Check out the brand new admin giving tools.

Our administrative giving tools have always been cutting edge, so we're excited to be launching upgrades to every single giving tool we offer!
Giving app dashboard

Customize your transaction history so that you see only the data that is relevant for your church.

Along with displaying a history of all donations, the Transactions area of the new Giving Dashboard now allows you to customize what you see by creating and saving views which can be used to access relevant donation data at any time.
giving app transactions
Bank Deposits

Access details about gross raised and net deposited or dive deeper into a deposit and view all transactions.

We’re making it easier to view the information that matters most, like gross raised and net deposit amounts overall and for individual funds. And if you want a deeper look, you can even view the individual transactions for a given deposit.
admin dashboard
Recurring Giving

Manage recurring gifts to match the needs of every donor, or view the history of donations for any existing recurring gift.

One of the most powerful giving features we offer is recurring giving. With the new giving dashboard we’ve added the ability to view more details about an individual recurring gift, or to even edit the gift. And on top of that, we’ve added new ways to configure a gift by adding End Dates and the ability to Skip Dates.
recurring gifts dashboard
Tax Statements

Generate tax statements for your church, a campus or a single donor.

Customize tax statements based on date ranges and locations and print or email all tax statements at once. And in our new Giving Dashboard you can view past tax statements in seconds to easily review details or print a statement for a single donor.
admin tools tax statement screen
Fund Management

Create and customize the funds that donors can give toward.

Control how donors give toward your church by creating and customizing funds (previously known as “giving types”). In the new Giving Dashboard, you can easily archive a fund that is no longer in use to keep it hidden from your dashboard.
admin tools fund management screen

Ready to get started?

Try out our new giving tools now or reach out with questions.