Creating A Church Overview Video (Part 1)
Churches do a good job shepherding their current flock but a bad job attracting would-be sheep into the fold. A great way to reach more first time visitors is through an overview video.

Churches do a good job shepherding their current flock but a bad job attracting would-be sheep into the fold. A great way to reach more first time visitors is through an overview video. The church overview video lands on your website and gives a big picture perspective of your church in one to two minutes. Some people call it welcome video, new here video, or what to expect video. It doesn’t matter what you call it because it still accomplishes the same thing. It gives first time visitors an idea of what your church is like and an invitation to check it out.
We’ll examine why overview videos are important, how to create one and a number of examples. You might think this doesn’t apply to you because you are a smaller church and can’t afford to create an overview video. Well keep reading because I have some particular budget cutting suggestions for you. You also might think this doesn’t apply because you are a larger church but I have some next level steps for you.
Also, if you’re looking for coaching on this topic beyond this article then visit to schedule a free consultation. I would love to help you determine the obstacles you're facing and if I’m the best person to help you overcome them.
1. Try Before You Buy
An overview video gives first timers a chance to check you out before fully committing. It gives them a chance to see what you’re like before coming to a service. If you have never been to church before, it can be a nerve racking experience. You don’t know what is gonna happen. Are these people gonna handle snakes? Are they gonna try to heal me? An overview video puts these types of questions to bed. Trying before buying also removes negative baggage. Lots of people think churches just want your money. If the overview doesn’t mention money, then it helps to remove this hurdle for people.
2. Show Don’t Tell
Another reason why an overview helps you attract people to your church is because it shows instead of tells. Let’s face it, talk is cheap. It's easy to say we love people and are a loving church. But when you show people smiling and hugging it confirms it. You might say you are normal and not weird but seeing your pastor on stage dressed as an ordinary person shows it. Another area where showing and not telling is vital is compassion. There is a high degree of skepticism against churches. You guys are just asking for my money to pad your pockets. But God has blessed us to bless others. Show whatever compassion looks like in your church. Whether that’s mission trips, soup kitchens, or clothing drives, make sure to show it.
3. Shareable Content
Most people love their churches and want to share about them to their friends and families. But most churches do a pretty crappy job at resourcing them. Usually they tell people just to go forth and spread the word. This video will help address that problem. Creating an overview video will also help you utilize your best marketing tool - word of mouth. People will want to share this video with others, which will in turn increase your first time visitors. A 1-2 minute overview video is a perfect way for your folks to share about how awesome your church is. So create a video for them and see what God does with it.
4. People Want To Watch, Not Read.
Given the option, what would you rather do, read an article or watch a video? Most people naturally opt for the latter because it is an easier way to consume content. It is less mentally taxing to hear words then read them. The visual support creates additional meaning and value to the viewer. So give people what is easy. Give them something to watch instead of something to read. Also most church websites have tons of content to read already, so watching something is a welcomed change of pace. This is a great video for your “plan a visit” webpage.
Stayed tuned for Part 2 of this article, publishing on the Tithely blog in July.
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Churches do a good job shepherding their current flock but a bad job attracting would-be sheep into the fold. A great way to reach more first time visitors is through an overview video. The church overview video lands on your website and gives a big picture perspective of your church in one to two minutes. Some people call it welcome video, new here video, or what to expect video. It doesn’t matter what you call it because it still accomplishes the same thing. It gives first time visitors an idea of what your church is like and an invitation to check it out.
We’ll examine why overview videos are important, how to create one and a number of examples. You might think this doesn’t apply to you because you are a smaller church and can’t afford to create an overview video. Well keep reading because I have some particular budget cutting suggestions for you. You also might think this doesn’t apply because you are a larger church but I have some next level steps for you.
Also, if you’re looking for coaching on this topic beyond this article then visit to schedule a free consultation. I would love to help you determine the obstacles you're facing and if I’m the best person to help you overcome them.
1. Try Before You Buy
An overview video gives first timers a chance to check you out before fully committing. It gives them a chance to see what you’re like before coming to a service. If you have never been to church before, it can be a nerve racking experience. You don’t know what is gonna happen. Are these people gonna handle snakes? Are they gonna try to heal me? An overview video puts these types of questions to bed. Trying before buying also removes negative baggage. Lots of people think churches just want your money. If the overview doesn’t mention money, then it helps to remove this hurdle for people.
2. Show Don’t Tell
Another reason why an overview helps you attract people to your church is because it shows instead of tells. Let’s face it, talk is cheap. It's easy to say we love people and are a loving church. But when you show people smiling and hugging it confirms it. You might say you are normal and not weird but seeing your pastor on stage dressed as an ordinary person shows it. Another area where showing and not telling is vital is compassion. There is a high degree of skepticism against churches. You guys are just asking for my money to pad your pockets. But God has blessed us to bless others. Show whatever compassion looks like in your church. Whether that’s mission trips, soup kitchens, or clothing drives, make sure to show it.
3. Shareable Content
Most people love their churches and want to share about them to their friends and families. But most churches do a pretty crappy job at resourcing them. Usually they tell people just to go forth and spread the word. This video will help address that problem. Creating an overview video will also help you utilize your best marketing tool - word of mouth. People will want to share this video with others, which will in turn increase your first time visitors. A 1-2 minute overview video is a perfect way for your folks to share about how awesome your church is. So create a video for them and see what God does with it.
4. People Want To Watch, Not Read.
Given the option, what would you rather do, read an article or watch a video? Most people naturally opt for the latter because it is an easier way to consume content. It is less mentally taxing to hear words then read them. The visual support creates additional meaning and value to the viewer. So give people what is easy. Give them something to watch instead of something to read. Also most church websites have tons of content to read already, so watching something is a welcomed change of pace. This is a great video for your “plan a visit” webpage.
Stayed tuned for Part 2 of this article, publishing on the Tithely blog in July.
podcast transcript
Churches do a good job shepherding their current flock but a bad job attracting would-be sheep into the fold. A great way to reach more first time visitors is through an overview video. The church overview video lands on your website and gives a big picture perspective of your church in one to two minutes. Some people call it welcome video, new here video, or what to expect video. It doesn’t matter what you call it because it still accomplishes the same thing. It gives first time visitors an idea of what your church is like and an invitation to check it out.
We’ll examine why overview videos are important, how to create one and a number of examples. You might think this doesn’t apply to you because you are a smaller church and can’t afford to create an overview video. Well keep reading because I have some particular budget cutting suggestions for you. You also might think this doesn’t apply because you are a larger church but I have some next level steps for you.
Also, if you’re looking for coaching on this topic beyond this article then visit to schedule a free consultation. I would love to help you determine the obstacles you're facing and if I’m the best person to help you overcome them.
1. Try Before You Buy
An overview video gives first timers a chance to check you out before fully committing. It gives them a chance to see what you’re like before coming to a service. If you have never been to church before, it can be a nerve racking experience. You don’t know what is gonna happen. Are these people gonna handle snakes? Are they gonna try to heal me? An overview video puts these types of questions to bed. Trying before buying also removes negative baggage. Lots of people think churches just want your money. If the overview doesn’t mention money, then it helps to remove this hurdle for people.
2. Show Don’t Tell
Another reason why an overview helps you attract people to your church is because it shows instead of tells. Let’s face it, talk is cheap. It's easy to say we love people and are a loving church. But when you show people smiling and hugging it confirms it. You might say you are normal and not weird but seeing your pastor on stage dressed as an ordinary person shows it. Another area where showing and not telling is vital is compassion. There is a high degree of skepticism against churches. You guys are just asking for my money to pad your pockets. But God has blessed us to bless others. Show whatever compassion looks like in your church. Whether that’s mission trips, soup kitchens, or clothing drives, make sure to show it.
3. Shareable Content
Most people love their churches and want to share about them to their friends and families. But most churches do a pretty crappy job at resourcing them. Usually they tell people just to go forth and spread the word. This video will help address that problem. Creating an overview video will also help you utilize your best marketing tool - word of mouth. People will want to share this video with others, which will in turn increase your first time visitors. A 1-2 minute overview video is a perfect way for your folks to share about how awesome your church is. So create a video for them and see what God does with it.
4. People Want To Watch, Not Read.
Given the option, what would you rather do, read an article or watch a video? Most people naturally opt for the latter because it is an easier way to consume content. It is less mentally taxing to hear words then read them. The visual support creates additional meaning and value to the viewer. So give people what is easy. Give them something to watch instead of something to read. Also most church websites have tons of content to read already, so watching something is a welcomed change of pace. This is a great video for your “plan a visit” webpage.
Stayed tuned for Part 2 of this article, publishing on the Tithely blog in July.
VIDEO transcript
Churches do a good job shepherding their current flock but a bad job attracting would-be sheep into the fold. A great way to reach more first time visitors is through an overview video. The church overview video lands on your website and gives a big picture perspective of your church in one to two minutes. Some people call it welcome video, new here video, or what to expect video. It doesn’t matter what you call it because it still accomplishes the same thing. It gives first time visitors an idea of what your church is like and an invitation to check it out.
We’ll examine why overview videos are important, how to create one and a number of examples. You might think this doesn’t apply to you because you are a smaller church and can’t afford to create an overview video. Well keep reading because I have some particular budget cutting suggestions for you. You also might think this doesn’t apply because you are a larger church but I have some next level steps for you.
Also, if you’re looking for coaching on this topic beyond this article then visit to schedule a free consultation. I would love to help you determine the obstacles you're facing and if I’m the best person to help you overcome them.
1. Try Before You Buy
An overview video gives first timers a chance to check you out before fully committing. It gives them a chance to see what you’re like before coming to a service. If you have never been to church before, it can be a nerve racking experience. You don’t know what is gonna happen. Are these people gonna handle snakes? Are they gonna try to heal me? An overview video puts these types of questions to bed. Trying before buying also removes negative baggage. Lots of people think churches just want your money. If the overview doesn’t mention money, then it helps to remove this hurdle for people.
2. Show Don’t Tell
Another reason why an overview helps you attract people to your church is because it shows instead of tells. Let’s face it, talk is cheap. It's easy to say we love people and are a loving church. But when you show people smiling and hugging it confirms it. You might say you are normal and not weird but seeing your pastor on stage dressed as an ordinary person shows it. Another area where showing and not telling is vital is compassion. There is a high degree of skepticism against churches. You guys are just asking for my money to pad your pockets. But God has blessed us to bless others. Show whatever compassion looks like in your church. Whether that’s mission trips, soup kitchens, or clothing drives, make sure to show it.
3. Shareable Content
Most people love their churches and want to share about them to their friends and families. But most churches do a pretty crappy job at resourcing them. Usually they tell people just to go forth and spread the word. This video will help address that problem. Creating an overview video will also help you utilize your best marketing tool - word of mouth. People will want to share this video with others, which will in turn increase your first time visitors. A 1-2 minute overview video is a perfect way for your folks to share about how awesome your church is. So create a video for them and see what God does with it.
4. People Want To Watch, Not Read.
Given the option, what would you rather do, read an article or watch a video? Most people naturally opt for the latter because it is an easier way to consume content. It is less mentally taxing to hear words then read them. The visual support creates additional meaning and value to the viewer. So give people what is easy. Give them something to watch instead of something to read. Also most church websites have tons of content to read already, so watching something is a welcomed change of pace. This is a great video for your “plan a visit” webpage.
Stayed tuned for Part 2 of this article, publishing on the Tithely blog in July.