NEW: Giving Pledge Campaign Tool
We know you've had countless moments that a pledge campaign tool would totally change your ability to fundraise. Well, here it is! You can thank us after you reach your goal.

Giving Pledge Campaign Now Released
Now released is the Giving Pledge Campaign Tool, and all-in-one resource to track budgets, pledge dollar amounts, raise funds, and more!
Making A Pledge
Check out the new Pledge Campaign Video.
Your church might be using Pledge Campaigns to raise money for different types of goals, like the purchase of a new building or the annual budget, and that can make the pledge tool so important to any ministry! The first step in contributing to a campaign is making a pledge. Follow the steps below to learn how!
1. Enter Total Pledge Amount. The pledge amount is the total amount that you are pledging so all of the other figures will adjust, based on your settings, to total this number.

2. Select Your Donation Frequency. While this step's default is no selection, a selection is required in order to continue.

You have 4 frequencies to choose from:
- Weekly
- Bi-Weekly
- Monthly
- 1st & 15th
3. Select the Amount You'd Like To Give Today. Here, you have the option to customize your donation or wait until a later date to give by leaving your selection at $0.00.

The values that auto-generate will be based on your Total Pledge Amount, the frequency selected, and the time remaining in the campaign. For example, if your Total Pledge Amount is $12,000, is set to a Monthly donation frequency, and the pledge campaign's duration is 1 year, then your first gift would be $1,000 as $12,000 divided by 12 months is $1,000. The second value allows you to double this amount.
4. If you select Custom as the Amount You'd Like To Give Today, a new row will display below the amount selector, and you will be able to enter your Custom amount.

5. Choose dates to start and end your pledge. You can select any dates you'd like, as long as they fall between the pledge campaign's start and end date.

6. Your Pledge Plan. These figures will update a Pledge Plan at the bottom of the page in real-time as you fill in your pledge details. This Pledge Plan helps to ensure that the resulting Pledge is clear to the Pledger.

7. Click the Create My Pledge button. If all details are entered, you will be able to set up your first donation!

Customizing Your Campaign Webpage and Embed
A campaign webpage is essential to a successful pledge campaign. This is the page a donor is taken to when linked from social media posts, QR Codes, or any other source. We make it easy for you to customize both your webpage and embed. The steps below show you how!
After you've chosen Pledge Campaigns from the Giving menu on the left, click on the campaign whose webpage and embed you'd like to customize. Next, click on Webpage. This area of Pledge Campaigns allows you to manage how the campaign is shared and displayed.
The Webpage Display section allows you to customize what content is shown on the campaign webpage. You are able to toggle different elements ON and OFF in order to customize what is displayed.

These customizable settings are explained in more detail below:
- The Featured Video can be hidden altogether or can be shown as a thumbnail in the upper left-hand corner of the page.

The Campaign Thumbnail can be displayed in place of the Featured Video by toggling the Featured Video OFF and toggling the Campaign Thumbnail ON. Also, if no video is set, but the Featured Video is toggled ON, a thumbnail will be displayed in place of a video.

The Campaign Banner (image on the left) is displayed behind the Featured Video or Thumbnail (whichever has been toggled ON) as well as behind the white details box on the right. There are two instances where the banner will be hidden (image on the right). One, if you toggle it OFF, and two, if you have chosen to display a Thumbnail given that the Banner and Thumbnail are the same images.

The Give A One Time Donation button, if toggled ON, will cause a "Give a One Time Donation" button to be shown below the "Make A Pledge" button. If pressed, the one time donation button will open the Giving form as opposed to the Pledge Form since the donor has opted to make a donation instead of a pledge. The Giving form will, however, automatically select the fund for the campaign.

The Full Description is simply the heading and body of the description.

The last customizable setting is the Share Option that can be toggled OFF so that no share options show at all.

Or you can customize the Social Sharing section by toggling ON and OFF which individual types of sharing you'd like to be supported.

Click the Save button to save your customized settings.

You can also customize the styling of the webpage and embed by selecting different fonts and colors to use. To do this, click Details.

Lastly, scroll to the bottom of the Details section, where you will find the Styles section. From here you can select a font, as well as the primary and secondary color to use.

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Giving Pledge Campaign Now Released
Now released is the Giving Pledge Campaign Tool, and all-in-one resource to track budgets, pledge dollar amounts, raise funds, and more!
Making A Pledge
Check out the new Pledge Campaign Video.
Your church might be using Pledge Campaigns to raise money for different types of goals, like the purchase of a new building or the annual budget, and that can make the pledge tool so important to any ministry! The first step in contributing to a campaign is making a pledge. Follow the steps below to learn how!
1. Enter Total Pledge Amount. The pledge amount is the total amount that you are pledging so all of the other figures will adjust, based on your settings, to total this number.

2. Select Your Donation Frequency. While this step's default is no selection, a selection is required in order to continue.

You have 4 frequencies to choose from:
- Weekly
- Bi-Weekly
- Monthly
- 1st & 15th
3. Select the Amount You'd Like To Give Today. Here, you have the option to customize your donation or wait until a later date to give by leaving your selection at $0.00.

The values that auto-generate will be based on your Total Pledge Amount, the frequency selected, and the time remaining in the campaign. For example, if your Total Pledge Amount is $12,000, is set to a Monthly donation frequency, and the pledge campaign's duration is 1 year, then your first gift would be $1,000 as $12,000 divided by 12 months is $1,000. The second value allows you to double this amount.
4. If you select Custom as the Amount You'd Like To Give Today, a new row will display below the amount selector, and you will be able to enter your Custom amount.

5. Choose dates to start and end your pledge. You can select any dates you'd like, as long as they fall between the pledge campaign's start and end date.

6. Your Pledge Plan. These figures will update a Pledge Plan at the bottom of the page in real-time as you fill in your pledge details. This Pledge Plan helps to ensure that the resulting Pledge is clear to the Pledger.

7. Click the Create My Pledge button. If all details are entered, you will be able to set up your first donation!

Customizing Your Campaign Webpage and Embed
A campaign webpage is essential to a successful pledge campaign. This is the page a donor is taken to when linked from social media posts, QR Codes, or any other source. We make it easy for you to customize both your webpage and embed. The steps below show you how!
After you've chosen Pledge Campaigns from the Giving menu on the left, click on the campaign whose webpage and embed you'd like to customize. Next, click on Webpage. This area of Pledge Campaigns allows you to manage how the campaign is shared and displayed.
The Webpage Display section allows you to customize what content is shown on the campaign webpage. You are able to toggle different elements ON and OFF in order to customize what is displayed.

These customizable settings are explained in more detail below:
- The Featured Video can be hidden altogether or can be shown as a thumbnail in the upper left-hand corner of the page.

The Campaign Thumbnail can be displayed in place of the Featured Video by toggling the Featured Video OFF and toggling the Campaign Thumbnail ON. Also, if no video is set, but the Featured Video is toggled ON, a thumbnail will be displayed in place of a video.

The Campaign Banner (image on the left) is displayed behind the Featured Video or Thumbnail (whichever has been toggled ON) as well as behind the white details box on the right. There are two instances where the banner will be hidden (image on the right). One, if you toggle it OFF, and two, if you have chosen to display a Thumbnail given that the Banner and Thumbnail are the same images.

The Give A One Time Donation button, if toggled ON, will cause a "Give a One Time Donation" button to be shown below the "Make A Pledge" button. If pressed, the one time donation button will open the Giving form as opposed to the Pledge Form since the donor has opted to make a donation instead of a pledge. The Giving form will, however, automatically select the fund for the campaign.

The Full Description is simply the heading and body of the description.

The last customizable setting is the Share Option that can be toggled OFF so that no share options show at all.

Or you can customize the Social Sharing section by toggling ON and OFF which individual types of sharing you'd like to be supported.

Click the Save button to save your customized settings.

You can also customize the styling of the webpage and embed by selecting different fonts and colors to use. To do this, click Details.

Lastly, scroll to the bottom of the Details section, where you will find the Styles section. From here you can select a font, as well as the primary and secondary color to use.

podcast transcript
Giving Pledge Campaign Now Released
Now released is the Giving Pledge Campaign Tool, and all-in-one resource to track budgets, pledge dollar amounts, raise funds, and more!
Making A Pledge
Check out the new Pledge Campaign Video.
Your church might be using Pledge Campaigns to raise money for different types of goals, like the purchase of a new building or the annual budget, and that can make the pledge tool so important to any ministry! The first step in contributing to a campaign is making a pledge. Follow the steps below to learn how!
1. Enter Total Pledge Amount. The pledge amount is the total amount that you are pledging so all of the other figures will adjust, based on your settings, to total this number.

2. Select Your Donation Frequency. While this step's default is no selection, a selection is required in order to continue.

You have 4 frequencies to choose from:
- Weekly
- Bi-Weekly
- Monthly
- 1st & 15th
3. Select the Amount You'd Like To Give Today. Here, you have the option to customize your donation or wait until a later date to give by leaving your selection at $0.00.

The values that auto-generate will be based on your Total Pledge Amount, the frequency selected, and the time remaining in the campaign. For example, if your Total Pledge Amount is $12,000, is set to a Monthly donation frequency, and the pledge campaign's duration is 1 year, then your first gift would be $1,000 as $12,000 divided by 12 months is $1,000. The second value allows you to double this amount.
4. If you select Custom as the Amount You'd Like To Give Today, a new row will display below the amount selector, and you will be able to enter your Custom amount.

5. Choose dates to start and end your pledge. You can select any dates you'd like, as long as they fall between the pledge campaign's start and end date.

6. Your Pledge Plan. These figures will update a Pledge Plan at the bottom of the page in real-time as you fill in your pledge details. This Pledge Plan helps to ensure that the resulting Pledge is clear to the Pledger.

7. Click the Create My Pledge button. If all details are entered, you will be able to set up your first donation!

Customizing Your Campaign Webpage and Embed
A campaign webpage is essential to a successful pledge campaign. This is the page a donor is taken to when linked from social media posts, QR Codes, or any other source. We make it easy for you to customize both your webpage and embed. The steps below show you how!
After you've chosen Pledge Campaigns from the Giving menu on the left, click on the campaign whose webpage and embed you'd like to customize. Next, click on Webpage. This area of Pledge Campaigns allows you to manage how the campaign is shared and displayed.
The Webpage Display section allows you to customize what content is shown on the campaign webpage. You are able to toggle different elements ON and OFF in order to customize what is displayed.

These customizable settings are explained in more detail below:
- The Featured Video can be hidden altogether or can be shown as a thumbnail in the upper left-hand corner of the page.

The Campaign Thumbnail can be displayed in place of the Featured Video by toggling the Featured Video OFF and toggling the Campaign Thumbnail ON. Also, if no video is set, but the Featured Video is toggled ON, a thumbnail will be displayed in place of a video.

The Campaign Banner (image on the left) is displayed behind the Featured Video or Thumbnail (whichever has been toggled ON) as well as behind the white details box on the right. There are two instances where the banner will be hidden (image on the right). One, if you toggle it OFF, and two, if you have chosen to display a Thumbnail given that the Banner and Thumbnail are the same images.

The Give A One Time Donation button, if toggled ON, will cause a "Give a One Time Donation" button to be shown below the "Make A Pledge" button. If pressed, the one time donation button will open the Giving form as opposed to the Pledge Form since the donor has opted to make a donation instead of a pledge. The Giving form will, however, automatically select the fund for the campaign.

The Full Description is simply the heading and body of the description.

The last customizable setting is the Share Option that can be toggled OFF so that no share options show at all.

Or you can customize the Social Sharing section by toggling ON and OFF which individual types of sharing you'd like to be supported.

Click the Save button to save your customized settings.

You can also customize the styling of the webpage and embed by selecting different fonts and colors to use. To do this, click Details.

Lastly, scroll to the bottom of the Details section, where you will find the Styles section. From here you can select a font, as well as the primary and secondary color to use.

VIDEO transcript
Giving Pledge Campaign Now Released
Now released is the Giving Pledge Campaign Tool, and all-in-one resource to track budgets, pledge dollar amounts, raise funds, and more!
Making A Pledge
Check out the new Pledge Campaign Video.
Your church might be using Pledge Campaigns to raise money for different types of goals, like the purchase of a new building or the annual budget, and that can make the pledge tool so important to any ministry! The first step in contributing to a campaign is making a pledge. Follow the steps below to learn how!
1. Enter Total Pledge Amount. The pledge amount is the total amount that you are pledging so all of the other figures will adjust, based on your settings, to total this number.

2. Select Your Donation Frequency. While this step's default is no selection, a selection is required in order to continue.

You have 4 frequencies to choose from:
- Weekly
- Bi-Weekly
- Monthly
- 1st & 15th
3. Select the Amount You'd Like To Give Today. Here, you have the option to customize your donation or wait until a later date to give by leaving your selection at $0.00.

The values that auto-generate will be based on your Total Pledge Amount, the frequency selected, and the time remaining in the campaign. For example, if your Total Pledge Amount is $12,000, is set to a Monthly donation frequency, and the pledge campaign's duration is 1 year, then your first gift would be $1,000 as $12,000 divided by 12 months is $1,000. The second value allows you to double this amount.
4. If you select Custom as the Amount You'd Like To Give Today, a new row will display below the amount selector, and you will be able to enter your Custom amount.

5. Choose dates to start and end your pledge. You can select any dates you'd like, as long as they fall between the pledge campaign's start and end date.

6. Your Pledge Plan. These figures will update a Pledge Plan at the bottom of the page in real-time as you fill in your pledge details. This Pledge Plan helps to ensure that the resulting Pledge is clear to the Pledger.

7. Click the Create My Pledge button. If all details are entered, you will be able to set up your first donation!

Customizing Your Campaign Webpage and Embed
A campaign webpage is essential to a successful pledge campaign. This is the page a donor is taken to when linked from social media posts, QR Codes, or any other source. We make it easy for you to customize both your webpage and embed. The steps below show you how!
After you've chosen Pledge Campaigns from the Giving menu on the left, click on the campaign whose webpage and embed you'd like to customize. Next, click on Webpage. This area of Pledge Campaigns allows you to manage how the campaign is shared and displayed.
The Webpage Display section allows you to customize what content is shown on the campaign webpage. You are able to toggle different elements ON and OFF in order to customize what is displayed.

These customizable settings are explained in more detail below:
- The Featured Video can be hidden altogether or can be shown as a thumbnail in the upper left-hand corner of the page.

The Campaign Thumbnail can be displayed in place of the Featured Video by toggling the Featured Video OFF and toggling the Campaign Thumbnail ON. Also, if no video is set, but the Featured Video is toggled ON, a thumbnail will be displayed in place of a video.

The Campaign Banner (image on the left) is displayed behind the Featured Video or Thumbnail (whichever has been toggled ON) as well as behind the white details box on the right. There are two instances where the banner will be hidden (image on the right). One, if you toggle it OFF, and two, if you have chosen to display a Thumbnail given that the Banner and Thumbnail are the same images.

The Give A One Time Donation button, if toggled ON, will cause a "Give a One Time Donation" button to be shown below the "Make A Pledge" button. If pressed, the one time donation button will open the Giving form as opposed to the Pledge Form since the donor has opted to make a donation instead of a pledge. The Giving form will, however, automatically select the fund for the campaign.

The Full Description is simply the heading and body of the description.

The last customizable setting is the Share Option that can be toggled OFF so that no share options show at all.

Or you can customize the Social Sharing section by toggling ON and OFF which individual types of sharing you'd like to be supported.

Click the Save button to save your customized settings.

You can also customize the styling of the webpage and embed by selecting different fonts and colors to use. To do this, click Details.

Lastly, scroll to the bottom of the Details section, where you will find the Styles section. From here you can select a font, as well as the primary and secondary color to use.