TITHE.LY preffered Partner

Focus Missions

Grow Your Church or Ministry with Focus Missions and Tithe.ly

Let’s face it, mission trips have a lot of moving parts. We take the legwork and guesswork out of it, which makes everybody’s life easier. Focus Missions makes it easier for everyone to automate your mission trip management.

The Tithe.ly + Focus Missions Partnership and integration makes it easy for you to:

  • Consolidate merchant accounts. Eliminate costs and reduce admin complexity by using Tithe.ly as the processor for transactions created in Focus Missions.
  • Engage with first-time givers. Supporting a mission trip is often the first step a new giver will take. The Focus Missions + Tithe.ly integration empowers you to draw these first-time givers into deeper fellowship with your church.
  • Better tracking of missions giving. Track donations (to both trips and individuals) in Focus Mission’s admin console.
  • Streamlined reconciliation. Getting all your giving into Tithe.ly makes reconciling your bank deposits a breeze.

You can get started for free with their platform for prices starting as low as $20/mo. Learn more about Focus Missions.


Focus Missions