This Changes Everything! The Good Life (Part 1)
From the depths of personal tragedies and incredible loss to the heights of restoration and hope, the transformative power of the kingdom of God changes everything.

From Redemption to Restoration: Experiencing Kingdom Realities
In my journey, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of the kingdom of God. From the depths of personal tragedies and incredible loss to the heights of restoration and hope, the gospel of the kingdom has changed everything for me. I have experienced God’s kingdom bringing incredible redemption to me, my family, my business, and beyond. This is simply coming into agreement and alignment with His ultimate plan for all of humanity, unto the restoration of all things, which will be complete upon the return of Jesus. The mission of Jesus is now our mission: to seek and save all that was lost, encompassing people, including their relationships with God and others, the earth, the spheres and systems of the world, and all of creation. This is the good news of the gospel of the kingdom of God!
As family is the foundation of our society and His kingdom, M46 Ministries began as a family restoration ministry founded on Malachi 4:6. All that we do and who we are is founded in the power of Jesus and His ability to use our stories of extreme tragedy, loss, and redemption for our good and His glory. We are passionate about the gospel of the kingdom of God and are dedicated to expanding His kingdom through the presence and power of Jesus to transform lives, restore families, and bring heaven to earth.
Although initially designed for M46 Ministries, the following vision and mission extend beyond M46 and capture the universal call of Jesus for the body of Christ to embrace and manifest the kingdom of God on earth!
Kingdom Vision:
At M46, we envision a world where the gospel of the kingdom is fully embraced by all believers and where the church passionately equips, commissions, and sends out its people to expand the kingdom. As His kingdom grows, families are restored and strengthened, becoming the bedrock of society and God's kingdom. There is no sacred-secular divide as every aspect of our lives matters to God. We see God’s mission lived out in every sphere of society, fulfilling His will on earth as it is in heaven.
Kingdom Mission:
We are committed to shifting perspectives by embracing our kingdom identity and the limitless realm of heaven. Our mission is to equip believers to live out their divine purpose practically, joining heaven to earth and manifesting God’s kingdom in every aspect of life. Through the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, we aim to bring redemption, restoration, and the reality of God’s love to all of creation.
Beyond Salvation: Embracing the Kingdom Life in Christ
For God is satisfied to have all his fullness dwelling in Christ. And by the blood of his cross, everything in heaven and earth is brought back to himself—back to its original intent, restored to innocence again! –Colossians 1:19-20, TPT
Since we are now joined to Christ, we have been given the treasures of redemption by his blood—the total cancellation of our sins—all because of the cascading riches of his grace. –Ephesians 1:7, TPT
The kingdom of God is God's original design and ultimate plan for the world. Jesus redeemed all of creation through His sacrifice, and as believers in Jesus Christ, we are called to participate in His mission to reclaim and restore all things. Since we are now joined to Christ, we are privileged to bring the kingdom to the world, sharing God’s love with all of creation.
The gospel of salvation is just the beginning! Jesus proclaimed the gospel of the kingdom of God, the good news of our joyful God, declaring for us to repent as the kingdom of God is at hand—NOW! This is the most incredible news imaginable. It's the greatest love story of all time! A great adventure awaits every believer! By grace (divine enablement, unmerited favor, aggressive forgiveness, sin conquering power, sin dethroned), through faith alone, we have entered the kingdom of God. Jesus is the door into the kingdom, and we walk through the door of salvation. The journey begins as we make Jesus our Lord and King and surrender our lives to Him. It is a divine exchange: our life for His. We are no longer our own.
Imagine walking through the front door of your house and never leaving the entrance, not even knowing there are bedrooms, family rooms, backyards, the kitchen, and all the different areas, including a game room and incredible neighbors you get to meet in your backyard. This is the adventure of the kingdom.
So, we enter through Jesus, but we must move beyond the entryway to experience the fullness of the kingdom of God. Let's run through the front door and explore all He has prepared for us.
From Birth to Rebirth: Living as Citizens of Heaven on Earth
We are born from heaven to earth and then born again through faith in Jesus into the kingdom of God, eternally secure. In this second birth, we are made entirely new glorious creations, filled with divine purpose: to bring heaven to earth. We are now citizens of heaven on earth and members of God’s family, tasked with making the invisible kingdom visible.
“God’s kingdom is available to all. God’s kingdom does not use power to conquer people or territories but to bring freedom and life to its people. God’s kingdom is not geographical or nationalistic, as it transcends nations, denominations, social classes, and people groups. It exists within its citizens. His kingdom is not visible with outward signs of power but invisible and expands in surrendered and contrite hearts.” – Bryan Elliott, As in Heaven
As we are discipled, we mature into sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, kings and priests, ambassadors and heirs of His kingdom. Being Spirit-led, or living naturally supernatural by the power of the Holy Spirit, we practically live out God’s biblical principles, demonstrate His love, and disciple others unto great fruitfulness. Like Jesus, we are to dispense ourselves sacrificially into others out of the overflow of His grace in our lives.
In Matthew 18:13 TPT, Jesus said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." We enter the kingdom with childlike faith, filled with wonder, surrender, dependence, trust, openness, and teachability. This leads to true freedom.
When we surrender and make Jesus Lord through faith, we are also submitting to the king of heaven, King Jesus, and coming under the authority, power, provision, and protection of heaven. We are now from another world, a colony of heaven. Heaven is within. We are conduits of heaven on earth. Christ in us, the hope of glory!
Unleashing Power Through the Cross: The Beatitudes and Divine Transformation
“It is unfathomable that God would allow Himself to endure crucifixion, the most monstrous and humiliating torture known, reserved for the lowest. Yet, the cross exemplifies that even in the most seemingly powerless and gruesome circumstances, the greatest demonstration of power can be unleashed. As the Beatitudes teach, the first shall be the last and the last shall be first, revealing divine wisdom in the midst of apparent weakness. Blessed are those who are pure as they shall see God and see Him in others.” - Bryan Elliott, As in Heaven
Jesus opens the door to the kingdom, and we enter His kingdom through the cross. In the words of Jesus, anyone who wants to follow Him must "deny himself, take up his cross, and follow [Him]" (Matthew 16:24, NASB). This is a process of dying to self and living a grace-filled life of sacrificial love (agape), as modeled by Jesus. The cross is meant to strip away all we were never meant to be, enabling us to become who God designed us to be.
The foundation of our faith, even amidst suffering as we take up our cross, is our belief in the absolute, unchanging nature of God’s infinite goodness and greatness, knowing that His plans for us are always and only for our good and His glory, even if they include trials for our growth. God sees us through the finished work of Jesus, as we are now the righteousness of Christ. God is not a punisher; He is our good and perfect Father! God hates sin because He knows its effects, such as disruption in our relationship with Him, loss of joy and peace, and other natural consequences. Not to mention, it opens the door to Satan. This is why we have the privilege of embracing a lifestyle of repentance, to embrace the thinking and ways of heaven. Wonderfully and beautifully, it is the love, goodness, and kindness of our heavenly Father that lead us to repentance! His arms are always open wide awaiting our return, which is part of our daily walk.
“The presence of His kingdom of righteousness convicts, not condemns, our hearts to turn back to Him, and His kindness leads us to repentance. What is repentance? Repentance means to turn from sin and to turn towards God or to return home. When we accept Jesus, by grace, our spirits are born again as entirely new creations. Repentance is not a result of the flesh but God moving in our hearts, calling us back to who we truly are as new creations. Repentance means to change the way we think, from the Greek word metanoia, which means “to have a transformed heart.” It results in a profound change of perspective, changing how we behave.” –Bryan Elliott, As in Heaven
Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes. Romans 12:2 TPT
His ways are for our good, which is why He gave us the Bible, the book from heaven that instructs us on how to live a heavenly life here on earth. Through faith, our spirits are in union with Jesus, born again, holy, and perfect. In the natural realm, our mind is still a work in progress. We do not need to be perfect and holy to approach God; His holiness and goodness continually draw us in and transform us into the image of Christ, a process of grace. His limitless and unconditional love is a magnet, continually pulling us to Him all the days of our lives. This is true at the point of salvation and continues in our journey with God as we mature and awaken to our life union with Jesus! There is no separation!
We can all draw close to him with the veil removed from our faces. And with no veil we all become like mirrors who brightly reflect the glory of the Lord Jesus. We are being transfigured into his very image as we move from one brighter level of glory to another. And this glorious transfiguration comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. –2 Corinthians 3:18, TPT
This is the journey of embracing the kingdom of God, from redemption to restoration and understanding our divine purpose. In Part 2, we will delve deeper into how we live out this kingdom reality and manifest His love, power, and glory in every sphere of influence. The kingdom changes everything! With God, you are transforming the world!
To learn more about the power of the kingdom of God and how to live out its principles in practical ways, download a FREE copy of Bryan’s new book, As in Heaven: Life in God’s Kingdom NOW at
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From Redemption to Restoration: Experiencing Kingdom Realities
In my journey, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of the kingdom of God. From the depths of personal tragedies and incredible loss to the heights of restoration and hope, the gospel of the kingdom has changed everything for me. I have experienced God’s kingdom bringing incredible redemption to me, my family, my business, and beyond. This is simply coming into agreement and alignment with His ultimate plan for all of humanity, unto the restoration of all things, which will be complete upon the return of Jesus. The mission of Jesus is now our mission: to seek and save all that was lost, encompassing people, including their relationships with God and others, the earth, the spheres and systems of the world, and all of creation. This is the good news of the gospel of the kingdom of God!
As family is the foundation of our society and His kingdom, M46 Ministries began as a family restoration ministry founded on Malachi 4:6. All that we do and who we are is founded in the power of Jesus and His ability to use our stories of extreme tragedy, loss, and redemption for our good and His glory. We are passionate about the gospel of the kingdom of God and are dedicated to expanding His kingdom through the presence and power of Jesus to transform lives, restore families, and bring heaven to earth.
Although initially designed for M46 Ministries, the following vision and mission extend beyond M46 and capture the universal call of Jesus for the body of Christ to embrace and manifest the kingdom of God on earth!
Kingdom Vision:
At M46, we envision a world where the gospel of the kingdom is fully embraced by all believers and where the church passionately equips, commissions, and sends out its people to expand the kingdom. As His kingdom grows, families are restored and strengthened, becoming the bedrock of society and God's kingdom. There is no sacred-secular divide as every aspect of our lives matters to God. We see God’s mission lived out in every sphere of society, fulfilling His will on earth as it is in heaven.
Kingdom Mission:
We are committed to shifting perspectives by embracing our kingdom identity and the limitless realm of heaven. Our mission is to equip believers to live out their divine purpose practically, joining heaven to earth and manifesting God’s kingdom in every aspect of life. Through the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, we aim to bring redemption, restoration, and the reality of God’s love to all of creation.
Beyond Salvation: Embracing the Kingdom Life in Christ
For God is satisfied to have all his fullness dwelling in Christ. And by the blood of his cross, everything in heaven and earth is brought back to himself—back to its original intent, restored to innocence again! –Colossians 1:19-20, TPT
Since we are now joined to Christ, we have been given the treasures of redemption by his blood—the total cancellation of our sins—all because of the cascading riches of his grace. –Ephesians 1:7, TPT
The kingdom of God is God's original design and ultimate plan for the world. Jesus redeemed all of creation through His sacrifice, and as believers in Jesus Christ, we are called to participate in His mission to reclaim and restore all things. Since we are now joined to Christ, we are privileged to bring the kingdom to the world, sharing God’s love with all of creation.
The gospel of salvation is just the beginning! Jesus proclaimed the gospel of the kingdom of God, the good news of our joyful God, declaring for us to repent as the kingdom of God is at hand—NOW! This is the most incredible news imaginable. It's the greatest love story of all time! A great adventure awaits every believer! By grace (divine enablement, unmerited favor, aggressive forgiveness, sin conquering power, sin dethroned), through faith alone, we have entered the kingdom of God. Jesus is the door into the kingdom, and we walk through the door of salvation. The journey begins as we make Jesus our Lord and King and surrender our lives to Him. It is a divine exchange: our life for His. We are no longer our own.
Imagine walking through the front door of your house and never leaving the entrance, not even knowing there are bedrooms, family rooms, backyards, the kitchen, and all the different areas, including a game room and incredible neighbors you get to meet in your backyard. This is the adventure of the kingdom.
So, we enter through Jesus, but we must move beyond the entryway to experience the fullness of the kingdom of God. Let's run through the front door and explore all He has prepared for us.
From Birth to Rebirth: Living as Citizens of Heaven on Earth
We are born from heaven to earth and then born again through faith in Jesus into the kingdom of God, eternally secure. In this second birth, we are made entirely new glorious creations, filled with divine purpose: to bring heaven to earth. We are now citizens of heaven on earth and members of God’s family, tasked with making the invisible kingdom visible.
“God’s kingdom is available to all. God’s kingdom does not use power to conquer people or territories but to bring freedom and life to its people. God’s kingdom is not geographical or nationalistic, as it transcends nations, denominations, social classes, and people groups. It exists within its citizens. His kingdom is not visible with outward signs of power but invisible and expands in surrendered and contrite hearts.” – Bryan Elliott, As in Heaven
As we are discipled, we mature into sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, kings and priests, ambassadors and heirs of His kingdom. Being Spirit-led, or living naturally supernatural by the power of the Holy Spirit, we practically live out God’s biblical principles, demonstrate His love, and disciple others unto great fruitfulness. Like Jesus, we are to dispense ourselves sacrificially into others out of the overflow of His grace in our lives.
In Matthew 18:13 TPT, Jesus said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." We enter the kingdom with childlike faith, filled with wonder, surrender, dependence, trust, openness, and teachability. This leads to true freedom.
When we surrender and make Jesus Lord through faith, we are also submitting to the king of heaven, King Jesus, and coming under the authority, power, provision, and protection of heaven. We are now from another world, a colony of heaven. Heaven is within. We are conduits of heaven on earth. Christ in us, the hope of glory!
Unleashing Power Through the Cross: The Beatitudes and Divine Transformation
“It is unfathomable that God would allow Himself to endure crucifixion, the most monstrous and humiliating torture known, reserved for the lowest. Yet, the cross exemplifies that even in the most seemingly powerless and gruesome circumstances, the greatest demonstration of power can be unleashed. As the Beatitudes teach, the first shall be the last and the last shall be first, revealing divine wisdom in the midst of apparent weakness. Blessed are those who are pure as they shall see God and see Him in others.” - Bryan Elliott, As in Heaven
Jesus opens the door to the kingdom, and we enter His kingdom through the cross. In the words of Jesus, anyone who wants to follow Him must "deny himself, take up his cross, and follow [Him]" (Matthew 16:24, NASB). This is a process of dying to self and living a grace-filled life of sacrificial love (agape), as modeled by Jesus. The cross is meant to strip away all we were never meant to be, enabling us to become who God designed us to be.
The foundation of our faith, even amidst suffering as we take up our cross, is our belief in the absolute, unchanging nature of God’s infinite goodness and greatness, knowing that His plans for us are always and only for our good and His glory, even if they include trials for our growth. God sees us through the finished work of Jesus, as we are now the righteousness of Christ. God is not a punisher; He is our good and perfect Father! God hates sin because He knows its effects, such as disruption in our relationship with Him, loss of joy and peace, and other natural consequences. Not to mention, it opens the door to Satan. This is why we have the privilege of embracing a lifestyle of repentance, to embrace the thinking and ways of heaven. Wonderfully and beautifully, it is the love, goodness, and kindness of our heavenly Father that lead us to repentance! His arms are always open wide awaiting our return, which is part of our daily walk.
“The presence of His kingdom of righteousness convicts, not condemns, our hearts to turn back to Him, and His kindness leads us to repentance. What is repentance? Repentance means to turn from sin and to turn towards God or to return home. When we accept Jesus, by grace, our spirits are born again as entirely new creations. Repentance is not a result of the flesh but God moving in our hearts, calling us back to who we truly are as new creations. Repentance means to change the way we think, from the Greek word metanoia, which means “to have a transformed heart.” It results in a profound change of perspective, changing how we behave.” –Bryan Elliott, As in Heaven
Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes. Romans 12:2 TPT
His ways are for our good, which is why He gave us the Bible, the book from heaven that instructs us on how to live a heavenly life here on earth. Through faith, our spirits are in union with Jesus, born again, holy, and perfect. In the natural realm, our mind is still a work in progress. We do not need to be perfect and holy to approach God; His holiness and goodness continually draw us in and transform us into the image of Christ, a process of grace. His limitless and unconditional love is a magnet, continually pulling us to Him all the days of our lives. This is true at the point of salvation and continues in our journey with God as we mature and awaken to our life union with Jesus! There is no separation!
We can all draw close to him with the veil removed from our faces. And with no veil we all become like mirrors who brightly reflect the glory of the Lord Jesus. We are being transfigured into his very image as we move from one brighter level of glory to another. And this glorious transfiguration comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. –2 Corinthians 3:18, TPT
This is the journey of embracing the kingdom of God, from redemption to restoration and understanding our divine purpose. In Part 2, we will delve deeper into how we live out this kingdom reality and manifest His love, power, and glory in every sphere of influence. The kingdom changes everything! With God, you are transforming the world!
To learn more about the power of the kingdom of God and how to live out its principles in practical ways, download a FREE copy of Bryan’s new book, As in Heaven: Life in God’s Kingdom NOW at
podcast transcript
From Redemption to Restoration: Experiencing Kingdom Realities
In my journey, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of the kingdom of God. From the depths of personal tragedies and incredible loss to the heights of restoration and hope, the gospel of the kingdom has changed everything for me. I have experienced God’s kingdom bringing incredible redemption to me, my family, my business, and beyond. This is simply coming into agreement and alignment with His ultimate plan for all of humanity, unto the restoration of all things, which will be complete upon the return of Jesus. The mission of Jesus is now our mission: to seek and save all that was lost, encompassing people, including their relationships with God and others, the earth, the spheres and systems of the world, and all of creation. This is the good news of the gospel of the kingdom of God!
As family is the foundation of our society and His kingdom, M46 Ministries began as a family restoration ministry founded on Malachi 4:6. All that we do and who we are is founded in the power of Jesus and His ability to use our stories of extreme tragedy, loss, and redemption for our good and His glory. We are passionate about the gospel of the kingdom of God and are dedicated to expanding His kingdom through the presence and power of Jesus to transform lives, restore families, and bring heaven to earth.
Although initially designed for M46 Ministries, the following vision and mission extend beyond M46 and capture the universal call of Jesus for the body of Christ to embrace and manifest the kingdom of God on earth!
Kingdom Vision:
At M46, we envision a world where the gospel of the kingdom is fully embraced by all believers and where the church passionately equips, commissions, and sends out its people to expand the kingdom. As His kingdom grows, families are restored and strengthened, becoming the bedrock of society and God's kingdom. There is no sacred-secular divide as every aspect of our lives matters to God. We see God’s mission lived out in every sphere of society, fulfilling His will on earth as it is in heaven.
Kingdom Mission:
We are committed to shifting perspectives by embracing our kingdom identity and the limitless realm of heaven. Our mission is to equip believers to live out their divine purpose practically, joining heaven to earth and manifesting God’s kingdom in every aspect of life. Through the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, we aim to bring redemption, restoration, and the reality of God’s love to all of creation.
Beyond Salvation: Embracing the Kingdom Life in Christ
For God is satisfied to have all his fullness dwelling in Christ. And by the blood of his cross, everything in heaven and earth is brought back to himself—back to its original intent, restored to innocence again! –Colossians 1:19-20, TPT
Since we are now joined to Christ, we have been given the treasures of redemption by his blood—the total cancellation of our sins—all because of the cascading riches of his grace. –Ephesians 1:7, TPT
The kingdom of God is God's original design and ultimate plan for the world. Jesus redeemed all of creation through His sacrifice, and as believers in Jesus Christ, we are called to participate in His mission to reclaim and restore all things. Since we are now joined to Christ, we are privileged to bring the kingdom to the world, sharing God’s love with all of creation.
The gospel of salvation is just the beginning! Jesus proclaimed the gospel of the kingdom of God, the good news of our joyful God, declaring for us to repent as the kingdom of God is at hand—NOW! This is the most incredible news imaginable. It's the greatest love story of all time! A great adventure awaits every believer! By grace (divine enablement, unmerited favor, aggressive forgiveness, sin conquering power, sin dethroned), through faith alone, we have entered the kingdom of God. Jesus is the door into the kingdom, and we walk through the door of salvation. The journey begins as we make Jesus our Lord and King and surrender our lives to Him. It is a divine exchange: our life for His. We are no longer our own.
Imagine walking through the front door of your house and never leaving the entrance, not even knowing there are bedrooms, family rooms, backyards, the kitchen, and all the different areas, including a game room and incredible neighbors you get to meet in your backyard. This is the adventure of the kingdom.
So, we enter through Jesus, but we must move beyond the entryway to experience the fullness of the kingdom of God. Let's run through the front door and explore all He has prepared for us.
From Birth to Rebirth: Living as Citizens of Heaven on Earth
We are born from heaven to earth and then born again through faith in Jesus into the kingdom of God, eternally secure. In this second birth, we are made entirely new glorious creations, filled with divine purpose: to bring heaven to earth. We are now citizens of heaven on earth and members of God’s family, tasked with making the invisible kingdom visible.
“God’s kingdom is available to all. God’s kingdom does not use power to conquer people or territories but to bring freedom and life to its people. God’s kingdom is not geographical or nationalistic, as it transcends nations, denominations, social classes, and people groups. It exists within its citizens. His kingdom is not visible with outward signs of power but invisible and expands in surrendered and contrite hearts.” – Bryan Elliott, As in Heaven
As we are discipled, we mature into sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, kings and priests, ambassadors and heirs of His kingdom. Being Spirit-led, or living naturally supernatural by the power of the Holy Spirit, we practically live out God’s biblical principles, demonstrate His love, and disciple others unto great fruitfulness. Like Jesus, we are to dispense ourselves sacrificially into others out of the overflow of His grace in our lives.
In Matthew 18:13 TPT, Jesus said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." We enter the kingdom with childlike faith, filled with wonder, surrender, dependence, trust, openness, and teachability. This leads to true freedom.
When we surrender and make Jesus Lord through faith, we are also submitting to the king of heaven, King Jesus, and coming under the authority, power, provision, and protection of heaven. We are now from another world, a colony of heaven. Heaven is within. We are conduits of heaven on earth. Christ in us, the hope of glory!
Unleashing Power Through the Cross: The Beatitudes and Divine Transformation
“It is unfathomable that God would allow Himself to endure crucifixion, the most monstrous and humiliating torture known, reserved for the lowest. Yet, the cross exemplifies that even in the most seemingly powerless and gruesome circumstances, the greatest demonstration of power can be unleashed. As the Beatitudes teach, the first shall be the last and the last shall be first, revealing divine wisdom in the midst of apparent weakness. Blessed are those who are pure as they shall see God and see Him in others.” - Bryan Elliott, As in Heaven
Jesus opens the door to the kingdom, and we enter His kingdom through the cross. In the words of Jesus, anyone who wants to follow Him must "deny himself, take up his cross, and follow [Him]" (Matthew 16:24, NASB). This is a process of dying to self and living a grace-filled life of sacrificial love (agape), as modeled by Jesus. The cross is meant to strip away all we were never meant to be, enabling us to become who God designed us to be.
The foundation of our faith, even amidst suffering as we take up our cross, is our belief in the absolute, unchanging nature of God’s infinite goodness and greatness, knowing that His plans for us are always and only for our good and His glory, even if they include trials for our growth. God sees us through the finished work of Jesus, as we are now the righteousness of Christ. God is not a punisher; He is our good and perfect Father! God hates sin because He knows its effects, such as disruption in our relationship with Him, loss of joy and peace, and other natural consequences. Not to mention, it opens the door to Satan. This is why we have the privilege of embracing a lifestyle of repentance, to embrace the thinking and ways of heaven. Wonderfully and beautifully, it is the love, goodness, and kindness of our heavenly Father that lead us to repentance! His arms are always open wide awaiting our return, which is part of our daily walk.
“The presence of His kingdom of righteousness convicts, not condemns, our hearts to turn back to Him, and His kindness leads us to repentance. What is repentance? Repentance means to turn from sin and to turn towards God or to return home. When we accept Jesus, by grace, our spirits are born again as entirely new creations. Repentance is not a result of the flesh but God moving in our hearts, calling us back to who we truly are as new creations. Repentance means to change the way we think, from the Greek word metanoia, which means “to have a transformed heart.” It results in a profound change of perspective, changing how we behave.” –Bryan Elliott, As in Heaven
Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes. Romans 12:2 TPT
His ways are for our good, which is why He gave us the Bible, the book from heaven that instructs us on how to live a heavenly life here on earth. Through faith, our spirits are in union with Jesus, born again, holy, and perfect. In the natural realm, our mind is still a work in progress. We do not need to be perfect and holy to approach God; His holiness and goodness continually draw us in and transform us into the image of Christ, a process of grace. His limitless and unconditional love is a magnet, continually pulling us to Him all the days of our lives. This is true at the point of salvation and continues in our journey with God as we mature and awaken to our life union with Jesus! There is no separation!
We can all draw close to him with the veil removed from our faces. And with no veil we all become like mirrors who brightly reflect the glory of the Lord Jesus. We are being transfigured into his very image as we move from one brighter level of glory to another. And this glorious transfiguration comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. –2 Corinthians 3:18, TPT
This is the journey of embracing the kingdom of God, from redemption to restoration and understanding our divine purpose. In Part 2, we will delve deeper into how we live out this kingdom reality and manifest His love, power, and glory in every sphere of influence. The kingdom changes everything! With God, you are transforming the world!
To learn more about the power of the kingdom of God and how to live out its principles in practical ways, download a FREE copy of Bryan’s new book, As in Heaven: Life in God’s Kingdom NOW at
VIDEO transcript
From Redemption to Restoration: Experiencing Kingdom Realities
In my journey, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of the kingdom of God. From the depths of personal tragedies and incredible loss to the heights of restoration and hope, the gospel of the kingdom has changed everything for me. I have experienced God’s kingdom bringing incredible redemption to me, my family, my business, and beyond. This is simply coming into agreement and alignment with His ultimate plan for all of humanity, unto the restoration of all things, which will be complete upon the return of Jesus. The mission of Jesus is now our mission: to seek and save all that was lost, encompassing people, including their relationships with God and others, the earth, the spheres and systems of the world, and all of creation. This is the good news of the gospel of the kingdom of God!
As family is the foundation of our society and His kingdom, M46 Ministries began as a family restoration ministry founded on Malachi 4:6. All that we do and who we are is founded in the power of Jesus and His ability to use our stories of extreme tragedy, loss, and redemption for our good and His glory. We are passionate about the gospel of the kingdom of God and are dedicated to expanding His kingdom through the presence and power of Jesus to transform lives, restore families, and bring heaven to earth.
Although initially designed for M46 Ministries, the following vision and mission extend beyond M46 and capture the universal call of Jesus for the body of Christ to embrace and manifest the kingdom of God on earth!
Kingdom Vision:
At M46, we envision a world where the gospel of the kingdom is fully embraced by all believers and where the church passionately equips, commissions, and sends out its people to expand the kingdom. As His kingdom grows, families are restored and strengthened, becoming the bedrock of society and God's kingdom. There is no sacred-secular divide as every aspect of our lives matters to God. We see God’s mission lived out in every sphere of society, fulfilling His will on earth as it is in heaven.
Kingdom Mission:
We are committed to shifting perspectives by embracing our kingdom identity and the limitless realm of heaven. Our mission is to equip believers to live out their divine purpose practically, joining heaven to earth and manifesting God’s kingdom in every aspect of life. Through the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, we aim to bring redemption, restoration, and the reality of God’s love to all of creation.
Beyond Salvation: Embracing the Kingdom Life in Christ
For God is satisfied to have all his fullness dwelling in Christ. And by the blood of his cross, everything in heaven and earth is brought back to himself—back to its original intent, restored to innocence again! –Colossians 1:19-20, TPT
Since we are now joined to Christ, we have been given the treasures of redemption by his blood—the total cancellation of our sins—all because of the cascading riches of his grace. –Ephesians 1:7, TPT
The kingdom of God is God's original design and ultimate plan for the world. Jesus redeemed all of creation through His sacrifice, and as believers in Jesus Christ, we are called to participate in His mission to reclaim and restore all things. Since we are now joined to Christ, we are privileged to bring the kingdom to the world, sharing God’s love with all of creation.
The gospel of salvation is just the beginning! Jesus proclaimed the gospel of the kingdom of God, the good news of our joyful God, declaring for us to repent as the kingdom of God is at hand—NOW! This is the most incredible news imaginable. It's the greatest love story of all time! A great adventure awaits every believer! By grace (divine enablement, unmerited favor, aggressive forgiveness, sin conquering power, sin dethroned), through faith alone, we have entered the kingdom of God. Jesus is the door into the kingdom, and we walk through the door of salvation. The journey begins as we make Jesus our Lord and King and surrender our lives to Him. It is a divine exchange: our life for His. We are no longer our own.
Imagine walking through the front door of your house and never leaving the entrance, not even knowing there are bedrooms, family rooms, backyards, the kitchen, and all the different areas, including a game room and incredible neighbors you get to meet in your backyard. This is the adventure of the kingdom.
So, we enter through Jesus, but we must move beyond the entryway to experience the fullness of the kingdom of God. Let's run through the front door and explore all He has prepared for us.
From Birth to Rebirth: Living as Citizens of Heaven on Earth
We are born from heaven to earth and then born again through faith in Jesus into the kingdom of God, eternally secure. In this second birth, we are made entirely new glorious creations, filled with divine purpose: to bring heaven to earth. We are now citizens of heaven on earth and members of God’s family, tasked with making the invisible kingdom visible.
“God’s kingdom is available to all. God’s kingdom does not use power to conquer people or territories but to bring freedom and life to its people. God’s kingdom is not geographical or nationalistic, as it transcends nations, denominations, social classes, and people groups. It exists within its citizens. His kingdom is not visible with outward signs of power but invisible and expands in surrendered and contrite hearts.” – Bryan Elliott, As in Heaven
As we are discipled, we mature into sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, kings and priests, ambassadors and heirs of His kingdom. Being Spirit-led, or living naturally supernatural by the power of the Holy Spirit, we practically live out God’s biblical principles, demonstrate His love, and disciple others unto great fruitfulness. Like Jesus, we are to dispense ourselves sacrificially into others out of the overflow of His grace in our lives.
In Matthew 18:13 TPT, Jesus said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." We enter the kingdom with childlike faith, filled with wonder, surrender, dependence, trust, openness, and teachability. This leads to true freedom.
When we surrender and make Jesus Lord through faith, we are also submitting to the king of heaven, King Jesus, and coming under the authority, power, provision, and protection of heaven. We are now from another world, a colony of heaven. Heaven is within. We are conduits of heaven on earth. Christ in us, the hope of glory!
Unleashing Power Through the Cross: The Beatitudes and Divine Transformation
“It is unfathomable that God would allow Himself to endure crucifixion, the most monstrous and humiliating torture known, reserved for the lowest. Yet, the cross exemplifies that even in the most seemingly powerless and gruesome circumstances, the greatest demonstration of power can be unleashed. As the Beatitudes teach, the first shall be the last and the last shall be first, revealing divine wisdom in the midst of apparent weakness. Blessed are those who are pure as they shall see God and see Him in others.” - Bryan Elliott, As in Heaven
Jesus opens the door to the kingdom, and we enter His kingdom through the cross. In the words of Jesus, anyone who wants to follow Him must "deny himself, take up his cross, and follow [Him]" (Matthew 16:24, NASB). This is a process of dying to self and living a grace-filled life of sacrificial love (agape), as modeled by Jesus. The cross is meant to strip away all we were never meant to be, enabling us to become who God designed us to be.
The foundation of our faith, even amidst suffering as we take up our cross, is our belief in the absolute, unchanging nature of God’s infinite goodness and greatness, knowing that His plans for us are always and only for our good and His glory, even if they include trials for our growth. God sees us through the finished work of Jesus, as we are now the righteousness of Christ. God is not a punisher; He is our good and perfect Father! God hates sin because He knows its effects, such as disruption in our relationship with Him, loss of joy and peace, and other natural consequences. Not to mention, it opens the door to Satan. This is why we have the privilege of embracing a lifestyle of repentance, to embrace the thinking and ways of heaven. Wonderfully and beautifully, it is the love, goodness, and kindness of our heavenly Father that lead us to repentance! His arms are always open wide awaiting our return, which is part of our daily walk.
“The presence of His kingdom of righteousness convicts, not condemns, our hearts to turn back to Him, and His kindness leads us to repentance. What is repentance? Repentance means to turn from sin and to turn towards God or to return home. When we accept Jesus, by grace, our spirits are born again as entirely new creations. Repentance is not a result of the flesh but God moving in our hearts, calling us back to who we truly are as new creations. Repentance means to change the way we think, from the Greek word metanoia, which means “to have a transformed heart.” It results in a profound change of perspective, changing how we behave.” –Bryan Elliott, As in Heaven
Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes. Romans 12:2 TPT
His ways are for our good, which is why He gave us the Bible, the book from heaven that instructs us on how to live a heavenly life here on earth. Through faith, our spirits are in union with Jesus, born again, holy, and perfect. In the natural realm, our mind is still a work in progress. We do not need to be perfect and holy to approach God; His holiness and goodness continually draw us in and transform us into the image of Christ, a process of grace. His limitless and unconditional love is a magnet, continually pulling us to Him all the days of our lives. This is true at the point of salvation and continues in our journey with God as we mature and awaken to our life union with Jesus! There is no separation!
We can all draw close to him with the veil removed from our faces. And with no veil we all become like mirrors who brightly reflect the glory of the Lord Jesus. We are being transfigured into his very image as we move from one brighter level of glory to another. And this glorious transfiguration comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. –2 Corinthians 3:18, TPT
This is the journey of embracing the kingdom of God, from redemption to restoration and understanding our divine purpose. In Part 2, we will delve deeper into how we live out this kingdom reality and manifest His love, power, and glory in every sphere of influence. The kingdom changes everything! With God, you are transforming the world!
To learn more about the power of the kingdom of God and how to live out its principles in practical ways, download a FREE copy of Bryan’s new book, As in Heaven: Life in God’s Kingdom NOW at