Out of Religion and Into Relationship
If you are wondering whether or not you are operating out of the spirit of religion or are being motivated by the Holy Spirit, all you need to do is examine whether the fruits of the Holy Spirit are active in your life:

Have you ever met someone you would put into the category of “religious”? It often feels like when we lean toward religion rather than God's intention for relationship, not only do we misrepresent what He's calling us into, but we miss out on a better way. Sometimes, we just need to be reminded that God is far better than we can even imagine. The question to ask yourself today is, "Do I enjoy God?" If you have ever missed the relationship for the rules, then this blog is for you.
Growing up, I only understood the gospel from the standpoint of knowledge and guilt (rather than relationship and conviction). This resulted in a form of godliness that was ultimately a counterfeit and without power. Until I truly made Jesus Lord, and then even after that, I had to really press through some ugly religious chains, and so I'm really excited about this topic.
Before I made Jesus Lord of my life, I had a high degree of self-righteousness. I was trying to be “good” in my own strength. It was exhausting because I was the problem, so I could not be the solution to myself. When I eventually submitted to Jesus’s Lordship, my religious habits didn’t just go away. I had to go through a process of replacing my man-generated, legalistic attempts at righteousness for true relationship and obedience out of love.
Who Is God?
When you give your life to the Lord and begin the process of surrender, the Lord begins to open your eyes to truly see the bondage of the spirit of religion. It can be difficult to adjust to receiving God’s mercy and grace through faith when you are used to trying to earn it through works. Mercy is God holding back what we deserve. Grace is getting what we don't deserve. God’s mercy and grace, extended through Jesus’s work on the cross and received through faith alone, separates us from our strength so none of us can boast.
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)
We can't add to the power of Jesus’s blood. The spirit of religion and legalism attempt to add to the cross, as though His sacrifice were not enough. It’s easy to fall into this mode of thinking. It is easier to find our identity in our behavior rather than the reality of being a child of God, bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus. The spirit of religion says we are made right with God from the outside in. However, the Holy Spirit does His transformative work within us from the inside out through daily relationship. As He changes our hearts, our behavior follows suit.
The Holy Spirit vs. The Spirit of Religion
William Booth, founder of The Salvation Army, famously said: "The chief danger of the 20th century will be religion without the Holy Spirit, Christianity without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, and heaven without hell."
When we accept Jesus, we get to receive the Holy Spirit. It’s by the power of the Holy Spirit working within us that transformation occurs. He's the Spirit of truth. He's our comforter. He's a person. The Holy Spirit is totally counter to the spirit of religion. He breaks the bonds of sin and death. The spirit of religion traps us in an endless cycle of performance, shame, and guilt.
If you are wondering whether or not you are operating out of the spirit of religion or are being motivated by the Holy Spirit, all you need to do is examine whether the fruits of the Holy Spirit (see Galatians 5:22-23) are active in your life:
- Are you loving?
- Are you joyful?
- Are you filled with peace?
- Are you long-suffering?
- Are you kind?
- Are you good?
- Are you faithful?
- Are you gentle?
- Are you self-controlled?
These characteristics are the byproduct of spending time with God, His Word, and His people. They display that you are no longer living under the law. You are living free and whole as a child of God.
If you want a vibrant, transformative relationship with God:
- Invite the Holy Spirit in.
- Ask Him to reveal any area of your life that is submitted to the spirit of religion.
- When He reveals any pattern of legalism or self-righteousness, repent and turn back to the Father.
As Booth declared, “...Religion without the Holy Spirit, Christianity without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, and heaven without hell” is a tragic, empty, vain theology that leads to death. Don’t give up the freedom Jesus died to give you. Embrace His regenerative, inside-out power.
“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:36)
Inspiration for this blog comes from Bryan’s new book, More Than Gold: Reflections on Living in Glorious Freedom. For more on this subject, check out this episode of the M46 Podcast.
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Have you ever met someone you would put into the category of “religious”? It often feels like when we lean toward religion rather than God's intention for relationship, not only do we misrepresent what He's calling us into, but we miss out on a better way. Sometimes, we just need to be reminded that God is far better than we can even imagine. The question to ask yourself today is, "Do I enjoy God?" If you have ever missed the relationship for the rules, then this blog is for you.
Growing up, I only understood the gospel from the standpoint of knowledge and guilt (rather than relationship and conviction). This resulted in a form of godliness that was ultimately a counterfeit and without power. Until I truly made Jesus Lord, and then even after that, I had to really press through some ugly religious chains, and so I'm really excited about this topic.
Before I made Jesus Lord of my life, I had a high degree of self-righteousness. I was trying to be “good” in my own strength. It was exhausting because I was the problem, so I could not be the solution to myself. When I eventually submitted to Jesus’s Lordship, my religious habits didn’t just go away. I had to go through a process of replacing my man-generated, legalistic attempts at righteousness for true relationship and obedience out of love.
Who Is God?
When you give your life to the Lord and begin the process of surrender, the Lord begins to open your eyes to truly see the bondage of the spirit of religion. It can be difficult to adjust to receiving God’s mercy and grace through faith when you are used to trying to earn it through works. Mercy is God holding back what we deserve. Grace is getting what we don't deserve. God’s mercy and grace, extended through Jesus’s work on the cross and received through faith alone, separates us from our strength so none of us can boast.
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)
We can't add to the power of Jesus’s blood. The spirit of religion and legalism attempt to add to the cross, as though His sacrifice were not enough. It’s easy to fall into this mode of thinking. It is easier to find our identity in our behavior rather than the reality of being a child of God, bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus. The spirit of religion says we are made right with God from the outside in. However, the Holy Spirit does His transformative work within us from the inside out through daily relationship. As He changes our hearts, our behavior follows suit.
The Holy Spirit vs. The Spirit of Religion
William Booth, founder of The Salvation Army, famously said: "The chief danger of the 20th century will be religion without the Holy Spirit, Christianity without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, and heaven without hell."
When we accept Jesus, we get to receive the Holy Spirit. It’s by the power of the Holy Spirit working within us that transformation occurs. He's the Spirit of truth. He's our comforter. He's a person. The Holy Spirit is totally counter to the spirit of religion. He breaks the bonds of sin and death. The spirit of religion traps us in an endless cycle of performance, shame, and guilt.
If you are wondering whether or not you are operating out of the spirit of religion or are being motivated by the Holy Spirit, all you need to do is examine whether the fruits of the Holy Spirit (see Galatians 5:22-23) are active in your life:
- Are you loving?
- Are you joyful?
- Are you filled with peace?
- Are you long-suffering?
- Are you kind?
- Are you good?
- Are you faithful?
- Are you gentle?
- Are you self-controlled?
These characteristics are the byproduct of spending time with God, His Word, and His people. They display that you are no longer living under the law. You are living free and whole as a child of God.
If you want a vibrant, transformative relationship with God:
- Invite the Holy Spirit in.
- Ask Him to reveal any area of your life that is submitted to the spirit of religion.
- When He reveals any pattern of legalism or self-righteousness, repent and turn back to the Father.
As Booth declared, “...Religion without the Holy Spirit, Christianity without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, and heaven without hell” is a tragic, empty, vain theology that leads to death. Don’t give up the freedom Jesus died to give you. Embrace His regenerative, inside-out power.
“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:36)
Inspiration for this blog comes from Bryan’s new book, More Than Gold: Reflections on Living in Glorious Freedom. For more on this subject, check out this episode of the M46 Podcast.
podcast transcript
Have you ever met someone you would put into the category of “religious”? It often feels like when we lean toward religion rather than God's intention for relationship, not only do we misrepresent what He's calling us into, but we miss out on a better way. Sometimes, we just need to be reminded that God is far better than we can even imagine. The question to ask yourself today is, "Do I enjoy God?" If you have ever missed the relationship for the rules, then this blog is for you.
Growing up, I only understood the gospel from the standpoint of knowledge and guilt (rather than relationship and conviction). This resulted in a form of godliness that was ultimately a counterfeit and without power. Until I truly made Jesus Lord, and then even after that, I had to really press through some ugly religious chains, and so I'm really excited about this topic.
Before I made Jesus Lord of my life, I had a high degree of self-righteousness. I was trying to be “good” in my own strength. It was exhausting because I was the problem, so I could not be the solution to myself. When I eventually submitted to Jesus’s Lordship, my religious habits didn’t just go away. I had to go through a process of replacing my man-generated, legalistic attempts at righteousness for true relationship and obedience out of love.
Who Is God?
When you give your life to the Lord and begin the process of surrender, the Lord begins to open your eyes to truly see the bondage of the spirit of religion. It can be difficult to adjust to receiving God’s mercy and grace through faith when you are used to trying to earn it through works. Mercy is God holding back what we deserve. Grace is getting what we don't deserve. God’s mercy and grace, extended through Jesus’s work on the cross and received through faith alone, separates us from our strength so none of us can boast.
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)
We can't add to the power of Jesus’s blood. The spirit of religion and legalism attempt to add to the cross, as though His sacrifice were not enough. It’s easy to fall into this mode of thinking. It is easier to find our identity in our behavior rather than the reality of being a child of God, bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus. The spirit of religion says we are made right with God from the outside in. However, the Holy Spirit does His transformative work within us from the inside out through daily relationship. As He changes our hearts, our behavior follows suit.
The Holy Spirit vs. The Spirit of Religion
William Booth, founder of The Salvation Army, famously said: "The chief danger of the 20th century will be religion without the Holy Spirit, Christianity without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, and heaven without hell."
When we accept Jesus, we get to receive the Holy Spirit. It’s by the power of the Holy Spirit working within us that transformation occurs. He's the Spirit of truth. He's our comforter. He's a person. The Holy Spirit is totally counter to the spirit of religion. He breaks the bonds of sin and death. The spirit of religion traps us in an endless cycle of performance, shame, and guilt.
If you are wondering whether or not you are operating out of the spirit of religion or are being motivated by the Holy Spirit, all you need to do is examine whether the fruits of the Holy Spirit (see Galatians 5:22-23) are active in your life:
- Are you loving?
- Are you joyful?
- Are you filled with peace?
- Are you long-suffering?
- Are you kind?
- Are you good?
- Are you faithful?
- Are you gentle?
- Are you self-controlled?
These characteristics are the byproduct of spending time with God, His Word, and His people. They display that you are no longer living under the law. You are living free and whole as a child of God.
If you want a vibrant, transformative relationship with God:
- Invite the Holy Spirit in.
- Ask Him to reveal any area of your life that is submitted to the spirit of religion.
- When He reveals any pattern of legalism or self-righteousness, repent and turn back to the Father.
As Booth declared, “...Religion without the Holy Spirit, Christianity without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, and heaven without hell” is a tragic, empty, vain theology that leads to death. Don’t give up the freedom Jesus died to give you. Embrace His regenerative, inside-out power.
“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:36)
Inspiration for this blog comes from Bryan’s new book, More Than Gold: Reflections on Living in Glorious Freedom. For more on this subject, check out this episode of the M46 Podcast.
VIDEO transcript
Have you ever met someone you would put into the category of “religious”? It often feels like when we lean toward religion rather than God's intention for relationship, not only do we misrepresent what He's calling us into, but we miss out on a better way. Sometimes, we just need to be reminded that God is far better than we can even imagine. The question to ask yourself today is, "Do I enjoy God?" If you have ever missed the relationship for the rules, then this blog is for you.
Growing up, I only understood the gospel from the standpoint of knowledge and guilt (rather than relationship and conviction). This resulted in a form of godliness that was ultimately a counterfeit and without power. Until I truly made Jesus Lord, and then even after that, I had to really press through some ugly religious chains, and so I'm really excited about this topic.
Before I made Jesus Lord of my life, I had a high degree of self-righteousness. I was trying to be “good” in my own strength. It was exhausting because I was the problem, so I could not be the solution to myself. When I eventually submitted to Jesus’s Lordship, my religious habits didn’t just go away. I had to go through a process of replacing my man-generated, legalistic attempts at righteousness for true relationship and obedience out of love.
Who Is God?
When you give your life to the Lord and begin the process of surrender, the Lord begins to open your eyes to truly see the bondage of the spirit of religion. It can be difficult to adjust to receiving God’s mercy and grace through faith when you are used to trying to earn it through works. Mercy is God holding back what we deserve. Grace is getting what we don't deserve. God’s mercy and grace, extended through Jesus’s work on the cross and received through faith alone, separates us from our strength so none of us can boast.
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)
We can't add to the power of Jesus’s blood. The spirit of religion and legalism attempt to add to the cross, as though His sacrifice were not enough. It’s easy to fall into this mode of thinking. It is easier to find our identity in our behavior rather than the reality of being a child of God, bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus. The spirit of religion says we are made right with God from the outside in. However, the Holy Spirit does His transformative work within us from the inside out through daily relationship. As He changes our hearts, our behavior follows suit.
The Holy Spirit vs. The Spirit of Religion
William Booth, founder of The Salvation Army, famously said: "The chief danger of the 20th century will be religion without the Holy Spirit, Christianity without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, and heaven without hell."
When we accept Jesus, we get to receive the Holy Spirit. It’s by the power of the Holy Spirit working within us that transformation occurs. He's the Spirit of truth. He's our comforter. He's a person. The Holy Spirit is totally counter to the spirit of religion. He breaks the bonds of sin and death. The spirit of religion traps us in an endless cycle of performance, shame, and guilt.
If you are wondering whether or not you are operating out of the spirit of religion or are being motivated by the Holy Spirit, all you need to do is examine whether the fruits of the Holy Spirit (see Galatians 5:22-23) are active in your life:
- Are you loving?
- Are you joyful?
- Are you filled with peace?
- Are you long-suffering?
- Are you kind?
- Are you good?
- Are you faithful?
- Are you gentle?
- Are you self-controlled?
These characteristics are the byproduct of spending time with God, His Word, and His people. They display that you are no longer living under the law. You are living free and whole as a child of God.
If you want a vibrant, transformative relationship with God:
- Invite the Holy Spirit in.
- Ask Him to reveal any area of your life that is submitted to the spirit of religion.
- When He reveals any pattern of legalism or self-righteousness, repent and turn back to the Father.
As Booth declared, “...Religion without the Holy Spirit, Christianity without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, and heaven without hell” is a tragic, empty, vain theology that leads to death. Don’t give up the freedom Jesus died to give you. Embrace His regenerative, inside-out power.
“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:36)
Inspiration for this blog comes from Bryan’s new book, More Than Gold: Reflections on Living in Glorious Freedom. For more on this subject, check out this episode of the M46 Podcast.