ChMS Elvanto | Added Categories for Form Management
Updated Form Management in Elvanto.

Tired of scrolling through a long list of forms to find the right one? We got you covered.
Now, you are able to organize your forms by category! This update makes form management even easier.
Have questions? Check out this article.
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Tired of scrolling through a long list of forms to find the right one? We got you covered.
Now, you are able to organize your forms by category! This update makes form management even easier.
Have questions? Check out this article.
podcast transcript

Tired of scrolling through a long list of forms to find the right one? We got you covered.
Now, you are able to organize your forms by category! This update makes form management even easier.
Have questions? Check out this article.
VIDEO transcript

Tired of scrolling through a long list of forms to find the right one? We got you covered.
Now, you are able to organize your forms by category! This update makes form management even easier.
Have questions? Check out this article.