Faith groups and social media are a natural fit since both are ultimately about connection. We hope that individuals will organize religious services in virtual reality venues, or that they will utilize augmented reality as an educational tool to educate their children about the history of their faith."
As more and more companies get into the mix it's exciting to see what new ideas are on the forefront.
As leaders of the church, it’ll ultimately be a balance of utilizing these new technologies to actively minister while not losing the genuine fellowship of “real world” relationships. Though we may gain an endlessly fascinating digital world, we also need to cultivate our offline connections.
If you’d like to learn more about digital tools, check out this blog article.
3. It helps you track what content resonates best and adjust accordingly
In what ways can you determine the effectiveness of your church's digital discipleship efforts?
Your discipleship plan must contain specific objectives to determine how well it is succeeding and what needs improvement.
Setting a few key engagement metrics will help you understand how well your online audience responds to your message and can help you monitor and analyze your success as you go forward.
4. It’s cheaper than ever
Digital entry doesn't have to be costly. Some of these resources might even be free, which will make them much easier for your church to take advantage of. While some sites may not charge you, be aware of why they’re free and if they're secure.
Digital ministry tools can save churches money and help them reach a wider audience at the same time!
Think about the costs of gathering hundreds of people for an in-person event compared to a virtual church service or conference. The cost goes down tremendously and you can have thousands of people attend – all from the comfort of their homes.
5. It helps build a relationship
The use of digital discipleship can help individuals learn more about your church and encourage them to join. There are chances to contribute spiritual information online that is not limited to the typical church service time.
Online small groups, prayer sessions, and discipleship lectures are examples of what may be available. Your church may benefit from these online activities by developing relationships that inspire and attract new members.
Over to you
Don’t let your church fall behind. Yes, the internet can be a dangerous place for a Christian, but it’s also a great place to connect and minister to people all across the world. A digital discipleship plan will give you the safe foundation to reach more people than ever before.
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We live in a digital era. Digital devices and online networks change how we communicate and who we communicate with. So why should the church be left behind?
The internet has impacted the way we live and work in so many ways that church leaders can't ignore it. With the internet and social media, we have an excellent opportunity to make disciples. We can do this by incorporating digital discipleship into our churches and ministries.
The benefits of having an effective digital discipleship plan are endless. As churches adopt technology into their ministries, they can now reach more people than ever before with the gospel.
This newfound ability comes with greater responsibility for leaders who want to see their members grow in Christ and become strong Christians who help spread the word about God's love. Without a digital discipleship plan, a church is missing out on countless opportunities to connect with its community and bring them closer to Jesus.
What is Digital Discipleship?
Digital discipleship allows churches to reach people from all walks of life, backgrounds, and stages in their faith journey - which means you get to engage with them wherever they are!
As a result of the technologies available today, such as live stream technology, discipleship may now take place in the internet arena in the same way it can take place inside the church's walls.
In this blog post, I'll discuss why it's more important than ever for churches to have a digital discipleship plan in place.
1. It’s a Biblical thing
A digital world has been around for some time now. It's up to us to figure out how to make disciples as we go digital. Biblical discipleship is more digital than you might expect. The reason for this is that most people now "go" online.
When we make disciples, we use all the possibilities available to us, including digital resources. We must look for new and innovative methods to reach people through the many digital platforms they already utilize. However, this does not imply that we neglect other dimensions of discipleship in favor of technological approaches.
2. It offers an opportunity to reach more people
It is possible to learn how to become more like Jesus using today's digital resources (such as church websites, bespoke mobile applications, and live streaming). These resources are accessible from anywhere in the world at any time. This means you can disciple individuals both locally and globally.
To keep your community engaged and increase your reach, you need to use the right tools. You might want to consider the digital tools I've provided below.
• Website
Do you have a church website? The answer is probably yes. This is one of the simplest methods because you can leverage your website's blogging features.
Having a website for your church is essential. Your church's website is the best place for visitors to find out more about the church's beliefs, location, as well as other resources.
Posting sermons from Sundays is also highly beneficial to anyone who wishes to do personal studies of prior sermons. Using these sermons to educate people from all around the globe gives people the chance to learn more about Christ.
• Church Management Software
It is your goal as a pastor to see the church grow. There are many good ways to do that, but one of the most effective methods is a digital discipleship plan. But, you can't easily create a digital discipleship plan without using online church management software.
Church management software gives you access to data to assist others to grow spiritually. Your church members may be segmented depending on their interests and engagement levels in your ministry, allowing you to communicate more effectively.
As a pastor, you’re able to tailor your next actions to each church member to help them grow.
If you're interested in learning more about this option, check out Tithe.ly.
Emails may not go viral or provide the same level of public exposure that social media platforms do, but it definitely remains an incredibly powerful tool for discipleship.
If you speak with any marketing professional, they will agree that email is still a very efficient communication method.
Most people have email accounts and check them frequently, so it's a convenient way to get in touch with someone you are discipling. If your congregation has several hundred members, there are many opportunities to use email as a method for discipleship by sharing scripture, encouraging thoughts, prayers, and more!
This is also an excellent chance for members and non-members alike to keep connected to the church community.
• Social Media
Social media is a powerful tool for churches to use in reaching out to their community. When used correctly, social media can be an effective way to spread the gospel and disciple followers of Christ. They can also use these platforms to raise money for missions trips or other church-related projects.
Social media has become a significant part of our lives, and it is no surprise that churches have begun to use social media as a way to reach people for Christ. Churches can use Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and more to share their testimonies and post sermons.
If you still don't have a Facebook group for your church or ministry, I strongly suggest you create one so that you can share information and discipleship resources with others. This is a wonderful method to establish a community on a platform where most of your users are already active.
Having mentioned Facebook, the company recently rebranded itself as a Metaverse corporation rather than a social networking company, which represents a significant shift.
The metaverse is a virtual reality space that allows people to create and customize their avatars, build social networks, use artificial intelligence, play interactive games, and explore 3D spaces with others. It's an immersive world that can engage people like never before, and it’s expanding rapidly.
The potential of the metaverse is limitless, with the ability to alter your environment or play games where you are absorbed in a different world. Various industries have expressed their interest in such technology, but not many churches have jumped on board yet.
In an interview with the New York Times, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg said, "Faith groups and social media are a natural fit since both are ultimately about connection. We hope that individuals will organize religious services in virtual reality venues, or that they will utilize augmented reality as an educational tool to educate their children about the history of their faith."
As more and more companies get into the mix it's exciting to see what new ideas are on the forefront.
As leaders of the church, it’ll ultimately be a balance of utilizing these new technologies to actively minister while not losing the genuine fellowship of “real world” relationships. Though we may gain an endlessly fascinating digital world, we also need to cultivate our offline connections.
If you’d like to learn more about digital tools, check out this blog article.
3. It helps you track what content resonates best and adjust accordingly
In what ways can you determine the effectiveness of your church's digital discipleship efforts?
Your discipleship plan must contain specific objectives to determine how well it is succeeding and what needs improvement.
Setting a few key engagement metrics will help you understand how well your online audience responds to your message and can help you monitor and analyze your success as you go forward.
4. It’s cheaper than ever
Digital entry doesn't have to be costly. Some of these resources might even be free, which will make them much easier for your church to take advantage of. While some sites may not charge you, be aware of why they’re free and if they're secure.
Digital ministry tools can save churches money and help them reach a wider audience at the same time!
Think about the costs of gathering hundreds of people for an in-person event compared to a virtual church service or conference. The cost goes down tremendously and you can have thousands of people attend – all from the comfort of their homes.
5. It helps build a relationship
The use of digital discipleship can help individuals learn more about your church and encourage them to join. There are chances to contribute spiritual information online that is not limited to the typical church service time.
Online small groups, prayer sessions, and discipleship lectures are examples of what may be available. Your church may benefit from these online activities by developing relationships that inspire and attract new members.
Over to you
Don’t let your church fall behind. Yes, the internet can be a dangerous place for a Christian, but it’s also a great place to connect and minister to people all across the world. A digital discipleship plan will give you the safe foundation to reach more people than ever before.
podcast transcript
We live in a digital era. Digital devices and online networks change how we communicate and who we communicate with. So why should the church be left behind?
The internet has impacted the way we live and work in so many ways that church leaders can't ignore it. With the internet and social media, we have an excellent opportunity to make disciples. We can do this by incorporating digital discipleship into our churches and ministries.
The benefits of having an effective digital discipleship plan are endless. As churches adopt technology into their ministries, they can now reach more people than ever before with the gospel.
This newfound ability comes with greater responsibility for leaders who want to see their members grow in Christ and become strong Christians who help spread the word about God's love. Without a digital discipleship plan, a church is missing out on countless opportunities to connect with its community and bring them closer to Jesus.
What is Digital Discipleship?
Digital discipleship allows churches to reach people from all walks of life, backgrounds, and stages in their faith journey - which means you get to engage with them wherever they are!
As a result of the technologies available today, such as live stream technology, discipleship may now take place in the internet arena in the same way it can take place inside the church's walls.
In this blog post, I'll discuss why it's more important than ever for churches to have a digital discipleship plan in place.
1. It’s a Biblical thing
A digital world has been around for some time now. It's up to us to figure out how to make disciples as we go digital. Biblical discipleship is more digital than you might expect. The reason for this is that most people now "go" online.
When we make disciples, we use all the possibilities available to us, including digital resources. We must look for new and innovative methods to reach people through the many digital platforms they already utilize. However, this does not imply that we neglect other dimensions of discipleship in favor of technological approaches.
2. It offers an opportunity to reach more people
It is possible to learn how to become more like Jesus using today's digital resources (such as church websites, bespoke mobile applications, and live streaming). These resources are accessible from anywhere in the world at any time. This means you can disciple individuals both locally and globally.
To keep your community engaged and increase your reach, you need to use the right tools. You might want to consider the digital tools I've provided below.
• Website
Do you have a church website? The answer is probably yes. This is one of the simplest methods because you can leverage your website's blogging features.
Having a website for your church is essential. Your church's website is the best place for visitors to find out more about the church's beliefs, location, as well as other resources.
Posting sermons from Sundays is also highly beneficial to anyone who wishes to do personal studies of prior sermons. Using these sermons to educate people from all around the globe gives people the chance to learn more about Christ.
• Church Management Software
It is your goal as a pastor to see the church grow. There are many good ways to do that, but one of the most effective methods is a digital discipleship plan. But, you can't easily create a digital discipleship plan without using online church management software.
Church management software gives you access to data to assist others to grow spiritually. Your church members may be segmented depending on their interests and engagement levels in your ministry, allowing you to communicate more effectively.
As a pastor, you’re able to tailor your next actions to each church member to help them grow.
If you're interested in learning more about this option, check out Tithe.ly.
Emails may not go viral or provide the same level of public exposure that social media platforms do, but it definitely remains an incredibly powerful tool for discipleship.
If you speak with any marketing professional, they will agree that email is still a very efficient communication method.
Most people have email accounts and check them frequently, so it's a convenient way to get in touch with someone you are discipling. If your congregation has several hundred members, there are many opportunities to use email as a method for discipleship by sharing scripture, encouraging thoughts, prayers, and more!
This is also an excellent chance for members and non-members alike to keep connected to the church community.
• Social Media
Social media is a powerful tool for churches to use in reaching out to their community. When used correctly, social media can be an effective way to spread the gospel and disciple followers of Christ. They can also use these platforms to raise money for missions trips or other church-related projects.
Social media has become a significant part of our lives, and it is no surprise that churches have begun to use social media as a way to reach people for Christ. Churches can use Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and more to share their testimonies and post sermons.
If you still don't have a Facebook group for your church or ministry, I strongly suggest you create one so that you can share information and discipleship resources with others. This is a wonderful method to establish a community on a platform where most of your users are already active.
Having mentioned Facebook, the company recently rebranded itself as a Metaverse corporation rather than a social networking company, which represents a significant shift.
The metaverse is a virtual reality space that allows people to create and customize their avatars, build social networks, use artificial intelligence, play interactive games, and explore 3D spaces with others. It's an immersive world that can engage people like never before, and it’s expanding rapidly.
The potential of the metaverse is limitless, with the ability to alter your environment or play games where you are absorbed in a different world. Various industries have expressed their interest in such technology, but not many churches have jumped on board yet.
In an interview with the New York Times, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg said, "Faith groups and social media are a natural fit since both are ultimately about connection. We hope that individuals will organize religious services in virtual reality venues, or that they will utilize augmented reality as an educational tool to educate their children about the history of their faith."
As more and more companies get into the mix it's exciting to see what new ideas are on the forefront.
As leaders of the church, it’ll ultimately be a balance of utilizing these new technologies to actively minister while not losing the genuine fellowship of “real world” relationships. Though we may gain an endlessly fascinating digital world, we also need to cultivate our offline connections.
If you’d like to learn more about digital tools, check out this blog article.
3. It helps you track what content resonates best and adjust accordingly
In what ways can you determine the effectiveness of your church's digital discipleship efforts?
Your discipleship plan must contain specific objectives to determine how well it is succeeding and what needs improvement.
Setting a few key engagement metrics will help you understand how well your online audience responds to your message and can help you monitor and analyze your success as you go forward.
4. It’s cheaper than ever
Digital entry doesn't have to be costly. Some of these resources might even be free, which will make them much easier for your church to take advantage of. While some sites may not charge you, be aware of why they’re free and if they're secure.
Digital ministry tools can save churches money and help them reach a wider audience at the same time!
Think about the costs of gathering hundreds of people for an in-person event compared to a virtual church service or conference. The cost goes down tremendously and you can have thousands of people attend – all from the comfort of their homes.
5. It helps build a relationship
The use of digital discipleship can help individuals learn more about your church and encourage them to join. There are chances to contribute spiritual information online that is not limited to the typical church service time.
Online small groups, prayer sessions, and discipleship lectures are examples of what may be available. Your church may benefit from these online activities by developing relationships that inspire and attract new members.
Over to you
Don’t let your church fall behind. Yes, the internet can be a dangerous place for a Christian, but it’s also a great place to connect and minister to people all across the world. A digital discipleship plan will give you the safe foundation to reach more people than ever before.
VIDEO transcript
We live in a digital era. Digital devices and online networks change how we communicate and who we communicate with. So why should the church be left behind?
The internet has impacted the way we live and work in so many ways that church leaders can't ignore it. With the internet and social media, we have an excellent opportunity to make disciples. We can do this by incorporating digital discipleship into our churches and ministries.
The benefits of having an effective digital discipleship plan are endless. As churches adopt technology into their ministries, they can now reach more people than ever before with the gospel.
This newfound ability comes with greater responsibility for leaders who want to see their members grow in Christ and become strong Christians who help spread the word about God's love. Without a digital discipleship plan, a church is missing out on countless opportunities to connect with its community and bring them closer to Jesus.
What is Digital Discipleship?
Digital discipleship allows churches to reach people from all walks of life, backgrounds, and stages in their faith journey - which means you get to engage with them wherever they are!
As a result of the technologies available today, such as live stream technology, discipleship may now take place in the internet arena in the same way it can take place inside the church's walls.
In this blog post, I'll discuss why it's more important than ever for churches to have a digital discipleship plan in place.
1. It’s a Biblical thing
A digital world has been around for some time now. It's up to us to figure out how to make disciples as we go digital. Biblical discipleship is more digital than you might expect. The reason for this is that most people now "go" online.
When we make disciples, we use all the possibilities available to us, including digital resources. We must look for new and innovative methods to reach people through the many digital platforms they already utilize. However, this does not imply that we neglect other dimensions of discipleship in favor of technological approaches.
2. It offers an opportunity to reach more people
It is possible to learn how to become more like Jesus using today's digital resources (such as church websites, bespoke mobile applications, and live streaming). These resources are accessible from anywhere in the world at any time. This means you can disciple individuals both locally and globally.
To keep your community engaged and increase your reach, you need to use the right tools. You might want to consider the digital tools I've provided below.
• Website
Do you have a church website? The answer is probably yes. This is one of the simplest methods because you can leverage your website's blogging features.
Having a website for your church is essential. Your church's website is the best place for visitors to find out more about the church's beliefs, location, as well as other resources.
Posting sermons from Sundays is also highly beneficial to anyone who wishes to do personal studies of prior sermons. Using these sermons to educate people from all around the globe gives people the chance to learn more about Christ.
• Church Management Software
It is your goal as a pastor to see the church grow. There are many good ways to do that, but one of the most effective methods is a digital discipleship plan. But, you can't easily create a digital discipleship plan without using online church management software.
Church management software gives you access to data to assist others to grow spiritually. Your church members may be segmented depending on their interests and engagement levels in your ministry, allowing you to communicate more effectively.
As a pastor, you’re able to tailor your next actions to each church member to help them grow.
If you're interested in learning more about this option, check out Tithe.ly.
Emails may not go viral or provide the same level of public exposure that social media platforms do, but it definitely remains an incredibly powerful tool for discipleship.
If you speak with any marketing professional, they will agree that email is still a very efficient communication method.
Most people have email accounts and check them frequently, so it's a convenient way to get in touch with someone you are discipling. If your congregation has several hundred members, there are many opportunities to use email as a method for discipleship by sharing scripture, encouraging thoughts, prayers, and more!
This is also an excellent chance for members and non-members alike to keep connected to the church community.
• Social Media
Social media is a powerful tool for churches to use in reaching out to their community. When used correctly, social media can be an effective way to spread the gospel and disciple followers of Christ. They can also use these platforms to raise money for missions trips or other church-related projects.
Social media has become a significant part of our lives, and it is no surprise that churches have begun to use social media as a way to reach people for Christ. Churches can use Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and more to share their testimonies and post sermons.
If you still don't have a Facebook group for your church or ministry, I strongly suggest you create one so that you can share information and discipleship resources with others. This is a wonderful method to establish a community on a platform where most of your users are already active.
Having mentioned Facebook, the company recently rebranded itself as a Metaverse corporation rather than a social networking company, which represents a significant shift.
The metaverse is a virtual reality space that allows people to create and customize their avatars, build social networks, use artificial intelligence, play interactive games, and explore 3D spaces with others. It's an immersive world that can engage people like never before, and it’s expanding rapidly.
The potential of the metaverse is limitless, with the ability to alter your environment or play games where you are absorbed in a different world. Various industries have expressed their interest in such technology, but not many churches have jumped on board yet.
In an interview with the New York Times, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg said, "Faith groups and social media are a natural fit since both are ultimately about connection. We hope that individuals will organize religious services in virtual reality venues, or that they will utilize augmented reality as an educational tool to educate their children about the history of their faith."
As more and more companies get into the mix it's exciting to see what new ideas are on the forefront.
As leaders of the church, it’ll ultimately be a balance of utilizing these new technologies to actively minister while not losing the genuine fellowship of “real world” relationships. Though we may gain an endlessly fascinating digital world, we also need to cultivate our offline connections.
If you’d like to learn more about digital tools, check out this blog article.
3. It helps you track what content resonates best and adjust accordingly
In what ways can you determine the effectiveness of your church's digital discipleship efforts?
Your discipleship plan must contain specific objectives to determine how well it is succeeding and what needs improvement.
Setting a few key engagement metrics will help you understand how well your online audience responds to your message and can help you monitor and analyze your success as you go forward.
4. It’s cheaper than ever
Digital entry doesn't have to be costly. Some of these resources might even be free, which will make them much easier for your church to take advantage of. While some sites may not charge you, be aware of why they’re free and if they're secure.
Digital ministry tools can save churches money and help them reach a wider audience at the same time!
Think about the costs of gathering hundreds of people for an in-person event compared to a virtual church service or conference. The cost goes down tremendously and you can have thousands of people attend – all from the comfort of their homes.
5. It helps build a relationship
The use of digital discipleship can help individuals learn more about your church and encourage them to join. There are chances to contribute spiritual information online that is not limited to the typical church service time.
Online small groups, prayer sessions, and discipleship lectures are examples of what may be available. Your church may benefit from these online activities by developing relationships that inspire and attract new members.
Over to you
Don’t let your church fall behind. Yes, the internet can be a dangerous place for a Christian, but it’s also a great place to connect and minister to people all across the world. A digital discipleship plan will give you the safe foundation to reach more people than ever before.