How to Increase Mission Giving Without Sabotaging Your Regular Offering
We all know the importance of mission giving. It's a vital part of our faith and helps to spread God's Word worldwide. However, sometimes we get so caught up in the idea of missions that we forget about how it can affect our regular offering at church. This blog post will explore some ideas that help maintain this balance between the two.

It is very common for churches to see a drop in tithes and offerings when they add the option to give to missions.
As churches focus more of their resources on sending people out into ministry, regular offerings don’t need to suffer. With so many new opportunities for mission giving – including online donations – this is an important question to consider.
We all know the importance of mission giving. It's a vital part of our faith and helps to spread God's Word worldwide. However, sometimes we get so caught up in the idea of missions that we forget about how it can affect our regular offering at church. This is why it is important to find a good balance between both offerings so that they do not negatively impact each other.
Many churches are wondering how they can continue to give generously on both ends without compromising either one or being stretched financially. This blog post will explore some ideas that help maintain this balance between the two.
1. Be transparent
The church should be transparent about its mission funds so that members of the church have a clear idea of where their contributions go. To demonstrate that you and the other church leaders are honest and responsible for how God's money is used, make a conscious effort to report budget summaries on a regular basis to demonstrate transparency and accountability.
You may also have a quarterly meeting to address the church's finances, budget, and goals.
Showing your church members that their contributions are genuinely making a difference might lead to an increase in church giving, as they will be motivated and inspired to contribute even more.
2. Discuss the difference between tithing and donations
Make sure your church members understand the difference between tithes and donations. When it comes to tithes and donations, consider a tithe as the devoted portion of every dollar you earn that you give back to God, and an offering as any amount that you give in addition to that.
This means that it's possible for someone to give more than they normally would in tithing by donating additional funds on top of their regular giving.
While tithes and offerings are different, they do have one important trait: both seek to increase your faith in God as your ultimate Provider and diminish your reliance on material goods as a means of support.
At the end of the day, tithes and offerings aren’t only about money. They are an expression of our relationship with God. What we do with our money reflects where our hearts are, which is the basic idea of tithing and donating.
"Where your wealth is, there will also be your heart." Matthew 6:21
3. Preach giving regularly
It's a great idea to preach on stewardship at different times throughout the year, not just when you're encouraging people for pledges. Hopefully, this will help to eliminate any misconceptions that may arise as a result of this being viewed as a solicitation attempt versus a lesson on generosity and sharing.
In the book of 2 Corinthians, there is a verse that reveals the right mindset to have when giving. Giving reluctantly or merely because you are ordered to is not as strong as giving willingly.
It says, ‘God loves a joyful giver.' (2 Corinthians 9:7) So, while teaching the value of giving, emphasize that it should come from the heart.
Never underestimate the power of a simple message on financial stewardship and giving to open someone's eyes to the fact that money is not something to be guilty about, but rather a resource that God wants us to spend wisely, grow, and share with others.
In this blog we explore how often a church should give an offering message.
4. Create a series of stewardship lectures
Educating your congregation on financial matters will help them to trust God's provision and therefore contribute back.
Provide support groups where individuals may discuss personal budgeting, tithing, mission giving, and saving for the future. This will enable them to budget the cost of their donation for the mission without compromising their regular offerings
As a pastor or church leader, one of the best ways to serve your congregation is by teaching them what the Bible says about stewardship and offering them chances to give back. After all, everything belongs to God, and giving back is an act of devotion.
When church members develop a biblical perspective on their responsibilities as stewards, your culture of generosity will be strengthened.
5. Set a day for “Sacrificial Giving”
Encouraging your church members to donate one week more than they have previously given is a good idea. Some people will begin to create a habit of increased giving as a result of this challenge.
6. Practice corporate giving
It's hard for people to remember to donate when it's not part of the church culture. Arrange giving days, encouraging people to help missions that rely on outside funding.
7. Utilize printed materials
Include frequent updates on the church's mission in your printed publication materials. A bulletin, a church magazine, or even brochures and mailings are examples of materials you might use.
Keeping members up to date is a good place to start when trying to get them more involved in the church.
It is possible that members are unaware of the financial operations of their church; thus, it is important to be clear about what is required and how the church would utilize donated funds to grow or meet important needs. People are more ready to donate when they know there is a need.
8. Share the impact of giving
Stories are the best way to explain the impact of vision, which motivates giving. Rejoice in what God has done in your church as a result of the generosity and kindness of the members.
Share the positive impact that giving has had on the lives of individuals and ask them to share their stories with the rest of the congregation.
You can also share stories about what your congregation has accomplished outside the church through their generous giving.
9. Simplify giving by using modern technology
Church members are more inclined to contribute if it is quick, accessible, and easy. This is greatly aided because of advances in church technology. Church members might choose to make one-time gifts, monthly donations, or contributions to designated funds all via online giving.
Furthermore, users can keep track of their donations and conveniently access information about previous contributions. Additionally, donating is now possible at any time and from anywhere.
By incorporating online giving into your website, users will be able to make donations in any amount they wish with just a click.
If you're seeking a donation page provider, you might want to consider
10. Express gratitude
You may not take the time to show your thanks on a weekly basis, but when you do, make it a memorable one. Take a moment to appreciate and honor the generosity of others.
Gratitude also has the effect of making your congregation more likely to continue supporting the church missions.
Given its central role in the gospel, missions ought to be one of the primary ministries in the church.
If you want your congregation to give more, it’s important that you communicate the importance and benefits of giving to them in an effective way. You need to make sure they understand why their generosity matters and what impact it will have on both themselves and others within the community.
If your church is launching digital giving for the first time or upgrading your technology, explore our list of tools and resources available to get your church involved in this important ministry area!
To learn more, click here.
Sign Up for Product Updates
It is very common for churches to see a drop in tithes and offerings when they add the option to give to missions.
As churches focus more of their resources on sending people out into ministry, regular offerings don’t need to suffer. With so many new opportunities for mission giving – including online donations – this is an important question to consider.
We all know the importance of mission giving. It's a vital part of our faith and helps to spread God's Word worldwide. However, sometimes we get so caught up in the idea of missions that we forget about how it can affect our regular offering at church. This is why it is important to find a good balance between both offerings so that they do not negatively impact each other.
Many churches are wondering how they can continue to give generously on both ends without compromising either one or being stretched financially. This blog post will explore some ideas that help maintain this balance between the two.
1. Be transparent
The church should be transparent about its mission funds so that members of the church have a clear idea of where their contributions go. To demonstrate that you and the other church leaders are honest and responsible for how God's money is used, make a conscious effort to report budget summaries on a regular basis to demonstrate transparency and accountability.
You may also have a quarterly meeting to address the church's finances, budget, and goals.
Showing your church members that their contributions are genuinely making a difference might lead to an increase in church giving, as they will be motivated and inspired to contribute even more.
2. Discuss the difference between tithing and donations
Make sure your church members understand the difference between tithes and donations. When it comes to tithes and donations, consider a tithe as the devoted portion of every dollar you earn that you give back to God, and an offering as any amount that you give in addition to that.
This means that it's possible for someone to give more than they normally would in tithing by donating additional funds on top of their regular giving.
While tithes and offerings are different, they do have one important trait: both seek to increase your faith in God as your ultimate Provider and diminish your reliance on material goods as a means of support.
At the end of the day, tithes and offerings aren’t only about money. They are an expression of our relationship with God. What we do with our money reflects where our hearts are, which is the basic idea of tithing and donating.
"Where your wealth is, there will also be your heart." Matthew 6:21
3. Preach giving regularly
It's a great idea to preach on stewardship at different times throughout the year, not just when you're encouraging people for pledges. Hopefully, this will help to eliminate any misconceptions that may arise as a result of this being viewed as a solicitation attempt versus a lesson on generosity and sharing.
In the book of 2 Corinthians, there is a verse that reveals the right mindset to have when giving. Giving reluctantly or merely because you are ordered to is not as strong as giving willingly.
It says, ‘God loves a joyful giver.' (2 Corinthians 9:7) So, while teaching the value of giving, emphasize that it should come from the heart.
Never underestimate the power of a simple message on financial stewardship and giving to open someone's eyes to the fact that money is not something to be guilty about, but rather a resource that God wants us to spend wisely, grow, and share with others.
In this blog we explore how often a church should give an offering message.
4. Create a series of stewardship lectures
Educating your congregation on financial matters will help them to trust God's provision and therefore contribute back.
Provide support groups where individuals may discuss personal budgeting, tithing, mission giving, and saving for the future. This will enable them to budget the cost of their donation for the mission without compromising their regular offerings
As a pastor or church leader, one of the best ways to serve your congregation is by teaching them what the Bible says about stewardship and offering them chances to give back. After all, everything belongs to God, and giving back is an act of devotion.
When church members develop a biblical perspective on their responsibilities as stewards, your culture of generosity will be strengthened.
5. Set a day for “Sacrificial Giving”
Encouraging your church members to donate one week more than they have previously given is a good idea. Some people will begin to create a habit of increased giving as a result of this challenge.
6. Practice corporate giving
It's hard for people to remember to donate when it's not part of the church culture. Arrange giving days, encouraging people to help missions that rely on outside funding.
7. Utilize printed materials
Include frequent updates on the church's mission in your printed publication materials. A bulletin, a church magazine, or even brochures and mailings are examples of materials you might use.
Keeping members up to date is a good place to start when trying to get them more involved in the church.
It is possible that members are unaware of the financial operations of their church; thus, it is important to be clear about what is required and how the church would utilize donated funds to grow or meet important needs. People are more ready to donate when they know there is a need.
8. Share the impact of giving
Stories are the best way to explain the impact of vision, which motivates giving. Rejoice in what God has done in your church as a result of the generosity and kindness of the members.
Share the positive impact that giving has had on the lives of individuals and ask them to share their stories with the rest of the congregation.
You can also share stories about what your congregation has accomplished outside the church through their generous giving.
9. Simplify giving by using modern technology
Church members are more inclined to contribute if it is quick, accessible, and easy. This is greatly aided because of advances in church technology. Church members might choose to make one-time gifts, monthly donations, or contributions to designated funds all via online giving.
Furthermore, users can keep track of their donations and conveniently access information about previous contributions. Additionally, donating is now possible at any time and from anywhere.
By incorporating online giving into your website, users will be able to make donations in any amount they wish with just a click.
If you're seeking a donation page provider, you might want to consider
10. Express gratitude
You may not take the time to show your thanks on a weekly basis, but when you do, make it a memorable one. Take a moment to appreciate and honor the generosity of others.
Gratitude also has the effect of making your congregation more likely to continue supporting the church missions.
Given its central role in the gospel, missions ought to be one of the primary ministries in the church.
If you want your congregation to give more, it’s important that you communicate the importance and benefits of giving to them in an effective way. You need to make sure they understand why their generosity matters and what impact it will have on both themselves and others within the community.
If your church is launching digital giving for the first time or upgrading your technology, explore our list of tools and resources available to get your church involved in this important ministry area!
To learn more, click here.
podcast transcript
It is very common for churches to see a drop in tithes and offerings when they add the option to give to missions.
As churches focus more of their resources on sending people out into ministry, regular offerings don’t need to suffer. With so many new opportunities for mission giving – including online donations – this is an important question to consider.
We all know the importance of mission giving. It's a vital part of our faith and helps to spread God's Word worldwide. However, sometimes we get so caught up in the idea of missions that we forget about how it can affect our regular offering at church. This is why it is important to find a good balance between both offerings so that they do not negatively impact each other.
Many churches are wondering how they can continue to give generously on both ends without compromising either one or being stretched financially. This blog post will explore some ideas that help maintain this balance between the two.
1. Be transparent
The church should be transparent about its mission funds so that members of the church have a clear idea of where their contributions go. To demonstrate that you and the other church leaders are honest and responsible for how God's money is used, make a conscious effort to report budget summaries on a regular basis to demonstrate transparency and accountability.
You may also have a quarterly meeting to address the church's finances, budget, and goals.
Showing your church members that their contributions are genuinely making a difference might lead to an increase in church giving, as they will be motivated and inspired to contribute even more.
2. Discuss the difference between tithing and donations
Make sure your church members understand the difference between tithes and donations. When it comes to tithes and donations, consider a tithe as the devoted portion of every dollar you earn that you give back to God, and an offering as any amount that you give in addition to that.
This means that it's possible for someone to give more than they normally would in tithing by donating additional funds on top of their regular giving.
While tithes and offerings are different, they do have one important trait: both seek to increase your faith in God as your ultimate Provider and diminish your reliance on material goods as a means of support.
At the end of the day, tithes and offerings aren’t only about money. They are an expression of our relationship with God. What we do with our money reflects where our hearts are, which is the basic idea of tithing and donating.
"Where your wealth is, there will also be your heart." Matthew 6:21
3. Preach giving regularly
It's a great idea to preach on stewardship at different times throughout the year, not just when you're encouraging people for pledges. Hopefully, this will help to eliminate any misconceptions that may arise as a result of this being viewed as a solicitation attempt versus a lesson on generosity and sharing.
In the book of 2 Corinthians, there is a verse that reveals the right mindset to have when giving. Giving reluctantly or merely because you are ordered to is not as strong as giving willingly.
It says, ‘God loves a joyful giver.' (2 Corinthians 9:7) So, while teaching the value of giving, emphasize that it should come from the heart.
Never underestimate the power of a simple message on financial stewardship and giving to open someone's eyes to the fact that money is not something to be guilty about, but rather a resource that God wants us to spend wisely, grow, and share with others.
In this blog we explore how often a church should give an offering message.
4. Create a series of stewardship lectures
Educating your congregation on financial matters will help them to trust God's provision and therefore contribute back.
Provide support groups where individuals may discuss personal budgeting, tithing, mission giving, and saving for the future. This will enable them to budget the cost of their donation for the mission without compromising their regular offerings
As a pastor or church leader, one of the best ways to serve your congregation is by teaching them what the Bible says about stewardship and offering them chances to give back. After all, everything belongs to God, and giving back is an act of devotion.
When church members develop a biblical perspective on their responsibilities as stewards, your culture of generosity will be strengthened.
5. Set a day for “Sacrificial Giving”
Encouraging your church members to donate one week more than they have previously given is a good idea. Some people will begin to create a habit of increased giving as a result of this challenge.
6. Practice corporate giving
It's hard for people to remember to donate when it's not part of the church culture. Arrange giving days, encouraging people to help missions that rely on outside funding.
7. Utilize printed materials
Include frequent updates on the church's mission in your printed publication materials. A bulletin, a church magazine, or even brochures and mailings are examples of materials you might use.
Keeping members up to date is a good place to start when trying to get them more involved in the church.
It is possible that members are unaware of the financial operations of their church; thus, it is important to be clear about what is required and how the church would utilize donated funds to grow or meet important needs. People are more ready to donate when they know there is a need.
8. Share the impact of giving
Stories are the best way to explain the impact of vision, which motivates giving. Rejoice in what God has done in your church as a result of the generosity and kindness of the members.
Share the positive impact that giving has had on the lives of individuals and ask them to share their stories with the rest of the congregation.
You can also share stories about what your congregation has accomplished outside the church through their generous giving.
9. Simplify giving by using modern technology
Church members are more inclined to contribute if it is quick, accessible, and easy. This is greatly aided because of advances in church technology. Church members might choose to make one-time gifts, monthly donations, or contributions to designated funds all via online giving.
Furthermore, users can keep track of their donations and conveniently access information about previous contributions. Additionally, donating is now possible at any time and from anywhere.
By incorporating online giving into your website, users will be able to make donations in any amount they wish with just a click.
If you're seeking a donation page provider, you might want to consider
10. Express gratitude
You may not take the time to show your thanks on a weekly basis, but when you do, make it a memorable one. Take a moment to appreciate and honor the generosity of others.
Gratitude also has the effect of making your congregation more likely to continue supporting the church missions.
Given its central role in the gospel, missions ought to be one of the primary ministries in the church.
If you want your congregation to give more, it’s important that you communicate the importance and benefits of giving to them in an effective way. You need to make sure they understand why their generosity matters and what impact it will have on both themselves and others within the community.
If your church is launching digital giving for the first time or upgrading your technology, explore our list of tools and resources available to get your church involved in this important ministry area!
To learn more, click here.
VIDEO transcript
It is very common for churches to see a drop in tithes and offerings when they add the option to give to missions.
As churches focus more of their resources on sending people out into ministry, regular offerings don’t need to suffer. With so many new opportunities for mission giving – including online donations – this is an important question to consider.
We all know the importance of mission giving. It's a vital part of our faith and helps to spread God's Word worldwide. However, sometimes we get so caught up in the idea of missions that we forget about how it can affect our regular offering at church. This is why it is important to find a good balance between both offerings so that they do not negatively impact each other.
Many churches are wondering how they can continue to give generously on both ends without compromising either one or being stretched financially. This blog post will explore some ideas that help maintain this balance between the two.
1. Be transparent
The church should be transparent about its mission funds so that members of the church have a clear idea of where their contributions go. To demonstrate that you and the other church leaders are honest and responsible for how God's money is used, make a conscious effort to report budget summaries on a regular basis to demonstrate transparency and accountability.
You may also have a quarterly meeting to address the church's finances, budget, and goals.
Showing your church members that their contributions are genuinely making a difference might lead to an increase in church giving, as they will be motivated and inspired to contribute even more.
2. Discuss the difference between tithing and donations
Make sure your church members understand the difference between tithes and donations. When it comes to tithes and donations, consider a tithe as the devoted portion of every dollar you earn that you give back to God, and an offering as any amount that you give in addition to that.
This means that it's possible for someone to give more than they normally would in tithing by donating additional funds on top of their regular giving.
While tithes and offerings are different, they do have one important trait: both seek to increase your faith in God as your ultimate Provider and diminish your reliance on material goods as a means of support.
At the end of the day, tithes and offerings aren’t only about money. They are an expression of our relationship with God. What we do with our money reflects where our hearts are, which is the basic idea of tithing and donating.
"Where your wealth is, there will also be your heart." Matthew 6:21
3. Preach giving regularly
It's a great idea to preach on stewardship at different times throughout the year, not just when you're encouraging people for pledges. Hopefully, this will help to eliminate any misconceptions that may arise as a result of this being viewed as a solicitation attempt versus a lesson on generosity and sharing.
In the book of 2 Corinthians, there is a verse that reveals the right mindset to have when giving. Giving reluctantly or merely because you are ordered to is not as strong as giving willingly.
It says, ‘God loves a joyful giver.' (2 Corinthians 9:7) So, while teaching the value of giving, emphasize that it should come from the heart.
Never underestimate the power of a simple message on financial stewardship and giving to open someone's eyes to the fact that money is not something to be guilty about, but rather a resource that God wants us to spend wisely, grow, and share with others.
In this blog we explore how often a church should give an offering message.
4. Create a series of stewardship lectures
Educating your congregation on financial matters will help them to trust God's provision and therefore contribute back.
Provide support groups where individuals may discuss personal budgeting, tithing, mission giving, and saving for the future. This will enable them to budget the cost of their donation for the mission without compromising their regular offerings
As a pastor or church leader, one of the best ways to serve your congregation is by teaching them what the Bible says about stewardship and offering them chances to give back. After all, everything belongs to God, and giving back is an act of devotion.
When church members develop a biblical perspective on their responsibilities as stewards, your culture of generosity will be strengthened.
5. Set a day for “Sacrificial Giving”
Encouraging your church members to donate one week more than they have previously given is a good idea. Some people will begin to create a habit of increased giving as a result of this challenge.
6. Practice corporate giving
It's hard for people to remember to donate when it's not part of the church culture. Arrange giving days, encouraging people to help missions that rely on outside funding.
7. Utilize printed materials
Include frequent updates on the church's mission in your printed publication materials. A bulletin, a church magazine, or even brochures and mailings are examples of materials you might use.
Keeping members up to date is a good place to start when trying to get them more involved in the church.
It is possible that members are unaware of the financial operations of their church; thus, it is important to be clear about what is required and how the church would utilize donated funds to grow or meet important needs. People are more ready to donate when they know there is a need.
8. Share the impact of giving
Stories are the best way to explain the impact of vision, which motivates giving. Rejoice in what God has done in your church as a result of the generosity and kindness of the members.
Share the positive impact that giving has had on the lives of individuals and ask them to share their stories with the rest of the congregation.
You can also share stories about what your congregation has accomplished outside the church through their generous giving.
9. Simplify giving by using modern technology
Church members are more inclined to contribute if it is quick, accessible, and easy. This is greatly aided because of advances in church technology. Church members might choose to make one-time gifts, monthly donations, or contributions to designated funds all via online giving.
Furthermore, users can keep track of their donations and conveniently access information about previous contributions. Additionally, donating is now possible at any time and from anywhere.
By incorporating online giving into your website, users will be able to make donations in any amount they wish with just a click.
If you're seeking a donation page provider, you might want to consider
10. Express gratitude
You may not take the time to show your thanks on a weekly basis, but when you do, make it a memorable one. Take a moment to appreciate and honor the generosity of others.
Gratitude also has the effect of making your congregation more likely to continue supporting the church missions.
Given its central role in the gospel, missions ought to be one of the primary ministries in the church.
If you want your congregation to give more, it’s important that you communicate the importance and benefits of giving to them in an effective way. You need to make sure they understand why their generosity matters and what impact it will have on both themselves and others within the community.
If your church is launching digital giving for the first time or upgrading your technology, explore our list of tools and resources available to get your church involved in this important ministry area!
To learn more, click here.