Elvanto +

Check out how stacks up against the rest! We're confident that the information provided below will help you as you investigate mobile platforms and digital giving.

Gifts and people are now automatically synced between the church giving platform and the Elvanto church management system (CHmS)!!!

That’s right, no more double entry, .csv exporting and importing, or managing two separate systems. Happy days for all.

Here’s how it works:

A gift/donation is made to your church via the mobile app, text-to-give, or online giving from your church’s website.That gift/donation is processed in the giving platform and automatically sent over to Elvanto.Once the gift/donation is in Elvanto it will be auto matched to existing members or, if not auto matched, the name, email and gift info will come over from creating a brand new record in Elvanto. It’s a beautiful thing!

Below is an example of where you’ll see giving transactions show up in Elvanto when initially coming from

Financial > Transactions is where you’ll find the below screen. Gifts coming in from will show the name of the individual who made the gift, amount, how it was paid, the date it was given on and what batch it’s a part of.

Important Note: It’s important to point out that if a person (eg. an existing member) is already in Elvanto the sync will match up the person based on their name and email. If the person does not already exist in Elvanto the sync will create that person for you automatically and tie the gift to their record. Brilliant!!! :)

From there, you can click on the persons name to see their full Elvanto record. If you click on the Activity tab from within a persons record you’ll see that they were created by the Elvanto API (in the below case it was a brand new person giving for the first time). You’ll also see the gift and fund designation.

There you have it. + Elvanto = Church Management Bliss for all you churches that use our systems to enhance the great work you’re doing.

Connecting Elvanto and is Simple.

1) Log in to Elvanto, hover over your name in the top right corner and click on Settings. Once there, scroll all the way to the bottom and click on the “Integrations” button located on the right side of the page.

2) On the integrations tab, click on the green “Setup Instructions” button located on the right side immediately under the big green logo.

3) When the overlay window loads up, copy the API key. It will look something like the below image.

4) Next head over to the the ChMS sync section, select “Elvanto” from the drop down, enter your Elvanto API Key, and click save. Voila, you’re done.

We hope this systems integration helps your church be more efficient and effective! And by all means, please send us your questions, feedback, and of course any encouraging comments you feel inclined to share :)

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