Increase giving and grow your church with Tithely

An official partner with
Church Growth Service

No credit card required. Cancel anytime.

Digital giving apps and tools

Exclusive Benefits for Church Growth Service churches

Reduced Rates

Affordable Rates

Significant savings from retail processing fees

Technology Partner

The world's best digital giving solution plus technology to support your church.

Training and Support

Get personalized training and top-notch support

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Tools to help manage your church and engage your members

Tithely is more than just a giving platform. Our solutions also help you engage with your church online and offline, stay connected with your community, and simplify the lives of your staff with best in class administrative tools..

Special Discounted Pricing for Church Growth Service churches

No credit card required. Cancel anytime.

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Church Giving


2.9% + 30¢ per transaction* ACH/eCheck: 1% + 30¢ | AMEX: 3.5% + 30¢
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All Access


$0 Setup Fee
No Setup Fees!

Our mission is to grow giving and engagement in the local church

In addition to reading the great Tithely reviews below, watch these success stories from churches who have grown giving and engagement by using Tithely products.

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